Fifteen: Remembering
“So…we’re a team?” Robin asked M'gann.
“The five of us and Superboy,” she confirmed.
“So this must be his!” Robin pulled out Superboy’s shirt.
“You sure he’s on our team? He attacked everyone. Not the kind of person you’d want to work with,” I wondered, dropping to the floor.
They began discussing Superboy.
“I remember Batman ordering radio silence! Our team must work for him!” Robin announced.
“How do you know we don’t work for my mentor?” Wally poked his chest and his uniform turned an ugly shade of yellow.
Both Robin and Artemis tested their own outfits. It didn’t work. I didn’t even bother with mine.
“We look ridiculous!” Artemis said, before she scolded Wally.
I sighed and looked down at my uniform. “Guess I gave into the Lanterns after all.”
“You? You’re a Green Lantern?” Kid Flash enquired. I glared at him.
“The Lanterns are my mentors. I’m not a Lantern, I’m a Teal Heart. We’re just a lower class of Lantern. Now, if you’ll excuse me, my ring is almost flat.”
I walked up and out of the bowl we were in and looked at the sky. I rose my fist and began reciting, my voice sounding multiple and loud.
“Teal Heart that beat as one
I will protect for the time has come
See me shine from near and far
For this is the light of the Emerald Star!”
The light of the stars flew into my ring as a beam. It lasted for a few seconds and disappeared, leaving my hand buzzing.
“What’d you do that for!? Now they’ll know we’re here!” Robin growled at me.
I glared at him. “Only those in a hundred metre radius can see it.”
“Yeah…you should know that since you've seen her do it,” M'gann smiled softly.
“Say what?”
“Hana, you told me. You guys went out crime fighting one night…together.” Thankfully she stopped there.
“We need out memories back!” Artemis yelled. Yeah, obviously.
M'gann looked shifty. Suddenly, I felt my head spin and we ended up in a completely different place. It was like a dome with a bunch of screens showing memories.
Robin and I were watching the same one. We were holding hands and laughing. I found a different one of me trying to fly whilst holding Superboy.
“I brought you into my mind to share what I’ve remembered so far,” M'gann said, “but I need your help. Together, all our broken memories can form a whole…if you open your minds to mine.”
“No way!” I protested like Artemis. If I have a new team they might not know about my time as Midnight!
“I-I have no wish to intrude but I-“
“You need to hack our minds to find out what happened to us; got it,” Robin said. Of course goody-two-shoes Robin has nothing to hide.
Wally tried some flirty line on M'gann, when all I could do is panic. If she delves too much she could see some things I hope she won’t….
There seemed to be some decisiveness in the air. Well, I guess I don’t really have a choice, do I?
“Only the last six months,” Artemis conditioned, so I piped up.
“And, only what you need.”
The martian smiled and nodded. Her hands rose and a green hand reached out to me. It grabbed my head and everything started spinning. There was pressure on my brain as I started remembering everything.
The last six months filled my head, right down to the moment where we got here. I watched as I sat beside Robin with Orion in my lap.
Then Aqualad was there.
“Aqualad!” We chorused, returning to reality.
“And Orion!” I added. My poor baby was out there somewhere!
“Where are they? What happened next?” Robin asked.
“I don’t know! That’s the last thing I- we, remember,” M'gann replied.
Honestly, I couldn’t help myself. When Artemis and Wally realised they were holding hands, I wrapped my arms around Robin’s waist quickly, and he complied by putting an arm around my shoulders and leaning his head against mine.
Sadly were weren’t quick enough. The other three caught us just as we let go.
Dick opened up his computer and found Kaldur on his map. I wouldn’t even begin to understand how to do that on my own map.
So we began travelling to that area, M'gann and I flying, the others running.
“So will Orion be alright?” M'gann asked me.
“Yeah. Metamorphamagus Possums are used to the desert. I am worried about Kaldur though. If we need to rehydrate him, I don’t have the correct supplies.”
As the medical officer, I had a kit strapped to my thigh. Stupidly, it had no water or rehydration materials.
A few minutes later, we found Kaldur in a ditch, moaning Atlantic language, absolutely dehydrated. M'gann could not restore his memories.
I leaned down to him and checked his vitals with my computer. He seemed fine, but I was no expert on Atlantic anatomy.
Deep down, I knew I could probably fix him with magic. Some sort of chant…
“Superboy’s in pain!” M'gann yelled and she flew off in a random direction.
I held Kaldur up with some mana, and we tried to follow M'gann. We reached what looked like and road, and a car came past. We hid behind a mound.
Kaldur began moaning again, Artemis tried to quieten him down.
“We can’t risk a fire fight,” Robin whsipered, “Not with Aqualad KO’d like this!”
“It’s not just him,” Wally gasped, “I’m way out of juice.”
“And I’m almost out of arrows,” Artemis pointed out. While they argued, I leaned around the sand to get a better look down the road. When I pulled back, I realised Robin was gone.
“Hey guys-“ I began.
“Hey! Amnesia, remember? I completely forgot how truly annoying you are,” Artemis growled Wally, not even hearing me.
“Oh like you’re the goddess of congeniality!” Wally yelled back at her.
“Guys!” I repeated, this time accompanied by Robin, who someone ended up right next to me.
“Yeash! Get a room!” Dick growled at them. Wally and Artemis glanced at each other and then turned back to us.
“Like you two can talk!” They both said. I think I blushed, so I looked around the mound again to hide it.
“Dude! Where were you?” Wally asked.
I didn’t hear his answer, instead, I watched the Bialyian soldiers inspect something on the ground.
It sounded like Robin laughing.
“Who are you, the Joker?” I mumbled to him, right as the ‘something’s’ blew up.
“Move!” I grabbed Aqualad in mana whips, and we began running. I didn’t look back, knowing that those soldiers could be there.
“He’s running out of time, I’m going ahead!” I called to Robin, Artemis and Wally.
With that, I flew ahead at my very top speed, following my computer map to the bio-ship. It was invisible, but I could see the slight blur in the sun.
It recognised me and the shaft opened. I got Aqualad inside and into a medical bed quickly. I worked fast and expertly hooked him up to a monitor and a drip system, beginning to restore his hydration. I myself grabbed a drink, and prepared drinks and snacks for the team.
A loud crash made me jump. Oh gosh. What was in here with me? I left Aqualad to his bed, and approached to door to the bridge.
Nervously, I pressed the open button, and Orion sprang out and hit my chest. “Orion!” I cheered, taking his small body and holding it up.
The team got back about twenty minutes after I arrived, and gratefully drank and ate.
For the remainder, I stayed by Kaldur’s bedside, constantly scanning him whilst taking care of Orion.
“Do you know if he was brain blasted?” Dick asked, sitting beside me.
“Orion? No, but I’ll get M'gann to find out for me,” I said.
“Hey everybody! I’ve got Superboy and he’s normal and we’re on our way!” M'gann cheered in our heads. I smiled.
Suddenly, Aqualad shot up in panic.
“Who are you? And how did you get inside my head!” He yelled.
‘Hello Megan! Aqualad’s memories! I knew I forgot something!’ M'gann thought.
Wally said something about a souvenir, but Robin got my attention and lead me away from the others, into the storage area at the back of the ship.
“You want to ask about some of the things I said, right?”
“Yeah, like…who should have killed me by now, and how did you know Lola?” He questioned.
“Who should have killed you by now, is not important. That person is not a part of my life anymore, but I had forgotten that. As for the Lola thing, the Lanterns told me what Midnight did to her.”
I’d been planning that answer for a while now.
“Oh, good,” Dick smiled. He looked relieved.
“You know Hana, you remind me of Lola sometimes,” he said.
“To bad she was taken away so violently.”
“Yeah, but don’t worry. We’ll get our revenge.”
As he walked away, I gulped. I hope you don’t.
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