Chapter 4
Brian's POV:
I was laying on the ground in a light room,like a REALLY light room.
I stood up and looked around,seeing Evan,Jon,Marcel and the others on the ground. ,,Evan!'' I yelled,running up to him. I picked him up and softly kissed his forehead ,,I'm so glad,that you're alive..'' He smiled and pecked my lips. I heard everyone gasp. ,,You two are dating?'' Marcel asked,as he happily jumped in the air. Evan blushed and nodded. ,,Aww! That's so cute!'' Craig spoke. ,,Where the fuck are we? Are we...dead?'' Tyler said,as he looked around. ,,I have no idea,'s just..light..everywhere..'' Brock said,still looking around.
,,DAVID!!'' We turned around and saw Lui,tightly hugging David. ,,Lui!!'' Everybody yelled and ran up to him. ,,I thought,I'll never see you again. Why are you here?'' David said,as he was still tightly hugging Lui. They pulled away and Lui started to talk.
,,Someone threw a rock through the window,which scared the shit out of me,so I went outside,to find out who it was. And when I opened the door,there was some weird looking,tall man,standing there. I couldn't see his face,because it was too much dark in there. H-he grabbed my arm and tried to...kidnap me? Luckily,I got away and tried to hide somewhere. He searched almost everywhere,but he found me..I was calling you David,but he hit me with something in the head and I passed out..I think..and then I woke up here and saw you guys..''
,,Why didn't you ran upstairs to me? I could protect you..'' David said and wrapped his arms around Lui. ,,It was too late to run upstairs,Dave..'' Lui said and sadly looked on the ground.
,,I don't want to interrupt you,but how are we going to get out of here?'' I said,as I tried to find a way out..
,,You don't need to..'' I heard someone speak,but nobody,except for us,wasn't there.. ,,Who the fuck is talking to us?!'' Marcel nervously yelled,looking around himself. I felt Evan tapping on my shoulder. ,,G-Guys?'' Evan shivered. We looked around and saw something,that made widen our eyes. It was some beautiful,light,levitating...lady?
(Here's,how she looks like)
I had no words,I was just looking into her eyes,thinking if it was a dream.
,,I am Delilah. Your light,your energy,your happiness,your hope. I brought you here to tell you something very important.''
Nobody was silence and everyone listened to her.
,,As you know the legend says,that nine men will save the Ring of War,or should I say..the planet Earth.''
,,W-What do you mean?'' Marcel spoke.
,,The nine men...You..''
,,What?!'' We all said in sync. I held Evan close to me,I could feel,that he was losing control of his body. ,,B-Brian..'' He quietly mumbled and passed out. My reflexes automatically went for Ev,to catch him. Before he fell,I caught him and tried to wake him up. ,,Ev! Evan!''
,,Do not worry,Brian..'' 'How does she know my name?..'
,,He already found out his secret power..''
,,Seceret power,what the fuck are you talking abo-'' Craig spoke,but strong bomb of light pushed us away. I couldn't see anything..I felt,that I was laying on the ground. 'What is going on..'
Evan's POV:
'My head..Ouch..W-Where am I? ..was it a dream?' These thoughts were running through my head,when I woke up in my bed. Brian was sleeping next to me. I smiled and softly kissed his forehead. I tried to get out of the bed,quietly as possible,trying to not wake him up.
Time skip
When Brian woke up and got into the living room,where I was watching TV,he looked so confused and kind of scared.
He then smiled at me and cuddled up to me. ,,Is something wrong?'' I asked.
,,Nah,just a weird dream,don't worry about it..''
,,I had one too.'' I said and more cuddled up to Brian.
Brian: ,,What are we doing today?''
Me: ,,Well,all of us are recording a Q&A.''
Brian: ,,Really? Good.''
Me: ,,Wait...what time is it?'' Brian looked at his watches and said: ,,11:38..''
Me: ,,Holy shit,we're late!!!'' I yelled and quickly got of the couch. Brian grabbed his phone and ran out with me of the cottage.
...yeah another time skip..
All of us were at David's,Lui's and Jon's. When Tyler turned the camera on,he looked at us and said: ,,I'm not feeling,like recording today,guys..''
,,Me neither..'' Brock said and yawned.
Jon: ,,Didn't you get enough sleep?''
Brock: ,,Nope..I also had a weird dream..''
Craig: ,,Really?! Me too.''
,,So had I!'' Me,Tyler,Brian,David and Lui said at the same time. ,,What was your dreams about?'' Jon asked.
David: ,,Lui was gone and-''
Tylor: ,,-we were trying to find him,but-''
Me: ,,-but we couldn't find him..''
Our eyes widened.
,,D-Do you guys remember...Delilah?''
Jon said.
,,And Esai?'' Brian said and covered his mouth with a hand.
We had no words. We just stared at each other with opened mouths. ,, wasn't a dream?''
To be continued..
Thanks for reading,guys! :)
You're making me happy!!!! <3
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