Chapter 21 Part 1
Brian's POV:
Delilah was so devastated. She lost everything. She was just a regular human like us now. We tried to cheer her up multiple times, but it wasn't enough. She was fake smiling at us, but we all could sense that she was upset. ,,Thank you all for doing this for me, but I don't think we have any time for encouraging me.." Delilah said. She was kinda right. Tommorow was the big fight and we were even more scared, knowing that Delilah can't even help us in the battle because of her loss of every tiny bit of her powers.
,,Yeah, I didn't want to say anything, but I think we should do something.." I said and sighed. ,,But what? Should we go to the cottages orrr..?" Craig asked. ,,No, I think we should prepare more. If we were fighting Esai today, we would 100% lose. We don't have any weapons as a backup, ye know?" Delilah nodded. ,,Brian is right. Come with me. I have been preparing something for you.." Delilah said and wanted us to follow her.
She took us into a little room, where she had all of her spell books and stuff. ,,So.. what did you wanted to show us?" Jon asked. Delilah didn't say a word. She just walked up to a bookshelf and pressed a little button, that was on one of the books. Delilah waited a couple of seconds, when suddenly the whole room started to shake. ,,Whoa-" ,,What the-?!"
Some of the other bookshelves started MOVING away form each other. It was crazy! When the weird shaking stopped, we looked forward the bookshelves and saw that there was like a secret door or some shite. Delilah walked up to the door and opened it. ,,What the hell is going on.."
Delilah said and walked in. Evan worriedly looked at me and grabbed my hand. Delilah was acting very strange. What was going on?
We stepped in and walked down the stairs into a basement? I wasn't sure where were we going. It looked like a creepy lair. There were torches that started to light up by themselves with every step we took. After like months of going down the stairs, we finally made it all the way down. There she was. Standing and smiling and us.
,,Here we are." She said. We looked at each other and then back at her with confused expressions. ,,Um.. yeah, why are we here, please?" Craig asked. She just smiled and all she said was: ,,Look on your left." We did as she said and in that moment, our jaws dropped. ,,Whoa!" ,,WOOOW!"
On the side were badass weapons and sheilds. ,,This is so cool!" ,, We're gonna look fucking SICK!" Delilah just chuckled. ,,I have been waiting so long, for you to have these. I am really happy, you like it." She said. ,,Holly shit.. Esai is F. U. C. K. E. D." Tyler said and giggled with an evil smirk. ,,We are fockin' ready now!" Nogla said. I just stood there admiring everything about the lair. There were so many of them. It was just crazy.
Time skip..
It was like 10 pm already. Tommorow was the battle and I had really mixed feelings. Kinda scared, but a little excited. I believed in us, and believed the legend, so I did have hope. I didn't know about the others but after our power training and then after trying out the weapons, I was tired as hell. ,,Guys, can we wrap it up today, please? Everything hurts.." Marcel said as he stretched his back. ,,Yes! Please! I can't feel anything!" Delirious whined. ,,I think we should now, we have been training our asses off since the morning." ,,Agree."
,,You deserve to rest now. I apologise, if today's training was hard, but I need you to be prepared. Thank you for today. I believe in you." Delilah smiled and walked away, to medicate. I sighed, wrapped my arm around Evan and went towards our cottages. ,,Guys, let's stay tonight at our cottage. We should be together." Everyone agreed.
Another time skip.. (sorry, I love you)
Evan's POV:
Before, the fight actually comes, we all just wanted to have a good time and spend the night together. We were in the living room, talking about the good old times, when we met and about the dumb shit we went through together. Me and Brian were cuddling on the couch, Craig and Tyler did the same on the other couch. David and Lui were sitting together in a big armchair and Jon, Brock and Marcel were just there. (xd poor them)
,,Remember PAX 2014? Jesus.. That was when we first met in person.." Craig said. ,,Six fucking years together. It's unbelievable how fast it went by." Brian said. ,,Yeah.." I sadly said and sighed. ,,Why are you so upset?" Bri, asked me. ,,Well.. I miss my family.. What if we never see each other again? And what about the others? Ohm.. Adam.. Scotty..."
,,Lauren.." Brock mumbled, looking down. He started to tear up, I could see that. ,,I- I just miss her so much.." Brock said, crying. ,,Oh no, Brock." I said, got up from my seat and went to hug him. ,,It's gonna be ok, don't worry." I whispered. I was feeling so bad for him and was sure that everybody in the room too. ,,I feel the same, Brock." Marcel spoke up. ,,I just can't even think about the possibility of not seeing Simone anymore.." Marcel said, trying his best, not to cry.
,,Me too." ,,-What?!" We all snapped at Delirious. He just looked at us with a innocent look. ,,What..? ... OH! NO! Don't worry, I'm not talking about Simone." Jon chuckled. ,,Phew.. Wait.. You are dating someone? Why didn't you tell us?" Marcel asked. ,,Yeah, and who is it then?" Jon turned red. He didn't know what to say. Was he embarrassed about his girlfriend? ,,Uh.. Well I - I wanted to tell you, umm... Later heheh." He stuttered out.
,,Go on then. What's her name?" Craig said and excitedly smiled. Jon shyly rubbed the back of his neck and let out a nervous laugh. ,,Umm.. It's not her, i-it's actually his..." The whole room was filled with nothing but silence. ,,I know I should have told you earlier that I am bi, but I was scared.." Jon said looking down. ,,Why were you scared, dude? There's literally like three gay couples!" Tyler chuckled. Jon smiled a bit. ,, Because.. I'm dating Luke."
,,What?! Luke? Holy fuck, for how long?" Craig asked. ,,I think we have been together since March. So that's nine months now.." Jon said and let out another nervous laugh. ,,Nine months..? Why didn't you tell us?" I asked out of curiosity. ,,Well.. me and Luke had been best friends since like our childhood, so I just thought, that you wouldn't accept that? I think? Now that I think about it, it's stupid.." We all laughed. ,,Why the fuck wouldn't we accept that? That is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.." Marcel chuckled and patted Jon's back with the biggest grin on his face.
,,You're right.. It is dumb. I guess I didn't think it through. I'm sorry, I should have told you guys." Delirious apologized with puppy eyes. ,,It's ok, Del. But when you two are getting married, please tell us!" We all laughed.
,,Speaking of marriage.."
Tyler said and got up from his seat. ,, Craig? Would you.. come here?" Tyler nervously laughed. ,,What are you . . .?" Craig said with a confused expression. Tyler just grabbed Craig's hand and started talking. ,,Weeeeell.. Craig you know we have been together for like 3 or two years and um.." I knew exactly what Tyler was gonna say. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand, trying my best not to yell out of happiness.
,,Tomorrow is the day.. I don't know if this sounds crazy but listen.. Craig? If we make it out alive..." Tyler now grabbed the both of Craig's hands. ,,Will you marry me?" ,,OH MY- WHAAA?! NOOO WAY!!!" Nogla yelled. ,,SHUT UP! Don't ruin the moment!" Brock said and laughed.
Tears of joy started to fill Craig's eyes. He thought about it for a second, but then jumped into Tyler's arms and snuggled into his neck. ,,YES! OF COURSE!" Mini yelled, grabbed Tyler's face and pulled him into a kiss. ,,YEEEEEEAAAAH!" We all cheered. ,,Guys stop! You're gonna make me cry, geez!" Brian chuckled, wiping a little tear that was rolling down his cheek. ,,Awww! Come here, you little baby!" I said and came up to Brian to kiss his cheek.
,,I'm really sorry, that I didn't propose with a ring or some shit but I guess, I wasn't expecting me proposing today to be honest. This little thought ran through my head this morning to be honest!" Tyler chuckled, having Craig still snuggling up to him. ,,It's ok.. I still love you." ,,I love you too." They said to each other and kissed once again.
Time skip.. (still Evan's POV)
,,Well.. gentlemen.. I hope we make it out alive tomorrow." Brian stated. ,,I just wanted to say, that I love you guys so fucking much and that my life would be so different and so sad.. I'd be still working in fucking Subway.." Brian said, making us laugh. ,,I feel the same! It has been a blast and I just can't imagine losing any of you.. All I gotta say is: Fight for everything and survive please.." Brock chuckled.
We kinda had a little moment together. We didn't know, if we were going to win or lose so we kinda said our little 'goodbyes', which is so sad and terrifying..
,,We should go sleep now. We need energy for tomorrow." ,,Yeah.. Goodnight then!" ,,Byeeee!" ,,Night-night!" Everyone got to their rooms and left me and Brian sleeping together on the couch. We could have been sleeping in another room with the others, but me and Bri wanted to spend the "last" night together. We were cuddling with each other and kinda trying to fall asleep, which we couldn't.
,,What do you think will happen with Delilah?" Brian asked. I thought about it a little and then started talking.. ,,I have no idea. What if.. she loses her powers forever? That would be horrible. She wouldn't be able to do anything. She would be like us.. living like a normal human." I said and sighed.
We were talking about tomorrow and kinda stopped thinking about time. ,,Wait.. what's the time?" Brian asked looking at his watch. ,,Half past six in the morning?!" ,,What?!" Brian gasped and then paused for a second. ,,Oh.." Brian chuckled and started to giggle. ,,What?" ,,I forgot my watch stopped working yesterday.. never mind, sorry." Brian chuckled. ,,You stupid fuck.." I chuckled. ,,Sorry. But even tho it's not that late, we should go to sleep now." He said and pulled me closer to him.
,,Wait.. Brian? Before we fall asleep.. You have to promise me something." I said and sat up. ,,What is it?" Brian asked me sat up next to me. ,,Umm.. If we win the battle.. promise me you'll move in with me to America and live with me.. I can't think about you being in Ireland and that far away from me.." I said and grabbed his hand. Brian smiled. ,,I promise."
He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back and pulled away. ,,I love you." ,,I love you too.." We said to each other and laid on the couch again. ,,Goodnight.." ,,'Night"
That is aaaaall, ladies and gentlemen! I hope ye enjoyed! It's coming to an end, guys.. It's weird to be honest.. But anyways, get your tits ready for another chapter because this. Is. Going. To. Be. Absolutely. Epic.
Love you!!! ❤❤❤
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