Chapter 15
Evan's POV:
,,Wake up! Wake up!'' I kept telling my self. I had to wake up. I was still in the ''dream'', where Brian just told me, that the ''Brian'' I had been spending the time with is not the real Brian. I was still confused, but I just HAD TO wake up. I closed my eyes and started thinking to myself.. ,,Come on! You got it! Wake up!" When I opened them I saw, that I was in my room. ''Brian'' wasn't there. I imideatly jumped out of the bed, got clothes on as quickly as I possibly could and ran out of the cottage not caring about closing the door. I had to wake up the guys, because I knew I couldn't do this by myself. I ran to Tyler's, Craig's and Jon's cottage. ,,Guys! We need to go! Brian is not Brian! I'll explain it late-'' I stopped in the middle of my sentence. When I ran in, everyone was there, tied up, laying on the ground. ,,Mhmh!!'' Craig tried to tell me something, but he couldn't talk, because of the cloth, that was covering his mouth. I quickly walked up to them and untied every single person. ,,Thank God, you're here! Evan you need to know something. Something is wrong with-'' ,,-Brian, I know..'' I cut Lui off. ,,But first of all, tell me what happened here?'' I asked. Brock started talking. ,,Well in the morning, Brian texted us, that he needed to tell us something, so I got here and right when I walked in, I saw everyone laying on the ground. I think Brian then hit me in the head and I passed out. What did YOU want to tell us?'' He asked me. ,,You need to listen to me! Brian is not Brian! The real Brian talked to me in my dream last night! I'll explain it more later! Now.. when did Brian leave the cottage?'' I nervously asked. ,,Like an hour ago.. why?'' Jonathan asked with confused expression. ,,Oh no.. We need to go to Delilah, she's in danger! Come on!'' I yelled and ran outside. I looked over my shoulder and saw Tyler, Marcel, David and the rest running behind me. We needed to be quick before it was too late.
,,Evan slow down, what are you talking about?'' I heard Tyler yell at me from the back, but I didn't stop. I knew Delilah was in big trouble. ,,Just tell us why are we running, god dammit!'' I kept running without even stopping. The guys were still following me. When we got there, I started to look for her. ,,Delilah! Delilah!'' I yelled and looked around me. ,,I think we should spread out! Just look for her! Don't ask questions, there's no time!!'' I said and continued searching for her. ,,Delilah, can you hear me?!'' Nothing. It was horrible.
We couldn't find shit till I heard: ,,I found them!!!'' Marcel yelled. ,,Come here you piece of shit!'' I looked in the direction, where the sounds of fighting were coming from. Tyler and Marcel tackled someone to the ground. We all came up to them to see, who it was. ,,Let me go, you bastards!'' It was ''Brian''. ,,Hold him down! Where's Delilah?!'' I said. ,,I don't know, I just found this piece of shit!'' Marcel said, holding ''Brian'' tightly so he couldn't run. ,,First, we need to tie him up! Does anyone have a rope?'' ,,Nope but I'll get it!" Lui quickly said and in a second he was gone. He was fast like a fucking Sonic (gotta go fast i hate myself). We needed to tie him up, because we didn't know, what he could do to us. ,,Got it!" It was Lui. He was back in like five seconds and he did have the rope, he ran for. ,,Where did you get it?" I asked. ,,Oh.. It was on the roof.'' Lui chuckled. ,,Well what are you waiting for? Tie that fucker up!'' David yelled and grabbed the rope. He and Marcel helped Tyler with holding over ''Brian'' and tied him up to a tree.
,,What did you do to Delilah, you bitch?!'' Tyler started yelling at ''Brian'', who was just laughing. ,,Answer!'' Marcel snapped. ,,Who the hell are you and what did you do to Delilah and Brian?!'' His eyes turned dark purple and his creepy smile was giving us all goosebumps, even the brave Tyler and Marcel were kind of creeped out by ''Brian''. He then started talking: ,,I am the demon of war.. I am the demon of hate.. My name is Azazel..'' Azazel said and started laughing again. ,,You fools are maybe wondering why am I here. I won't tell you what I did to Delilah, you'll find out eventually.'' I couldn't take it. Azazel was still looking like Brian but I knew it wasn't my Brian. ,,You still didn't say what you did to Brian!'' I said. ,,Oh that Brian fellow! I didn't do anything to that guy. He's still with Esai, trapped and alone.. Being desperate.. Being left alone..'' He let out a creepy giggle after his speech. I knew exactly, who sent this ''demon'' to hurt us. Esai. Esai surely had a plan, but what plan? ,,Well.. You got me.. My mission is done, so I should say goodbye to all of you. It was wonderful to meet you all. Especially you, Evan. You were so good~'' Everyone gasped. My eyes widened and my heart started sinking lower and lower. ,,Stop..'' I cried out. I totally forgot, that I slept with him last night. I felt so terrible. Craig came up to me and hugged me. ,,Shhh, it's ok.. you didn't know it wasn't Brian, Ev. Shhh..'' Craig comforted me while I was crying onto his shoulder. ,,I really enjoyed last night~'' ,,ENOUGH!!!'' Tyler yelled and punched Azazel in his face. Azazel groaned but then started talking to us again. ,,You are all pathetic and powerless! You have no chance of winning the beattle between you and the most powerful devil of the existence! Even Delilah can't help you now..''
The wind got stronger. The sky was getting darker and darker. Everything was so creepy all over the sudden. Tyler wanted to punch Azazel one more time but Azazel started fading away. ,,I'll see your dead body's later..'' He said and turned into a dark dust. He was gone. I was still sobbing onto Craig shoulder, wishing this would never happen and it was all a dream. ,,Evan.. Are you ok?'' I heard Brock say. All of the guys were looking at me with concern in they're eyes. ,,Y-Yeah.. I'm ok..'' I said and wiped my tears away. ,,What are we going to do?'' Jonathan asked. ,,We have to go find Delilah and save Brian.'' Craig said. He was right. There was no time for crying right at the moment. We had to act quickly. ,,We'll talk about everything later, now we need to look for her. Let's spread out again.'' All of the guys were planning everything but I just stood there, lost in thoughts. My Brian was locked up in some stupid ass cells and we were here, trying to figure out everything. I was just devastated. ,,Ev? Are you sure you're ok?'' I got out off my head and looked at the guys. ,,I.. No..'' I said and looked down. ,,Evan, look at us.'' Marcel walked up to me and lifted my chin up. ,,It's alright! We're going to find Brian and Delilah I swear. We're all in this together. Last time I said that to Brian and he didn't listen to us and you know how it ended up. We're here.'' I smiled and let him give me a hug. ,,Group hug!'' I heard David say and saw everyone having a group hug. ,,Thank you, guys.'' I chuckled. I was feeling a lot better. ,,Now.. Let's do this..''
Brian's gone right now but I think that it'll all be fine!!!!! I SWEAR!!!!!!!
I LOVE YOU! I wanted to thank every SINGLE one of you, that are still liking, or reading this story like:
AmandaMarie398 - Special thanks for being the first one who likes and comments the chapters! Ur like Flash xD <3
I luv uuuuu!!!!! <3
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Thank you! Buh-Bye! <3
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