Echizen Shinichiro
A/N: I'm sorry if this next chapter took so long to update. I have watched so many movies just to create this part in my story. I needed a large sum of inspiration just to create this part. Read and enjoy. Just to remind you, this will be in Jiroh's point of view and he will not be talking with Ryoma here. He's telling the story of his past but this will chapter would be in Shinichiro's perspective. This is the start where I leave Ryoma's universe for a while. I'll be taking you before World War 2, World War 2 era and after it...
"Shinichiro, Atsuko... come here with me. Both of you were already near to finish up your final year in college. What do you want to do with your lives?" asked Congressman Arata, their father..
"We actually do not know what to do, father but we want to have a short trip in Hiroshima for a while to think what we can do in our future,"Atsuko spoke to him like that and I was happy that he smiled at us. I knew that he would let them study but for a while, he sent them in Hiroshima that year 1945.
We were happy when we arrived in Hiroshima and we happily took another college degree there. Arata was thinking that if the United States or the Allied Powers would attack Japan, they would definitely attack Tokyo but he was wrong. After our father accompanied us in our dormitory where we wanted to live as college students, he quickly noticed that there was a plane from the Allied Powers passing the province. He knew quickly that we have to hide. Other people who have seen just stared at the skies. They do not know what horrible thing, the Americans would do to us. The war entered our lives and we couldn't believe it!
Dad quickly told us to enter the hidden compartment under the floor and hide there. Dad also followed us. As my father goes down the stairs, dad was able to close the door of our hideout and we suddenly heard the collapse of so many infrastructures above us and the rumbling of a huge impact of a new deadly weapon. I do not know what's happening out there but we know that we are lucky to have been inside a safe place and we survived that day.
When we finally decided to get out when dad felt that it's already safe to look what have happened. We followed dad after he had opened the door of our hide out but as we go up, we can quickly notice that our father felt so horrible in looking everywhere. We both saw him lie down and cry horribly. He couldn't believe that there was a weapon that could wipe out an entire city or province.
Of course, we were also thunder struck on what we have seen. There were traces of people who just vanished and only their shadows stayed to tell that they have existed. There were also people who just became ashes in just a couple of seconds. Both of us also were hurt in what we have observed.
Nagasaki followed soon enough....
Later in so many years, after Japan have already surrendered and my brother got sick... I knew that we have to do something to help our country. We decided to create Echizen Brothers Corporation and the first project that our father allowed us to make is the Jounan Hospital. We helped create it even we don't get recognized. We have studied medicine and to help all of the citizens, we knew that we can help by curing different illnesses.
As we work on in helping people and our fellow citizens, sometimes I actually wanted to give up and tell our parents that I wanted to become a politician just like them but whenever I go beside my brother in Jounan Hospital, my tears would build up and he'll tell me, "Do not give up in being a doctor."
"Brother, you are better than me. Why do you have to be the one to get sick? Please get better so that you can be the president of Echizen Brothers Corporation," I told him.
Atsuko looked sideways and told me, "Shinichiro, you are the president of our corporation."
I couldn't believe it. I looked at him seriously and I'm sure of myself that I am stopping my tears. "No, brother! NO!!!! You will get better! I won't allow you to die! Wait for my researches, alright? I will heal your degenerative disease! I'll do my best to stop it no matter what!"
Atsuko smiled and replied to me calmly, "Thank you for the concern, Shinichiro but I have already accepted death. People die, Shinichiro!"
I kept crying...
Atsuko held my hand and I knew that he will keep guiding me. He's my brother... why does he have to be the one to get what he has? It should have been me all along but... God chooses wisely. I have to do this for him, right?
Nurse Hana looked at me and asked, "Are you alright, sir? If you're getting worked up, you should rest now."
"I'm fine, Hana. It's my brother... he's giving up," my tears uncontrollably fell in my eyes and she quickly hugged me.
"Everything's gonna be fine. I'll go talk to him, do you understand?" she told me.
"Thank you," I told her and I hugged her tight again. She swiped away my tears from my eyes and sadly told me, "What he told you is true, Shinichiro. We will also face death at the right time. We only die in different ways. If he leaves first, remember that doctors are not gods. We are only God's healers not magicians to make miracles."
The next day, she went inside brother's room and talked to him for so long. As a doctor in Jounan Hospital, we always run and help each other in different patients. Working inside the hospital is drastic and restless but when we heal a patient, we are always happy to see them healthy again but we also feel awful when there is someone we cannot heal especially if their cases are severe and most of all, if they were affected by incurable diseases.
Of course I also shouldn't let my job as the president of Echizen Brothers Corporation down/ It's brother's precious treasure to inherit to me. With brother's advice, I called our partners about what projects we can do. "My brother asked me to create hospitals and hotels. He also asked me to be the manufacturer of world class sports equipments. I know that this advice is so much for us but I can totally feel that this is my brother's last wish. We have to make his dreams for Tokyo to come true."
All of our business partners agreed but at that business meeting too, I cannot believe that they would be asking about my personal life. "We are all friends here, Shinichiro. You know that Atsuko asked me to be the director of this company as you are the Chairman of this company. I know that my question will be awkward but... was it true that you'll be marrying Nakamura Freia eventhough you've got Saitou Hana with you as your girlfriend?" my uncle Tezuka, asked me.
"I can't answer that," I told them and I quickly packed up my things. I don't want to answer. Yes, I know that my parents forbid me a long time ago that because Freia couldn't marry my brother anymore, they passed the responsibility to me. I hate becoming what I don't want to be. If only my brother is healthy... I could choose to stay as a doctor in Jounan Hospital... marrying Freia would hurt her. Hana... Hana's my one true love! Who's Freia to me?
I don't know her!
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