So this is a really really long one-shot, sorry about that. But I think TomoShipping is becoming my favorite Zexal shipping out of all 13 of them. But enough about that, the King Nash in this story is Millie_Astral (Chibi's) version of Nash just so we're clear here. Also sorry for the lack of dialogue, I couldn't really think of people talking to one another. It's suppose to be more a of narrated story I guess. Well enough of my blabbering, just go read the story that's 3,934 words long.
All Dumon felt is cold crushing emptiness, but he didn't always feel like that. He used to be a happy, caring young man who would spend all of his spare time with friends, dueling, and making comics. But slowly, over time, he started to distance himself from the others. Spending less and less time doing the things he enjoyed. That's when he felt it... the cold hollow feeling of being alone and empty. He tried dealing with it on his own and even secretly got medication that he thought would help by forging a doctor's name. But it didn't help.
Then one day, while reading a book at work, he found out that it was possible to become a demon. Dumon's hope was that if he became a demon, he would get rid of the useless emotions that caused him nothing but pain. He did the ritual without telling anyone anything.
When the other emperors found out about what he had done, they started to question him, asking him if he had realized what he had done to myself. He told them that he knew what he was doing.
For a while, Dumon felt better, but as the saying goes: all good things must come to an end.
And his crushing sadness and pain came back, stronger than before. Something else did too. He wasn't sure what it was at first, but he would later come to know that he didn't like being a male. So he went to an acquaintance and got a magic enhanced diamond bracelet that would fix his sexuality problem. He didn't think that would help so much, but it did. He took on the name Diamond when he started to use the female gender. And after a few months he started to become a bit more open and encouraged with the other emperors.
They seemed happy to spend time with him. He went back and forth between being a male and female while spending time with them. None of them seemed to have any objections to him switching between genders, but as he thought his emptiness came back after he started to stay as a female more. Instead of trying to fight it he just put up a mask anytime he was around people.
He faked being happy and okay while on the inside he felt nothing but cold hollow pain and emptiness. When he was alone in his room, he would just sit in the corner and stare at the wall, telling himself that he was no good and didn't deserve to have anything nice.
Off in another world a young king is being annoyed by suitors who could care less about him and more about what he has.
"Bring me the orb." King Nash orders once all the suitors have left.
Two of his many servants brought him the orb, he starts to look through it seeming to be searching for something.
"What are you searching for?" Durbe, the royal spellcaster asks.
"A significant other." Nash replies as he continues to look through the orb.
Nash doesn't have a gender preference, it doesn't matter to him weather his significant other is a man or a woman. All he wants is someone that loves him for who is, not for what he has. He eventually stubbles across a young girl with fair skin, sliver hair and ruby red eyes. She looks so sweet and innocent as she sits at a computer typing away, but he doesn't yet see her fake mask of happiness.
Our young demon girl Diamond goes about her day at work, keeping the computers up and running and the library neat and organized. She pops an energy crystal into her mouth sucking on it as she takes a cart of books back to the library.
'What's the point of pretending when nobody cares?' Diamond asks herself mentally. No response came to answer her question, not that she was excepting a response.
She wheels the cart into the library and starts checking the books into the computer then putting them away in their proper place. The king of the distant world watches her, admiring her flawless beauty when he spots someone near the door seeming to watch her work as well. A pair of mismatched red and blue eyes follow Diamond's every moment. The king couldn't tell if the person that was watching her wanted to hurt her in someway, or was watching her out of concern.
"I know you're there Don, there's no point in hiding." Diamond says, not turning away from her work.
The said person opens the door to come into the library, revealing themselves to be Don Thousand the Barain Deity.
"You may be able to fool the other emperors but not me." Don says calmly, referring to her fake mask of emotions.
"Like you care." Diamond replies with a bit of resentment.
"How can I help you when you won't talk to me?" Don says trying hard not to raise his voice.
"If you really cared you would of done something the moment you found out." The resentment in Diamond's voice seems to turn into irritability.
"Fine, if you want to be left alone to suffer then be my guest. But no one will be able to help you unless you talk." Don says turning and leaving Diamond alone in the library.
Nash watched everything play out between Don and Diamond, he turns away from the orb for a moment to try and understand what happened. He's not completely sure what Don meant by fooling everyone and suffering alone.
"Is she hurting herself?" Nash whispers to himself and looks back to the orb.
After a few hours the work day comes to an end. Diamond changes out of her work uniform and into a place gray dress but doesn't want to go home, instead she goes into the woods. Going in far to where no one can see her then pulls out a small knife, she looks at the blade as it shimmers in the sunlight. She may look human but her red eyes tell a different story. She's no human at least, not any more. She doesn't even consider herself a Barain anymore even though she retained her Barain power.
"I wonder how this will feel. But then again, I wonder if I'll be able to feel anything at all." She says to herself and places the blade on her left arm close to her wrist.
She knows that she won't die, this would be way to easy to kill a demon. But maybe the sting of physical pain might drown out the emptiness even for just a moment. She hesitates for a moment before taking the plunge and making a mark on her skin. The cut isn't very deep, blackish red blood seeps out of it slowly but one cut is never enough. Diamond starts cutting into her arm more making deeper cuts letting the warm blood flow out her arm like a slow waterfall. She drops the knife then falls to her knees crying looking at her bloody arm.
"I don't get it... I still can't feel anything. Not even physical pain is enough to drown out the emptiness within."
Nash watches this in shock and horror as Diamond cuts herself but what was he suppose to do? He's a stranger to the beautiful red eyed girl in the orb before him, but what saddened him is when Diamond says that she can't feel the pain. With nothing left to do Diamond bandages her arm, not even bothering to clean any of the cuts she made and picks up the knife. Hiding it away in her bag, she makes her way home acting as if nothing had ever happened.
Diamond sneaks into the castle that she shares with the other emperors and Don Thousand, no one notices her but Don and he's not in the mood to talk to her. She quietly goes to her room and drops her bag on the floor next to the door, she closes and locks her door so that no one can bother her and goes to sit on the floor. She sits in a somewhat uncomfortable position and stares at the wall silently, she doesn't move even when hunger tugs at her stomach. Something tells her that she's not allowed to move or eat that only good people are allowed to move freely and eat good food. So she just sits there silently and eventually falls asleep on the cold floor, tormented by nightmares that tell her how worthless she is and how no one cares for her.
Her secret admirer watches as she shivers and shakes in her sleep not sure of what to do to help. This routine of Diamond cutting, starving and sleeping on the floor goes on for almost a year. Nash tries everything he can think of to indirectly help but it all goes unnoticed by Diamond. The other emperors begin to notice how withdrawn Diamond has become and try reaching out to her but she just pushes them away, keeping herself locked away in her room. She's stopped going to work and barely eats making her underweight. She takes cold showers to further torture herself, shaking and shoving from the cold water.
"This is what bad people deserve." Diamond whispers over and over again.
The other emperors try everything they can to get Diamond to come out of her room but she ignores them as if she doesn't even hear them. Out of concern and desperation Nash and Vector call a mental hospital to come and get her which they do. Diamond is found shivering in the bathtub with the shower running, she's curled up in a ball hugging her knees to keep warm. She is calmly taken out of the bathtub with one of the orderlies wrapping a soft towel around her, from there she's taken away to a mental hospital. The emperors for the first time see the broken look on the person they once called their friend.
Diamond's stay at the hospital was no better then it was at home, doctors and nurses are all around giving her all different kinds of medications and treating the cuts on her left arm that have become infected. They wondered how she's even alive with her arm being badly infected and being under weight. They force feed her there a feeding tube since she refuses to eat, though Diamond didn't fight them. She saw no point in fighting and did what she was told.
"You can't fix someone that's broken beyond repair." Is the only words the doctors and nurses could get out of her even with her being heavily medicated.
The king of the distant world was coming up with a plan, he didn't care how wrong it was but he couldn't bare to see the girl he had come to admire so much suffer any longer. For months he would watch the doctors, nurses and guards to know their schedules so he could come up with the best time to steal away the girl he had come to love so much.
His chance came on a cold December night, he had taken some magic enhanced items from Durbe to help him to get Diamond. He leaves his room and palace without telling anyone and with a calm deep breathe he leaves his home word, sneaking into the mental hospital.
Using one of the magic enhanced items no one could see Nash come in, he quickly and quietly steals a key card off of the desk at the nurse's station making his way to Diamond's hospital room. Through the door window of her room Nash can see her looking out the window, her skin a pale gray almost white in color from a lack of care. Her left arm is banged up with clean wrappings.
Using the key card he took from the nurse's station he opens the door to her room. Diamond looks back to see who has entered her room then goes back to looking out the window. Nash softly closes the door and walks to Diamond's side placing his hand gently on her shoulder, her skin is ice cold but that doesn't bother him.
"I know you're hurting and you probably don't want me here, but I've been watching and trying to help the moment I found you. Even though my efforts failed I never gave up on trying, I don't care what those voices in your head are telling you. You're worth something, at least to me you are. I want to get to know the real you, the you that's been closed off to the world for so long." Nash says softly and gently hugs her.
Diamond begins to silently cry some life coming back into her eyes at hearing how a complete stranger says that she means something to them.
'His touch... it feels so warm and comforting.' Diamond thinks and unconsciously moves her hand, laying it upon his.
"I promise, I'll never leave you no matter what happens to you." Nash whispers into her ear.
Diamond didn't know how trustworthy Nash really is but she has nothing to lose by letting him in. She turns slowly and hugs Nash tightly and whispers to him,
"I want to get better."
The sound of footsteps started coming up the hall cut Nash's time with Diamond short, he had to leave or he would be caught. He gently lays his head on her's so there foreheads are touching and held her close for a moment.
"I promise to come back but I just have two things to ask of you."
"What are they?"
"Stay strong for me is one."
For the first time in over a year Diamond actually smiles a real smile, though it's small.
"And the second thing would be?"
"Your name, I got so caught up in trying to help that I didn't stop to think about your name."
The sound of the footsteps are getting closer, coming ever so closer to take Nash away.
"It's Diamond, Diamond Seraph."
"What a lovely name. I promise you Diamond, I will come back and we can talk about anything you want."
With a gently squeeze Nash let's go of her and disappears in a puff of smoke by throwing a small capsule on the floor. By the time the security guards comes the smoke has already disappeared and Nash is gone, Diamond is left looking at the spot where he once stood.
Every since the night Nash made that promise to come back Diamond has been showing small signs of improvement but not a lot to where she could be discharged. Night after night when the doctors and nurses are away Nash would sneak into her room, they would spend hours talking to each other getting to know one another. The security guards could never seem to find Nash even when he was in the room, he would either hide under the bed or in the bathroom so he couldn't be seen by the window in the door. He even started to come during the day sometimes much to the worry of his sister and advisers.
"So what's it like being a king?" Diamond asks softly.
"It can be demanding and stressful at times but also rewarding."
"I see, do you have any time to relax?"
"Yes but it's not often, work is never done when your a king."
"I'm not taking time from your work am I?" She sounds a bit upset.
"No, not at all my dear." Nash says giving her a gentle smile.
Suddenly voices of doctors and nurses can be hear right out side Diamond's room, Nash quickly hides so that he's not seen. The doctors come in and tell Diamond that they want to run a few tests on her to see if they can find out what's wrong with her. Diamond sighs and says fine, she's taken out of the room and to the CT room for a cat scan.
"Now we need you to stay completely still for us, I promise this won't hurt a bit." A female nurse tells Diamond who nods in understanding.
After an hour Diamond is sent back to her room while doctors look over her CT scans. A nurse comes to take a few vials of blood to run a few tests and when the nurse leaves Nash comes out of hiding.
"You okay, you're not in any pain are you?" Nash asks concerned.
"I'm fine, no need to worry."
"Are you sure?" Nash says comes out from hiding from the bathroom to sit beside Diamond, hugging her.
She leaned into him, "The doctors still think there's something wrong with me, and I'll admit I feel better then when I came here. My emptiness feels a lot more tolerable now that you're here."
"I'll be here no matter what the doctors fine in their tests."
"That's more then I could ever ask of you." She cuddles into him.
After hours of looking over the scans and the results of the blood tests the doctors can find nothing wrong with her.
"What do we do now? All the tests have told us nothing." The head doctor says to his team.
"Well we have to do something. There has to be some kind of medication we can try on her." Another doctor says.
"She could be faking all this to get attention, or have you forgotten what she did to her left arm?" Goes another.
"Arguing amongst ourselves will not help this girl, we can try giving her medication to see if that helps her in some way. If she refuses to take them then we talk to the courts about forcing her." The head doctor says which gets the others to agree.
The head doctor himself goes to Diamond's room the next day during the evening to talk with her. But when he looks into her room through the window he finds Nash holding a half asleep Diamond in his arms.
"I'm curious, why were you looking in different worlds." Diamond mumbles out softly.
"To find someone who likes me for me, not for what I have." Nash whispers back, stroking her cheek.
The head doctor watches the two of them for a moment, believing Nash to be a trespasser who is going to hurt Diamond in someway when she falls asleep.
"Wether you're a king or a poor man, you helped me deal with this and for that I'm grateful. I could never ask for anything more."
A look of shock spreads across the doctor's face when he hears this, it makes sense now why she was able to improve at all. This trespasser was no trespasser at all but a secret lover.
"Rich or poor you have the heart of gold that I've been looking for." Nash says rocking her gently from side to side.
Diamond cuddles into him more, getting comfortable before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep. Nash smiles softly at seeing her peacefully asleep in his arms, for now the doctor waits until later to talk to Diamond.
When morning of the next day comes Diamond is called into the doctor's office to discuss about the CT findings. She sits in front of the doctor and his team, she has a bit of life in her eyes but not much.
"We haven't found anything on your CT scans which is a good sign but we're still not sure what's wrong with you." The head doctor says, cutting right to the chase.
"Whatever I have isn't treatable is it." Diamond says like she's already given up hope.
"This maybe treatable once we find the right medication if you're willing to take them." A female doctor says.
"If the medication doesn't work then what?"
"We won't know unless we try." The head doctor explains.
"Can I at least have sometime to think it over?"
"Of course." The head doctor says.
After the talk Diamond is taken back to her room. She's scared and doesn't know what to do, she fears that Nash my not love her anymore when he finds out that the doctors still don't know what's wrong with her. Later that day Nash sneaks in for a visit, bringing his sister along who's been nagging him to meet his secret lover since he could never seem to stop talking about her after he got home from seeing her. Diamond bursts into tears when she sees Nash, she doesn't even notice that Nash brought someone with him.
"What's wrong Diamond?" He asks softly hugging her tightly.
"They still haven't found out what's wrong with me. I'm scared, I don't want to be medicated all the time." Diamond cries into Nash.
"Shh just calm down, everything is going to be okay." Nash say softly and glances over at his sister Merag who's a bit worried that her brother has fallen in love with a mental patient who can't be treated.
Diamond continues to cry both out of fear of being medicated and fear that Nash will leave her.
"Please calm down Diamond, maybe we can come up with a better way to fix this." Nash say calmly.
Eventually she calms down and explains to Nash to the best of her ability what the doctors told her.
"Remember what I told you? No matter what those doctors find I'm not going to leave you. I need you to be strong for me and go through with this, the medication may help you get better so you don't have to stay in this place anymore."
Merag can only smile at how her brother was giving Diamond the conference to go with being medicated.
"I know you can do this Diamond, you just have to be strong. Can you do that for me?"
"Yeah, I can do it for you." She says softly.
Later on that day Diamond is given an I.V. of a strong anti depression medication, while Nash and his sister wait outside in the waiting room. Having been found by the head doctor before Diamond was given the I.V. Doctor thanked Nash for convincing Diamond to go through with taking the medication. The doctor had a feeling that Diamond would decline to take the medication if it wasn't for Nash convening her.
"All I want is for her to be okay." Nash says.
"I promise to make this as painless as possible for her." The doctor says allowing Nash and Merag to go back and see her once he's checked her over.
A few months after starting the medication Diamond is discharged into Nash's care, he takes her back to his home world to recover. As she heals from the mental and physical abuse she put herself through her crushing emptiness fades away being replaced by love and happiness. It doesn't take long for Nash to propose, Diamond is both shocked and happy by the proposal but nonetheless agrees to marry him. Now she is happily living with Nash as his queen.
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