Chapter 8
It was late at night and everyone were asleep. Something was off. Some bad spirit was around the cottages and that wasn't looking good. Nobody knew,who was around them..watching their steps..
Unknown POV:
I'm getting stronger..I can feel it..Just wait a few days and you'll see,how I will destroy every happiness..every joy..every light..
The only thing,that is in my way are these stupid humans.. They think,that I'm scared of their ''powers''..
Hehehe..Just you wait..
Evan's POV:
Another morning after a wild night.. I was wondering,what are we going to do next and how are we gonna help out Brian learn how to use his power..
It wasn't that late. It was like 9:10 am and I felt like cooking,so I got into kitchen and made myself breakfast. I sat on the couch to eat. After some minutes I heard steps from the bedroom. I looked over my shoulder and saw Brian. ,,E-Ev? Where are y-you?'' He wasn't looking good. Brian just looked,like he got waisted.. ,,Brian what are you doing?'' I said and in a second,I saw him fall on the ground. ,,BRIAN!'' I yelled and ran to him. I got on my knees and tried to wake him up. ,,B-Brian..'' My vision started to get blurry and I felt really dizzy.. I started passing out..
Time skip.. (3rd POV)
What was it,you might ask? Another Delilah's calling. Our 9 heroes all woke up in an arena,which Delila's showed to them. As they all stood up and realized,what was going on,Delilah started to talk.
,,I am really happy to see you getting to know your abilities.. But.. I bring you bad news..'' Delilah said and took a deep breath. ,,I thought,that the dark power would not be able to rise in few months..But I was wrong..'' This dramatic speech was driving them nervous.
,,Esai is getting stronger way faster,than I thought. He will be able to attack in two weeks..'' ,,What?!'' Everyone snapped at the same time.
Brian's POV:
,,H-How are we going to fight him?! We just found out how our powers works..we have no chance!'' Marcel nervously said and rubbed the back of his neck. ,,We are in this fight together. I won't let you fight alone.. I do not want anybody's life to be ended. And if you do not want to fight..then..'' ,,Of course we want to..Delilah don't worry. We're not letting you down,trust me.'' I said and smiled. She looked up and gladly smiled. ,,Thank you warriors..''
,,So..are we here to train?'' Lui asked. ,,If yes,then LET'S GOOO!'' He excitedly yelled and started running around the arena in super speed. We all laughed and started getting ready.
Time skip..
,,..and that should be it. I am glad,that you understand. You really are the ones.''
Delilah's first lesson was fighting. That was like the main thing,because without it,we would have been fucked.
,,Now,you can all start building up your abilities with the powers.'' She said and smiled. Everyone spread out and started training..except for me.. I was the only one,who couldn't use my power.
,,Brian.'' I heard Delilah say. I turned around and came up to her. ,,I can see,you are upset. Is something wrong?'' She asked. ,,Um..yeah. I still don't know,how to use my power. I've been trying to figure it out so long,but..I failed.'' I said,looking at the ground. I felt her arm on my shoulder,so I looked up in her eyes. ,,I know,what is happening,Brian. Your power is based on your enemy,which you do not have. You will have to wait for the time,when your anger will rise.''
She said. ,, can't change the powers,can you?'' I said and rubbed the back of my neck. ,,I am sorry,Brian,but that is not possible. The nine powers are already written in the legend. I can not do anything about it. The spirit chose you,Brian. I am sorry.'' She sadly said and walked away.
'So..I have to hate Esai?' I thought. It was hard for me, because I didn't know him that much and I JUST didn't LIKE him.. not HATE him.. Oh boy, that's gonna be interesting.
Time skip.. 3rd POV:
Everyone was at their cottage after a really tough day setting up for the bed. The night was.. different from other nights till now. What was is..
It was midnight and Brian woke up. Evan wasn't there. Brian got confused. 'Maybe he was just hungry and went to the kitchen to get something..' He thought and tried to fall asleep again. But he couldn't. He was trying for like 30 minutes, but nothing. It started, to get a little weird, because Evan still didn't come back. Brian was getting a little bit worried, so he decided to go downstairs and find Ev.
,,Evan?'' Brian said, as he opened the door. ,,Ev, where are you?'' No respond. This was really scary for Brian. Where could Evan possibly be?
Brian got downstairs and checked the kitchen. No one. ,,Evan this is not funny anymore..'' Brian said and continued his way to living room, when he saw, that made him froze. It was Evan laying on the floor bleeding. ,,EVAN!!!'' Brian yelled, tearing up. He got on the floor trying to realize, what was going on. ,,B-Brian..'' Evan said and slowly grabbed Brian's hand. His body was covered in blood. ,,You're g-gonna be ok! I promise!'' Brian said, crying. ,,Brian.. r-run away.. p-please.'' Evan weakly said. ,,What are you talking about, I can't leave you here like this!'' ,, here.. Hurry!'' Evan said and tried to convince Brian to get out of the cottage. ,,Who's here?!''
To be continued..
I was so scared, when doing this, guys xD I'm alone in my house and it's 2 am
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