Chapter 5
Tylor's POV:
Nobody said anything,as we were thinking,what the hell was going on. I was leaning against the wall and got lost in thoughts. 'What should we do? Should we just forget about it and get the fuck out of here?' This is what has been running through my head and I couldn't think of something else. ,,We should find Delilah..'' Brian broke the silence in the room. ,,You don't say..Where? Genius..'' Craig snapped back,as he leaned his head on my shoulder.
,,Well,why don't we just go back to the cave?'' Evan spoke up. ,,Evan,we CAN'T go back there! I don't wanna be appart of this bull shit. It just doesn't make any sense to me. How the fuck will you explain this to the police?'' I annoyingly said.
,,We won't.'' Brian said. ,,We can't tell anyone about this. Did you not listen to her? The world is in danger,Tylor..''
I didn't say a word after his speech. He really got me on that one,I'll accept that.
,,JON!!'' We turned around,seeing Jon laying on the ground with Marcel beside him. ,,What happened?!''
,,I-I just saw him f-fell..'' Marcel said with scared expression. ,,G-Guys?'' David spoke up and fell on the couch. ,,Dave!!'' Lui yelled and tried to wake David up. ,,What the fuck is going on?!'' Brian yelled,holding Evan bridal style,who passed out too. My vision then got blurry. I heard Craig's voice,yelling my name,but I couldn't see anything.
I think I passed out..
David's POV:
'Again with this fockin' shit! Where are we?'
I thought to myself and stood up. We were in a big arena. But the arena was different. It looked like for some fighting practices..
There were some targets and something,that reminded me of armor,but it was just different..
,,What the hell?'' Evan said,as he slowly got up.
,,Welcome. Are you confused? Don't be. This is an arena,where you're going to practice your powers.'' It was Delilah. I still couldn't figure out,what does she mean..,,Again with the powers! What the hell are you talking about?'' Craig asked.
,,Your powers? Every single one of you has a power. You're going to find out,what is your inter power today,do not worry..''
She smiled at us and pointed at Lui.
,,Lui Calibre,your power is speed. You can run faster than everything.'' Lui's eyes got all white all of a sudden. He didn't move a muscle. That scared the shit out of me. I ran up to him and cupped his face with my hands. ,,Lui,can you hear me?!'' I started to panic,but Delilah calmed me down. ,,Don't be scared,David. He is just Unconscious.''
She then pointed at me and after what she said,I couldn't feel,see,or hear anything.
3rd POV:
,,David Nagle,your power is protection. You are trying to protect every one of your friends and that is a really good acting of a protector. You can make a magnetic shield around you and your surrounding.That will be your power.'' David's eyes then got white,like Lui's. Another person,who was going to found out their power,was Craig..
,,Craig Thompson,your power is wind. You are lover of traveling,you love the feeling of being free and that is why I chose the wind.''
,,Tyler Wilde,your power is fire. You are the one of the group,who is not a coward. You are strong,confident as fire.''
,,Marcel Cunningham,your power is seeing through objects. You are the one,who is suspecting everything. You are a good friend,you can see through everybody's hearts and you can tell,if somebody's not feeling happy.''
,,Brock Handerson,your power is the ground. You can feel the nature,mountains and every movement of every flower. You can move with plants. You are loving and caring person. That is the reason.''
,,Jonathan Dennis,your power is water. (what did you expect xD) You are strong,powerful and want to make everybody smile.''
,,Evan Fong,you shall have a great and a strong power. I chose for you electricity. You can control giant waves of shock against your enemy. Be careful.''
Brian's POV:
Delilah's calm expression changed into nervous expression,as she pointed at me. I was the last one..
,,Brian Hanby..Listen to me. Your power is seeing through your enemy's eyes. You can see everything,that he,or she does and where he,or she goes. You can hurt,even kill your enemy,while using your would cost you something..''
,,..your life..''
To be continued..
Got cha!!! Sorry for the cliffhanger ;)
I'm really happy,that some of you are enjoying my story <3
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