Seventeen - The Chase
Joan had to watch as her mate drove away from her. She was not pleased by this image and knew this would be the only time it would ever happen. Her ill feelings towards Isabella Swan were heightened at this present moment for it was due to the human girls involvement and obsessive approach towards the family that this was occurring. And Joan had a gut feeling this would not be the first time the family of vampires would be getting a fair amount of stick for being around the human. She didn't like it one bit.
However, she knew she had to do her part in this strange game. For if she did not successfully distract the feral nomad then it was possible he could intercept the car holding her mate and he could get injured. That was one thing she was not prepared to do. She would allow for herself to be injured over and over again to prevent him undergoing any more harm during his vampire life. For he had been through enough in his early vampire days.
Therefore changing into the humans clothes and taking on her appearance and smell wasn't overly hard for the immortal to do. Her usual state of permanent panic still hadn't fully returned and this meant she could happily take on this probably rather dangerous role and lure the nomad out. Maybe she could have fun playing a game of hide and seek with him.
With a salute to her parental figures she dashed out of the house at an inhuman speed. Though once hitting the forrest itself she slowed to replicate the speed of a panicked human. She quickened her breathing and began to move around the same 10m of forrest in a winding circle.
"Edward" She shouted out her voice being an almost perfect replication of Isabella's. She gave herself an internal pat on the shoulder for that. Taking a risk and venturing slightly further into the forrest Joan was happy to come across a pretty discreet looking clearing. It was far enough away from any local settlement so she wouldn't be noticed by any locals. She was just praying on the psycho Nomad to find her here.
"If it isn't little Isabella the human. Where are your mighty vampires now?" Came this slur of a voice, it was nasally and slightly higher pitched then she was expecting. Though Joan had to not give it away that she wasn't the human.
"There here somewhere." Joan continued her almost perfect replica of the human's whole persona was managing to hold up.
"Close enough to come running when you scream?" This nomad's whole structure and way of talking was actually starting to creep Joan out. She felt her, Bella's, hair be moved and a nose pressed against her neck. She felt a little worry that her lack of circulating blood would give her away but the nomad who had basically gone feral couldn't tell at this moment. Considering blood flow was the only thing she couldn't replicate she was thankful that he just couldn't tell.
"Edward" She called out once again and despite how on edge she had become she was able to continue to pull off the human's tone and speech patterns with ease. It would seem all these years of having to pretend to be human had helped her out.
She could feel the trackers teeth bare against her neck and the uncomfortably cold breath he released upon realising she wasn't pulling away. Joan continued to pretend to have given up like any normal human would do faced in such a situation when all she wanted to do was the opposite. Casting her eyes to the surrounding trees she searched for any other member of her family hoping they would come before he actually got to sinking his teeth into her. Though this didn't seem very likely.
For his teeth started to press into where her jugular was located searching for the blood which was supposed to be running through it. However, no matter how hard he searched for it he wouldn't find anything for she hadn't had blood circulating through her veins for over 60 years. Though this didn't deter the feral vampire who continued to push further and further down. Despite most of her nerve endings basically becoming dormant since the transition this still managed to hurt. However, she. somehow managed to keep the good old facade going the image she was portraying that she was none other than Isabella seemed to be going pretty strong.
"How even?" The tracker had flashed round her other side, obviously unable to get any possible blood from the other vampire. She remained standing firm and keeping up the facade.
"I don't know, please just leave me alone." she 'pleaded'. Continuing to look around she was hoping that another one of her family members would appear at any second. For her anxiety levels had started to arise again. She could feel her control over the appearance slip, considering she could normally hold just the appearance for longer, however controlling the scent and the voice and everything else was draining her mentally just a little too fast. It would appear her prayers had been answered for between the trees she could see the figure of both Emmett and Carlisle appear having tracked the two vampires down. Just in time it would seem.
Staring James in the face Joan let the first flicker of Bella's image show. It would be unnoticeable to the human eyes but should be very much obvious to the tracker. A wicked smile made its way onto her features as she let another flicker occur.
"What are you doing?" The tracker snarled his eyes showing the true confusion he felt in this moment. This gave the Scottish vampire a sort of ratification as it would appear that she had well and truly got him fooled.
"This is a trick of the light" James roared before dashing forward to bite Joan's forearm and progressively placing bites up until he just passed her elbow.
"Dude that hurts" Joan whined watching as he once again took a step back to stare her down. Noticing that the other members of her family were close she could finally break the illusion.
"Maybe next time you should do a bit of research into who you're going up against" With a smirk that could rival the Cheshire Cat Joan shattered the illusion. However her other family members were just not fast enough as she was rugby tackled to the ground. She let out a little 'oompf' as she hit the floor.
The tracker had now gone absolutely mental. He was aiming to do as much damage to the now reverted Joan. His hands were clawing at her making an attempt to rip her head from her shoulders. Joan let her eyes close as she allowed the sergeant to take over. Two could play at this game. Opening their eyes once again the Sergeant could only laugh at the situation.
"Didn't ya ma teach you to play nice with the other kiddies?" They mocked before pushing with an abnormally large amount of strength the other vampire off. James' body flew through the air much like a small ball of paper.
Struggling to their feet the Sergeant could only roll their eyes at the other family members.
"Could you have picked any other time to go at the speed of a human?" The strong Scottish accent rung throughout the forest as they reprimanded the other Coven members. The group of three headed in the direction to where James had been thrown only to find the tracker nowhere in sight.
"How wonderful"
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