Fifty Three: Analysis
It must have looked like an amazing light-show from any other point of view. With me combining both of my mana types, creating blue and green crackling energy and with Klarion throwing every mana of red at me.
He yelled vulgar insults at me. My only reply was an intense electrocution.
Large red clawed hands slammed down and I dodged to the side, rolled up and continued sprinting. I sent daggers of Emerald mana with Midnight energy crackling around it.
It came down to me having a shield in my left hand, throwing bolts of purple mana with my right. I really need to brush up on my mystic skills.
Klarion was in the exact situation. As I feared, he ws much stronger than I. Except…
“Ekoms neecrs!” I whispered. Smoke filled the area and I created a dome around us as he shot blindly. When the smoke cleared, thanks to a spell from him, I stood there with Chain in my hands.
“A battle of power is pointless. Let’s see if you can punch as good as you whine?” I challenged. He glared at me.
“I’m not stupid you-“ Let’s cut that word out, shall we? I only smiled and swung my chain around before he jumped back and created a portal.
“Coward!” I screamed as he jumped in, but not before I sent a gigantic ball of Mignight mana to follow up. The portal disappeared.
The team had finished with their own opponents and were smiling at me when I approached. “Not going to lie,” I said, cracking my knuckles. “That felt good.”
“Disaster averted,” Robin grinned, putting an arm around my shoulders. “Feeling this aster.”
“Agreed. This, has been a good day,” Aqualad smiled, before we returned to the cave. Everyone went to their respective homes. M’gann and Zatanna went to bed, whereas I found myself on the couch beside Conner.
“How are you…holding up?” He asked me. Orion curled up on my lap.
“I’m…awesome. Feel like a weight’s been lifted, you know?”
“Yeah. I know the feeling,” he replied. I looked down at Orion.
“Now my only…’confrontation’ is about my dad. Whether I try to find him or not,” I said, standing up. “Well, goodnight.”
I began walking to my room when Conner called out to me. “If I had a chance to no my dad in the way you do; I’d look for him,” he said. I smiled and nodded.
I felt some sort of evil satisfaction…or relief…or perhaps vengeance.
Red Arrow had been the traitor and worse; a Cadmus clone. The others argued against Batman and Red Tornado’s allegations, but accepted the facts eventually.
“W-What happened to the real Roy?” Robin asked.
“We don’t know. He isn’t at Cadmus. We have to face the possibility that the real Roy Harper, is dead.”
Robin looked down and I grabbed his hand in a comforting way, instantly feeling guilty for my previous feelings about ‘Roy Harper’.
“The clone Roy; the Team will find him,” Aqualad said.
“Negative; Red Arrow’s a member of the Justice League. Leave him to us.” Batman’s com beeped and he said he needed to leave.
“Tornado; stay with the kids.” He walked into the tubes.
Aqualad turned around, frowning. ‘Clone or no clone. Red Arrow was one of us. We will go after him,’ he said. Well, I’m not.
Tornado suddenly reached out to Kaldur, before freezing completely. The others went over to asses him. While they were busy fixing a malfunctioning robot, I found myself at the cave computer.
I searched Master Sergeant Isaac Fletcher and it came up with a few files. I downloaded them into my wrist computer, listening to the plan.
‘Robin, Kid, Zatanna, Rocket. See if you can get Tornado back online. Hana?’ I looked over at Aqualad. ‘Get a scan and analysis on this.’
‘I already know what it is,’ I admitted, making all eyes turn on me.
‘When Klarion had control over me, he brought me to New Orleans. There was a project that Brain, Klarion and Ivo were working on together. He…he made me use Midnight mana on it. I’m still not sure what it does, but I can work the combinations out. Give me time,’ I said, before turning towards the chip.
I worked fast as the team tried to fix Tornado. Judging from the nano biology of the actual chip that my computer and ring could pick up, and by the methods used on it, it’s a combination of alien tech, nano tech and sorcery.
“I’ve got to scan this further,” I told the team, taking it into the lab. Maybe if I have a closer look I can find out what it does.
The closer results just show an amplified image of the same thing. My thoughts are though; it was a tentacle that they were working it. Alien the may have been used on it, but the tentacle itself may be of Atlantean origin.
“Star to Aqualad?” I said into my com.
“Go ahead.”
“What was it you took to Star-labs from Atlantis?”
“The last remains of an ancient Starfish creature. What of it?” My eyes widened as I began a sec on scan, even closer this time.
“I think…that was what I had to use my po-“ I stopped instantly and turned towards the door. A canary cry sounded from down the hall.
I frowned and stuck my had out to see the team bolting to the hangar.
“Star, we’ve got to abandon the cave!” A voice yelled down the hall. My head turned back to the scanner, still in the process of analysis.
“I’ll follow in the denominator! Did you get Red back online?” I asked, sprinting to the team who were leaving for the hangar.
Wally turned around, holding Tornado. I frowned seeing Zatanna levitating Canary. “What happened exactly?”
Tornado gave me the short explanation of what the tech does; mind control. Everything put itself together in my head.
“I know what to do! I’ll follow soon! I know how we can get a cure!” I yelled over my shoulder, running back into the lab.
I placed the chip in a lidded test-tube and prepared to run to the hangar. I froze in my place when I heard Catherine announce the arrivals of Doctor Fate, Icon and Captain Marvel.
I’m dead.
Probably the shortest I have written, but the end is near ^_^ Next one soon.
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