Rubys Family
The sun was shining it was a beautiful day but for Ruby it was just another morning Ruby is a 14 year old she lives with her mom,dad, and her two little sisters. Ruby is not like any other teenager she has no emotions and the rest of her family didn't have any emotions either. But they lerned over the summer Ruby on the other hand didn't do anything over the summer but stayed locked up in her room not talking to anyone not even her family. Ruby has blond hair and blue eyes her two sisters names were Riley and Lila. Riley and Lila are twins at least they seem to think they are but really they are not Riley is older. Riley is 8 and Lila is 7 Riley has brown hair and green eyes Lila has blond hair and green eyes. Rubys mom has blond hair and green eyes and her dad has brown hair and green eyes as well no one really knew ware Ruby got her blue eyes from.Honey honey wake up ok sense I have nothing else better to do what time is it any way mom it is 6:30am ok wait... yes sweetie what day is it, can u turn on the light mom gets off of rubys bed and turns on the light Oh GOD that is hurts my eyes ohhh oopes sorry honey. No no I think its fine I am just teperaraly blinded rubbing her eyes Ruby walks to the calender mom today is Saterday oh I know that honey why am I up then because honey we are going to go to the water park and this involves me how? It involves you because you have been in your room all summer today and tomrrow are the last days of summer then you go to school. Maybe I like being up here in my room well Ruby if u stay up here all day you will never feel emotions and you need to before the school year starts. Mom what are emotions? I have never heard that word before ugh see this is why we need to get you out there because you are getting more brain washed by the minute. What is brain washed? UGH Ruby you are coming with us and that is final. But but but sighs never mind ahhhhhhh oh dear not one of those head akes Rubys mom runs over to Ruby on the floor I am fine but I dont no what happend. Its ok I know what happend sweety you were experienceing the emotion of anger and the stuff they yoused to delete emotions is telling you that you are experiencing emotions stop then it deletes it again. Wow man that really hurt I know it happend to all of us me your dad your sisters as well but then we over came it you will too dont worrie now get ready to go while I go wake up Riley and Lila ok. Ok mom as Rubys mom leaves Ruby plops on her bed I really dont want to go anyware I DONT HEAR ANY FOOT STEPS UP THERE RUBY! Ruby yells I AM GOING AHHHHHHH falls on floor again I hate that. Ruby gets up and dusts off her pjs and walks over to closet now what to wear what do swimming suits look like anyway BAM what the Ruby turns around it was Riley I HURRYED AS SOON AS I HERD she said as she was panting huh huh huh Man you have ALOT of stairs to reach this room. Ummm yea I guess I do? I herd you need help identifying what a swimming suit is man the people who programed us really are brain washing you UGH for the millionth time I am Not BRAIN WASHED AHHHHH again Hahahaha oh sut up Riley Ahhhhh owww they keep getting worse and worse. Tell me about it been there done that never ever going back anyway lets find u your swimming suit Ruby ok rubbing head Riley runs over to rubys closet and knocks Ruby back on the floor Ow I mean never mind. Ahhhhhhh Ruby looks over to Riley with a curious look on her face what are u doing? Looking in your closet of amazing close. Oook I guess now wear are those swimming suits mom bought u let look no thorwes swimming suit out of closet no no no no no Ruby has swiming suit on head what are u doing? Again looking for a swimming suit to go to the water park. Ah ha THIS ONE Riley holds up a blue seimming suit light shines on it perfect puts it down the swimming suit sees Rubys hair ohhh my god your hair whats wrong with it?
I need to brush it I guess walks over to vanity. Riley NO NO NO NOOOOOOO you cant do your hair you dont know how. I know how to do my hair no you dont Ruby we need to call an expert Ruby who is that. She should be here in 3...2...1 I AM HERE 😧 man Ruby you have A LOT of stairs gosh let me catch my breath ehh ehh ehh ehh ok lets do your hair she runs over to Ruby at her vanity and grabs her hair brush and start brushing her hair Lila your the expert on hair Yep she is I have done a french braid with out looking in the merrior once pretty rad 5 secs later done Ruby like it Ruby ehhh ehh EHH IT IS A FREAKING SUPER HIGH PONYTAIL IT TAKES FOREVER TO DO AHHHHHH Ruby what are u doing YOU ARE BRAIN WASH RUBY BRAIN WASHED I am not brain washed. Ya you are ok out both of you out what I said GET OUT Ahhhhhh falls on bed then gets up suts door. RUBY RUBY RUBY hears knock on door come in are you ready yea dad I am Holy you look cute in that swimming suit. Huh look all of you have gone crazy no we have not yes you have Ruby grabs towel no we have not in your mind we have. But we have not see you down stairs and shut your curtens before you come down ok Ruby climes on bed looks out side only sees clouds and rain. Closes curtens and closes bedroom door ok dad outside is rainy and cloudy no I just looked out side it is perfect no its not ohh no she is getting worse worse of what nothing honey umm babe can I talk to you looks at Ruby uhhh sure honey they walk to the kitchen Riley runs down the stairs WHOES READY TO PARTY I AM RILEY I AM Hey Ruby wear is mom and dad oh they went into the kitchen to talk privetly. Huh thats wired ok MOM DAD WE ARE READY TO GO. MOM CAN WE GO NOW 5 hours later Rileys on the chouch Lila chair Ruby looking outside. MOM DAD sorry guys ready to go to the water park yes finaly all walk outside its night time YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING MEEEEE walks in and closes door well that was a waist now now girls your mom and I had to talk to eachother it was important now lets cook dinner together that can be fun change in your pjs ok. Fine fine ok Riley and Lila go up the stairs to there room to change Ruby honey we need to talk to you Ruby turns around and only sees black and white
Rubys mom: Sweetie how do I say this ummmm dear
Rubys dad: ummm you are being brain washed from are old village
Rubys mom: Thats why u get bad head aces
Ruby: Ugh again I am sick and tired of you all saying that ahhhhhh *puts hand on head* I am going to my room and change into my pjs then I will come down to eat *walks up stairs* *Opens bed room door sighs climes on bed* Why does everyone say I am brian washed because I am not AHHH
*Falls on floor* GOD THIS ONE IS BAD What do I do what do I do *thinks to self* I HATE FEELINGS I WILL NEVER FEEL THEM PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU PLEASE STOP MAKING THESE HEAD AKES PLEASE *somthing happend to ruby a bunch of dark magic surrounded her room* Whats going on AHHH help MOM DAD HELP PLEASE
Rubys mom: RUBY
Rubys dad: what
Rubys mom : I think Rubys in trouble I am going to go check on her mabe we went to far
Rubys dad: Ok I am going to get ready to make dinner
Rubys mom: ok
Rubys mom walks up stairs
Rubys mom: Ruby honey are you alright
Rubys mom: HONEY * Runs up stairs* RUBY *opens rubys bedroom door sees darkness*NO NO NO NO *Runs over to ruby* Ruby come on ruby
Ruby passed out
Rubys mom: Ruby wake up *shakes Ruby*
Ruby: *opens eyes* What happend
Rubys mom: I dont know well I do know but I rather not say
Ruby: Ok
Rubys mom: Get in your pjs I need to talk to your dad *tear falls down from her cheek walks out of room*
Ruby: ok then *walks to closet*
Ruby puts on pjs an starts to walk down stairs
-Down stairs-
Rubys mom: Honey
Rubys dad: yes and was there anything that happend to Ruby
Rubys mom: somthing did happen *tear falls down cheek*
Rubys dad: What happend * looks over sees Riley and Lila sitting at the table waiting for intructions to make dinner* But maybe not here
Riley: Maybe not here what
Rubys dad: Nothing Riley just put the water in a pot on the stove and turn it on and put it on the 9 tell you see bubbles ok
Riley: Got it Lila get that written down
Lila: yep got it all down
Riley: ok then what are we waiting for *gets out of chair and runs to the kittchen*
Lila: Hey wait up for me *runs after Riley*
Rubys dad: Ok me and mom will be in the living room talking let me know when you see bubbles ok
Riley: Ok dad
*Rubys parents walk in the living room*
Rubys dad: What happend to Ruby thats got you so upset
Rubys mom: She she she she*Crys* She finally said she hates emotions to stop the head aces *Crys even more* and now we cant save her from I cant say it
Rubys dad: Oh that it will be ok *grabs rubys mom hand* We will help her
Rubys mom: *Yanks hand away* NO WE CANT ITS OUT OF OUR HANDS ONLY TRUE FRIENDS CAN HELP HER NOW AND *Balling* we we we we
Rubys dad: We what
Rubys dad: Well I am sure it will be ok and we did not fail she needs help from other people now why dont we check on Riley and Lila and cook dinner does that sound like fun *smiles*
Rubys mom: Ya I guess it does *wips tear from cheek* Lets do that
5 minutes later
Ruby: Is dinner ready yet
Rubys dad: Yes it is sweet hart come to the dinner table
Ruby: ok
*Walks to dinner table*
Ruby: What are we eating
Rubys dad: Spaghetti and meat balls
Riley: eeem I helped make it and only me
Riley: Oh ya you were there to
Lila: I hate you right now *glars at Riley*
Rubys dad: Now girls eat you spaghetti and meat balls *eats a meat ball* You ok dear you have been alfully quite tonight*
Rubys mom: Huh oh ya I am fine the food is really good girls
Rubys dad: ok then
Riley: Thanks mom I try
Lila: *mummbles* do you try being annoying because you are surrtently good at that
Riley: What did you say I did not here you
Lila: Oh umm Nothing *shoves a meat ball in her mouth and smiles*
Riley: ok Ruby do you like my spaghetti and meat balls
Ruby: Uhhh ya its good I guess
Rubys mom: *tears fall down*
Rubys dad: Umm Riley tell your mom how delicouse your meat balls are and how you made them
Riley: Ok
Ruby: *eating and only sees black and white still* thinking of school
Ruby dad: doesn't that sound like fun Ruby
Ruby: What huh ohhh ya sure whatever you say
Rubys dad: ok
Riley: And thats how I made my meat balls flavorful
Lila: UGH THEY ARE NOT JUST YOUR SPAGHETTI AND MEAT BALLS I HELPED UGHHHHHH *gets up and marches up stairs* I AM GOING TO BED NIGHT *slams bedroom door*
Riley: I wonder what her problum was
Rubys mom: *looks at ruby*
Ruby: *looking at plate*
Rubys mom: *starts balling again*
Riley: Umm mom you ok
Rubys mom: *crying and crying*
Riley: Ummmm this is akward
Rubys dad: Ummm *looks around at everybody* Umm lets call it a night
Riley: ok night everyone *walks up stairs*
Ruby dad: *Helps his wife clime the stairs and she is still crying* Uhh Ruby me and your mom are calling it a night I sujest you do to alright
Ruby: Ok *sighs* night
Rubys dad: night sweety pie
Ruby: Sweetie what
Rubys dad: Nothing just go to bed ok
Ruby: ok? *walks up to the 3rd floor to her bed room* Night
Ruby: *opens door and climes on bed opens curtens and looks out* why is it so dark and rainy still you know what I am just going to go to bed *gets up and closes door and closes curtens ubove her bed gets cosy in bed turns off her desk lamp falls asleep*
The next morning it was beautiful and the last day of summer sadly
Ruby: *slowy wakes up looks at clock 8:00am climes out of bed* ok *walks with eyes closed hits door then falls on floor*
Rubys mom: Huh *falls out of bed and runs up stairs* Are you ok Ruby
Ruby: on floor rubbing her nose* Ya I am fine
Rubys mom: *helps Ruby stand* We are going School close shopping and for once you are not going to get a black and white stuff
Ruby: fine *gets up and gets stuff to take a shower*
Rubys mom: I am going to go wake up your sisters and then cook breakfast just come down when your ready alright * leaves and closes door*
Ruby: alright *walks into the shower*
1 hour later
Ruby: *Puts on black poke a dotted dress on and knee high fashion boots walks to vanity and curls hair puts make up on* ok I guess I am ready *walks down stairs*
Riley: Wow look Ruby does not look like a stupid person for once
Ruby: Whatever
Riley: Really how does the not affend you at all
Ruby: *with a stone face* Whatever
Lila: Gosh she looks even less emotion less in her face
Rubys mom: Umm girls sense your dad is sick we are going school close shopping so eat your breakfast
Riley: Ya ok *starts to eat*
Lila: I cant wait to get new close and bunch of other stuff * eats*
Riley: Mom wear are we going to go
Rubys mom: we are going to go to the mall
Lila: Yes hurry Ruby
Ruby: whatever*eats a little faster*
Lila: Me too
Rubys mom: ok I will go wash the dishes and we can go
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