Chapter 20
Evan's POV:
,,W-What?! Where am I?!''
I gasped and turn around, to see Delilah, sitting up. ,,Delilah?! Oh my God!'' I said and hugged her. I was so damn happy, she was awake.. and alive..
She was still confused though and her expression was scared and weirded out.
,,Evan.. Brian? What happened? Please tell me.'' Brian smiled and sat next to her on the floor. ,,Wait! Brian! You are back! I am really glad to see you!'' Delilah said and smiled. ,,Good to see you too!'' Brian said and gave Delilah a hug. It was lovely, seeing her awake, but when they pulled away from the hug, Delilah tensed up. ,,Oh God! Evan! Brian!" She said, worriedly looking at the ground. ,,Is something wrong?" I asked. She then looked up from the ground and breathed in.
,,E-... Esai is coming."
Time skip..
It was still evening and all of the guys and Delilah were at our cottage.
,,I am really happy to be here with all of you. I should thank you, for saving me. Thank you very much again." She said and smiled. ,,You're welcome Delilah. And there's no need to thank us. You should actually thank your friend Elpis. She was the one, who helped us with getting Brian back and waking you up.'' ,,Really? Oh, I am so happy to hear that! I was trying to get Elpis' help for such a long time.. since you have got here actually. All we need to do now is prepare for Esai's comeback.'' Delilah said and sadly looked at us. ,,Oh no.. I totally forgot about that. D-Do you think, we're gonna be fine?" Lui said holding onto David's hand.
,,Lui.. it is going to be really tough, but.. remember what the legend told you. Esai is nothing against us." Delilah said. It looked like everyone calmed down a bit, but Delilah seemed to be VERY nervous. That worried me more.. We CANNOT fuck this up.
Another time skip.. (sorry)
Lui's POV:
We got to the arena, it was already really late. My eyes started to fall but I knew, I couldn't fall asleep. Esai could appear any time. It was just so nerve wracking. ,,Hey, Lui..'' I heard David's voice. I looked up at him and smiled. He gently kissed me and grabbed my hand. ,,Are ye alright?'' David asked. ,,Um.. I'm fine.. just freaking the heck out, you know.." I answered and looked down. ,, It's all going to be alright, k?'' I looked back up at him. ,,How can you be so calm? Am I the only one, who is nervous as hell?" ,,Craig is freaking out too, but Tyler calmed him down a little..'' ,,Oh.. ok.." I wasn't nervous.. I was terrified.
Craig's POV:
,,No worries, it's all going to be fine, babe." Tyler said, as he hugged me and kissed the top of my head. I tightly hugged him back and smiled. I was freaking the fuck out. Esai was coming and we didn't know when, we didn't know where, we were just sitting on our asses.. waiting. ,,I love you." ,,I love you more.."
Jonathan's POV:
,,Urgh! This is so boring dude.. I'm fucking tired and my nerves are above everything. I wish this wasn't happening." Marcel whined and layed down. ,,Shuch up already.." I chuckled. ,,We have to think positive! What about Delilah? She is a GODDESS. And what about the legend, huh? It says, we are going to save the fucking world, doesn't it? So chin up, man.." I said. Marcel sat back up. ,,Well.. What if the legend is wron-" ,,-Bitch, please! Don't even try to say that.." A familiar voice said. I looked up, it was Craig, having Tyler standing next to him.
,,Hey! How are you guys feeling?" I asked. ,,I've never been more nervous, but ok.." Craig chuckled. ,,Do you think, Esai's-.." ,,-Let's just talk about something else, than Esai for one second.." Marcel cut me off. ,,Fine.." I chuckled and sat next to him.
Evan's POV:
,,Can I get everyone's attention please?" I heard Delilah say. We all walked up to her and started listening. ,,We cannot wait no longer.. Brian? Would you please use the power and get inside of Esai's head? We need to know where he is." ,,Uh.. sure." Brian said bit didn't look so sure about it. ,,Start whenever you are feeling ready." ,,You can do it.." I said to him and smiled. Brian nodded an closed his eyes.
After a moment, Brian started to finally see something. ,,Yes! Finally! Ok um.. He is in like a living room.. I think?" ,,Great job, Brian! Concentrate.. What is he doing?" ,,I- It looks like he is inside of a little house.. looking for something.." After Brian said that, he froze..
,,Oh my God! He- He is in one of our cottages! He's here!!!" Brian yelled and opened his eyes. ,,Shit! Should we go there?!" I panicked. ,,N-No. Let Esai find his way to us.." Delilah looked really scared when she said that. Was she really that nervous? She is a goddess.. I think that she was supposed to be the one who wouldn't be scared at all. ,, Delilah, I don't want you to get mad at me, but we have to go.. What if-" ,,No, Ev. Delilah is right. Remember when I had the vision about the book of death spells?" Brian said. I sighed and nodded.
,,Yeah.. I totally forgot about that.. Should we just stay in here then?" ,,Yes. I do not think, Esai would just look for us like a fool. I think he is just playing with us. If we went towards the cottages, we would fall in his trap. We are safe here.. for now.." Delilah said.
After few minutes of waiting. The wind stopped. The temperature got low. All of the sudden, everything stopped... It was scary. Delilah nervously stood up and looked around.
,,He is here."
,,Am I, sister?"
I looked directly to my right.
There he was.
,,I wish I could say, how happy I am to see you, brother. Did you come to surrender?"
Esai just laughed. ,,Oh Delilah, you are hilarious. Shouldn't I be asking that?"
,,We are ready." ,,Oh really? Well, get ready for dying. Let's fight up the hill next to the forest. Tomorrow. In the evening."
Esai said and gave us a creepy smirk. ,,Be ready, sister." He quietly said and vanished in front of everybody's eyes.
No one said a thing. We were all scared as hell. ,,He.. looked way stronger and like.. taller, than we saw him last time." Craig quietly said. ,,That is because Esai is feeding of of the power he stole from me.." ,,WHAT?!" We all snapped. ,,Wait wha- He stole your power?! All of it?!"
Delilah looked down and started to explain. ,,Evan and Brian.. Remember when I started to wake up today?" She said and turned to us, holding our hands. ,,Um, yes..?" I said. ,,You were shaking and saying weird things.." Delilah turned around with her back facing us. ,,Yes.. I.. I had a vision, where I gave Esai my powers just to save you.."
,,Why would you do tha-?!"
,,I HAD TO!"
She snapped and started tearing up. ,,I.. I had to.." Delilah said, crying. ,,If I did not give him my all of my power, none of us would be here right now!" There was a long solid silence. We were all just straight up speechless. I didn't know, what to respond with, so I simply came up to her and hugged her. She hugged me back and cried. That was like the first time, that Delilah wasn't cold and so pale. It was a warm normal hug.
,, It's ok . . . You don't have to cry Delilah." I said as I rubbed her back. ,, We're sorry, we started yelling at you." I pulled away from the hug and looked at her, wiping her tears away. ,,I-... I just feel so powerless... I am like a normal... human."
Delilah sadly said. ,,Why is that?" ,,Well, when a god, or a goddess gives away their powers, they become human.."
I felt so sorry for Delilah and also very pissed off about Esai. What are we going to do..?
Should we surrender?
Should we fight?
Should we just run away?
What should we do?
We are fucked.
CHAPTER 20 ! ! ! !
I can't believe, we have got 20. Fucking. Chapters. Behind. Us. It's incredible! It really is.
Weeeeell, I have nothing else to say, so I guess just wait on Sunday 😈😈😈
Another Chapter is coming up...
Buh - Bye ! ! ! ❤
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