Chapter 6
Evan's POV:
,,Urgh..My head..'' I said and rubbed my forehead. Me and guys all woke up in the living room,still very confused.
,,What the fuck is going on?!?!'' Tyler yelled and covered his face in hands. All of us just thought about,what Delilah showed us and told us. ,,Does that mean,we're superheroes?'' David broke the silence. Everyone laughed and talked about Dave's stupidness.
Time skip Brian's POV:
Me and Ev,got back to our cottage. It was late and I really wanted to spend time with my lovely boyfriend.
,,So..What do you want to do?'' Evan asked. I just smirked and got closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and whispered.. ,,Oh baby,you know~'' I said and started kissing his neck. ,,Oh~'' Evan moaned,moving his hands up around my neck. I marked him and went for a kiss on the lips. We both melted in and started making out,when BOOM! A big shock went through my whole body. Everything went dark and I couldn't see shit. ,,What the fuck?! Did you feel it too?!'' Evan asked. ,,Yeah..what the hell..the electricity went off,for fuck sake!''
I tried to turn the power on,when Ev froze. ,,W-Wasn't it my power?'' He asked. I thought about it. ,, could be..Can you like..control it?'' I asked and grabbed his hand. Evan concentrated for a while,when I felt a shock in my hand.
,,You did it again! Oh my god,that's fucking cool as shit! Do you think,you can turn the power on?'' I asked. He put his hand on the generator. In a second,the power was on again. ,,I did it!'' Evan happily yelled and hugged me. I hugged back,giggling. 'I wonder,if someone tried to use their power-' ,,AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!'' Giant scream cut my thought off. ,,What the hell?!'' Evan said.
The scream was coming from cottage,where Dave,Lui,Brock and Jon were. I grabbed Evan's hand and ran with him to the cottage.
When I opened the door,I just stood there in shock. All I saw,was a TREE in the middle of the living room. Brock and Jon stood there with their mouth open.
,,What the fuck is that?! What happened?!''
,,W-Well...I-I somehow....'' Brock studered.
,,It..It was me. I-I did it s-somehow.''
Evan's eyes widened with happiness. ,,Your power! The nature! It was your power! I did it too. The electricity went off,because of me.'' Evan happily yelled. ,,Just concentrate and try to get rid of the tree.'' He said and smiled. Brock did as he was told. In a minute the tree was gone. It disappeared in the ground.
,,You did it!'' David said and hugged Brock. ,, it's true? We have the powers?!'' Lui said.
,,Yeah! That is so cool! Should we go out and try out OUR powers?'' Jon said and ran out of the cottage with excitement.
Time skip..
,,Can you tell us already what happened?!'' Tyler shouted. Me and Evan told everything we saw to him,Craig and Marcel. After our little story,they looked confused. ,,What? Are you serious?'' Craig asked. ,,Fuck yeah! And do you get,why are we here? We should try out other's powers! Are you three in?'' Evan said. Marcel excitedly squeaked. ,,HELL YEAH!!!'' Craig and Marcel yelled and high fived each other. The only one,who wasn't excited,was Tyler..he looked scared. I was concerned,so I grabbed Tyler's arm and had a little talk with him.
,,Dude,what's wrong? How are you NOT excited about this?'' I asked.
,,Well I-I..I don't think we should do this..What if something bad happened? Or what if we get hurt badly..what if-''
,,What if,what if,what if,what if.. Snap out of it Tyler! We are all in this together,ok? Don't worry..'' He smiled and hugged me.
,,Thanks Brian..'' he mumbled and let go of me.
We headed towards guys. ,,Whoa! Jon!'' I heard Craig yell. That was amazing..We saw him holding a watery ball in the air. ,,Holly shit! Can you another one?'' Evan asked. Jon raised his other gand up and made another one. (Delirious like to play with balls,as I see.. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) ,,Oh guys~'' He softly said and started throwing water balls at us. ,,You fockin' bastard!'' I chuckled and tried to dodge them. One of the balls was going to hit Lui. David quickly jumped in front of him and what he did,made us all gag.
David made some magnetic sheild around him and Lui and the water ball,just bounced off.
,,DAVID! How did you do that?'' Marcel yelled. ,,I-I don't know..I just wanted to protect Lui..'' The sheild disappeared as David moved his hands down. ,,So..Evan,Brock,Jon and David has already figured out their powers and what about us? Should we try today?'' Craig asked.
,,Nah..I'm tired as fuck..and it's like half past one in the morning..'' Marcel said and yawned. ,,Yeah,I'm not feeling energetic either..'' Brock said and rubbed his eyes. ,,Ok,then. See ya in the morning,ok?'' Evan said,grabbed my hand and headed with me to our cottage.
Time skip..
,,Fock I'm sleepy..'' I said and laid next to Evan on the bed. He cuddled up to me and pecked my lips. ,,Good night,babe.'' He smiled and laid his head on my chest. ,,Night..'' I said and smiled.
What a weird day..
Hey guys! I'm sososososososossooso soryy,but I just hadn't time :'C I'm really really sorry,please forgive me my dearlings! I love you!!!!!!!! Buh-Bye!
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