Crystal Academy
Next day
Rubys alarm was going off
Ruby:*Slowly wakes up and hits the alram and turns it off and opens eyes laying in bed starring at the ceiling* Well today will be a terrible day
*Ruby hears her door creek open*
Rubys mom: Wake up first day of school
Ruby: *thinks in her head* And that is why it will be terrible
Rubys mom: Get off your butt and get moving ok
Ruby: Ok *sits up and rubs eyes* but dont turn on my ligh
Rubys mom: *turns on Rubys light* What hun
Rubys mom: Wait do you feel stining
Ruby: No I just cant see anything
Rubys mom: So not like with your head aces you feel nothing
Ruby: Ya I dont feel anything
Rubys mom: ok well get up take a shower and dress up nicely ok
Ruby: Ya ok *climes out of bed reads clock* it is 6:30am
Rubys mom: Yes it is now hurry down for breakfast*Leaves and closes rubys bedroom door*
Ruby: *walks to the bathroom in her room and takes a shower*
5mins later
Ruby:*gets out of shower drys off and puts on a black dress with a wight ribbon around the middle of the dress and drys hair* ok school whatever that means anyway here I come?
Ruby then walks to her vanity and crimps her golden hair she remembered seeing Lila doing that to her hair
Ruby*Just finished doing her make up and hered a knock on the door* Come in
Rubys mom: Ok dear breakfast is waiting for you Riley and Lila are down stairs eating there bus comes before yours so are u red
Ruby: *Looks at her mother* What you did not finish your sentence
Rubys mom: Huh oh uhh ya are you ready to eat😊
Ruby: Ya I am ready *gets up and walks down stairs and closes her bedroom door behinde her gets down stairs*
Riley: *looks and sees Ruby* Holey
Lila: *Also turned around to see Ruby*Cow
Lila had finished Rileys sentence as they nomaly do
Riley and Lila: Oh uhh nothing just the food is great🙂 hehehe
Rubys mom:*looks out kitchen window*Ohh Riley and Lila your bus just pulled up to our house grab your back packs and quickly put your shoes on
Riley and Lila did what there mother asked them to do Riley was heading into 3rd grade while Lila was heading in to 2nd grade Riley was wareing and Ice cream shirt with leggings and little purple convers Lila was waering a red play dress with black leggings and with sandles becuase it was still warm out side.
Rubys mom: *Puts down the rag and takes off her aperen she then walks over to help Lila with putting on her sandles and straightend Lilas golden bow opend the front door* Ruby I will be right back I am takeing your sisters the the bus keep eating
Ruby: Ok * Looked out side and saw it was wight and no rainyness today*
Rubys mom walked the girls down to the end of the driveway ware the small yellow bus was waiting to take Lila and Riley to there first adventure of school in their new home
Rubys mom: *gave Riley and Lila a kiss and a hug good bye* Have a nice day you two*she said with a sweet smile* you must get back on this bus after school and you half to tell me everything that happens today when you get home ok*she said with a tears in her eyes*
Riley: *looks at Lila and looked back at her mom with a smile she said* We will moma we will tell you everything that happens today and we will find this bus we promise
Lila and Riley gave there mom an other hug good bye and climed on there bus the bus driver opend the window to the girls seat and the girls stood up put their hands out the window and waved goodbye as the bus drove away the girls yelled and waved good bye to their mom
Rubys mom: *came back into the house with tears coming down her face she quickly wiped them away* Ruby you need to go get your black and wight poke-o-dotted back pack so your not late and put shoes on to
Ruby Got up out of her chair she had been sitting in eating and went upstairs to her room she opend her door and grabed her binder and put it in her back pack she got her phone put on her knee high boots and then ran back down stairs
Ruby:Ok I am ready for whatever it is again
Rubys mom:*Looks at ruby* You mean school look honey this year is your first year in high school you need to make friends ok
Ruby: Ya ok *walks over to the window and sees a long yellow thing on wheels pulling up in front of her house*Mom what is that?
Rubys mom:*Puts down the magazine and looks out the window*Oh that is your bus.
Ruby: ok I guess
Rubys mom: Ruby I will not walk you all the way to the bus ok I will walk outside to the pateo and you will walk to the bus by yourself ok
Ruby and Her mother walk out side to the pateo together then Rubys mom just gave you ruby and hug and a kiss and sent her to the bus on her own
Ruby: What was that you just did to me mom
Rubys mom: Don't worrie about it hun you just worrie about your freshmen year ok.
Ruby:ok I guess
Rubys mom sent Ruby down to the end of their drive way and then she waved at Ruby her oldest chiled and smiply smiled as Ruby was heading to the bus for her first day of high school
Rubys mom: Bye Ruby have a nice day *she waved with a smile*
Ruby Just waved with a confused look on her face because she did not know what her mom was doing with her face and when they were on her pateo but she brushed it off becuase she had other things to worrie about like school. Ruby got on the bus and saw so many teenagers yelling and talking and doing somthing she was not farmiler to her something with their mouths they were not yelling nor talking eathire but it was normaly after someone said somthing. Ruby just ignord it and found a seat by the window she sat down and listend to people talking and looked out the window and saw her home disaper.
Ruby: *in her head* Ok so the thing I'm on is a bus and they're people doing somthing she was completely unyoused to
5mins later
Ruby saw a huge bilding with a lot of buses and teenagers climing off the buses her bus turned into that place too
Ruby:*in her head* So this is High School? Huh
Ruby got off of her bus and looked at the number on the side it was 18
Ruby: Ok so bus 18 ok * she fallowed some teenagers to a cafeteria and looked around for a map of the school she found one and walked over to it she remembered her mom said go to the main office when you got there so she did* ok main office main office she wisperd to her self
Girl : Are you looking for the main office
Ruby:*turned around and saw a girl that look about her age with purple hair and blue eyes* Ummm yes I am do you know ware it is?
Girl: Yes I do know ware it is😊 fallow me*started to walk*
Ruby:*fallowed the girl and rememberd what her father said yous your manners* Ummmm thank you for helping me find it
Girl: Oh ya no problume are you new?
Ruby: Ya I am
Girl: Oh cool me too but my older sister goes here so I know were every thing is😊 Do you have any sibblings?
Ruby: Yea I do two little sisters no older sibblings that I know of
Girl: That is cool I have three little sisters and one older one
Ruby: cool?
Girl: Here we are the main office
Ruby: Umm thx again
Girl: No problum😊 I hope we have the same classes
Ruby: Me too*wispers* I guess
Girl: Well see you around hope you have a wonderful first day and hope to see you around😊*skips off*
Ruby: Ok breath *opens the office doors and waits in line*
2 minutes later
Office lady: Hello how can I help you dear🙂
Ruby: Ummm I am brand new to this school and state so I dont have my schedule yet
Office lady: Oh yes lets get that for you oh I almost forgot before I do this welcome to Crystal Academy dear🙂
Ruby: Thank you? *face as stone*
Office lady: Ok then whats your first name
Ruby: It is Ruby
Office lady: Ok there are over 50 Rubys whats your last name dear
Ruby: It is Jackson
Office lady: Are you Ruby Rose Cystal Jackson?
Ruby: Yep that is me *face still stone*
Office lady: Ok😞 anyway lets print out your schedule then dear🙂
Ruby: Thank you
Office lady: No problum dear it is in the back I will go get it stay there I will be right back
Ruby: ok *steps aside by the plant*
Office lady: Ok back dear here you go
Ruby: *looks at schedule* ok 1st period Mrs.Farm Math then Mrs. Carson Reading then Mr. Brown lidachure Mrs. Madison History/homeroom then lunch ok and Ms.Bull Science Mr.Willson health Mr. Peterson drama and Mrs. Shaver Choir wow
Office lady: Don't worrie dear we will have someone give you a tour so you find all your classes🙂
Ruby: Oh thank you?
Office lady: Do you ever smile
Ruby: Huh what is a smile?😞
Office lady: Haahahahahah😂😂 that is a good one dear you made my day with that one
Ruby: Uhhh thx *in head* She is doing what all the teenagers were doing on the bus what is that?😞
Office lady: Ok dear thank u for the laugh and your gide is waiting out there hope you like it here at Crystal Academy bye bye now dear😊
Ruby: Bye😞 umm.... thanks for the help again *walks out of office looks around for somone who was going to show her around in head* umm wear is the person givin me a tour.
Voice: Are you Ruby Jackson
Ruby: Yes I am
Voice: Oh good I am your tour guide you must be a Freshmen huh
Ruby: Yea I am😞
Voice: Oh that is cool I am a junior but I have a sister in your grade😊
Ruby: Oh uhhh cool?
Voice: Yea I guess it is huh?
Voice: Anyway lets start in the hall way were your locker is come on fallow me *walks*
Ruby: Ok *fallows the girl* what hall way is my locker in?
Tour gide person: Oh your locker is in hall way A that is the best hallway to be in😊
Ruby: Oh
Tour gide: Yep here we are *stops in front of a locker* Here is your locker you are aloud to decorate it anyway you want to sense we are here put your back pack in it
Ruby: ok * unlocks locker unzips back pack and takes out binder and puts back pack in the locker closes it and flips hair* Ok I think I am ready now
Tour gide: *claps her hands together* Great lets go😊
Ruby:*in head* What is with her face what is she doing?😞 *fallowes the girl to all of her classes* Thanks for umm takeing me around the school
Girl: Ya no problume oh by the way my name is Charry nice to meat you I completely forgot about introduce my self😊
Ruby: Ok? I guess this is Mrs. Farms right
Charry: Yes it is have a nice day *walked off waving😊*
Ruby: Thank you *waved and walked in the class*
Voice: OMG your in here to😊
Ruby: *Turned around and saw the girl she met earlier* Oh umm yae *looking down at the floor*
Girl: Ya I thought it was you I completely forgot to introduce myself and I dont know your name
Ruby: Oh my name is Ruby
Girl: Oh I like that name my name is Carly😊 nice to meat you
Ruby: Nice to meat you too *wispers to self* I think but I dont know?😞
Carly: Why dont you come sit next to me😊
Ruby: Ok? *no expression on her face*
Carly: ok fallow me😊
Ruby: ok
They walk to the front of the class room in to the two desk next to the teachers desk
Carly: *leans over to Ruby and wispers* Dont worrie this teacher is sweet and nice🙂
Ruby: ok
Carly: Also can I see your schedule
Ruby put her white binder on her desk and pulled out her schedule and gave it to Carly
Carly: *grads her schedule and and gives it Ruby and then grabs Rubys schedule and started reading it*
Ruby: *reading Carlys schedule*
Carly: Cool we have Drama and this class pluse choir and Lunch😊
Ruby: Ohhh cool?
Mrs Farms: Ok class welcome to Crystal Academy I am your math teacher Mrs. Farms blah blah blah
Ruby: *was not listening to Mrs. Farms really she heard a few words but not many rubys was starring out the window only had seen Pitch black and No color at all this morning she saw color but now she saw no color but the wired thing is she can still see Carly and her purple hair her pink top and blue eyes and her green skirt clearly but everything else was just not colorful*
The bell rang and it was time to go to her next period Ruby go up and walked out of the classroom with Carly
Carly: Hey so I will meat you after your home room and then we can walk to lunch and you can meat my friends😊
Ruby: Ok
12hours later
It was homeroom for Ruby she just finished a contract she had to sign
The bell rung for lunch and Ruby got up and walked out of the classroom
Carly: *running towards Ruby😊* Hey Ruby wait up
Ruby:*stopped and waited for Carly to ketchup she saw Carlys bright blues eyes and her purple hair flowing behinde her in a briad with her books in her arms runing towards her* Hey sooo can I go to my locker to put my books and binder away before we go?
Carly: Ya my locker is also this way we can walk together to them if you want to
Ruby: *was about to say no I rather walk there alone but hered her moms voice in her head saying you need to make friends* Ya sure lets walk together😞
Carly: Ok😄
Ruby:*In her head* What is with that on her face this is wired
Carly: So how has your first day gone so far😊
Ruby: Fine uhh how about yours😞
Carly: AMAZING I have so many kind teachers and they dont give homework so I am saved from that thankfully😊 hey were is your locker anyway?
Ruby: Its in hallway A were is yours?
Carly: Same hallway😊
Ruby: Cool
They soon arrived in hallway A
Carly: what is your locker number Ruby?
Ruby: Its 1 what is yours
Carly: Wow mine is 2 lol we are in the same hallway right next to eachother
Ruby: ya we are *in her head* Ok this so Carly seems what do you call? Ummm nnnice I think that is the word
Carly: *opens her locker and puts her books in on her locker door there was a merrior she looked at her self in the mirror and was fixing her hair* Ruby do you wanna be my friend?
Ruby: *opend her locker and placed her books binder neatly in it* Yea that would be nice? Yea nice
Carly: Great *closed her locker and posed* I look fabulous 😂
Ruby:Ya *wispers* I think
Carly: Come on Ruby close your locker and lets get some food I am hungery😊
Ruby: Ok*closed her locker*
Carly and Ruby walk to the lunch room
Carly: Before we get in line let me go introduce you to my friends come on😊
Ruby: Ok
It was all black and white but when she saw a group of people Carly was talking to they were in color
Carly:*Flagged Ruby down* Come over here😊
Ruby: *Ruby walked over to her new friend and her friends*
Carlys friends: Hi😊
Ruby: Umm hi
Carly: Guys meat Ruby and Ruby meat Lexie
Lexie: Hi
Carly: Ryan
Ryan: Sup
Carly: Cloe
Cloe: Hello
Carly: Jessica
Jessica: Hi
Carly: Carson
Carson: Hi
Carly: And last but not least Troy
Troy: Hi
Ruby: Hi
All the Teenagers she met were all her age and nice.Troy has Blond hair and green eyes like rubys dad he was wareing a black hoodie with a red simble on it of a sheld Jessica has blue hair and light pink eyes she was wareing a Purple top and light blue genes with wholes her hair was curled , Carson has black hair light red eyes and was waering a plane T-shirt and gray genes, Lexie has peach hair her eyes are light blue her hair was in a messy bun and she was wareing a light pink cardigan with a blue shirt and black genes, And Cloe has pink hair and light green eyes and her hair was in a high ponytail and was wareing a dress with a lockett and a bracelet.
Carly: Ruby lets get our spaghetti😊
Ruby: sure ok *walk to the line for spaghetti*
Carly: They are all super nice when you get to know them better😊
Ruby: Ya they umm they sound nice
Carly: They are trust me😊
Ruby and Carly walked and sat down with the others
Jessica: Hey Ruby are you in Mr. Browns class
Ruby: Ya I have him earlier in the day
Jessica:3rd period right
Ruby: Ya he is my 3rd period are you in that class?
Jessica: Ya I am😊
Ryan: Wait are you in misses Madisons class in 4th and homeroom
Ruby: Umm ya I am
Ryan: Sweet me too I thought you looked formillure😊
Troy: Whats your next period?
Ruby: Miss Bull science
Troy: Oh sweet I am in that class next
Lexie: Same
Jessica: Me two
Carly: Lol I read my Schedule wrong I have that class next as well
Cloe: Same
Ryan: Look at that me too
Carly: Well looks like we all have that class together oh ya
Carly put her hand in the air in the middle of the spot they were sitting in everyone but Ruby put their hands in the middle to and high fived eachother at the same time
Everyone but ruby: Ya😂😊
Carly: I love you guys 😊
Lexie: Awww stop your makeing me blush
Ruby was not sure what she meant and what they have on their faces and what they were doing but something about it made her feel something she never felt before
Carly: Lets go Ruby we need to go get our stuff out of are lockers hey see you guys in science😊
30hours later it was the end of the school day and Ruby made 7 friends that day she liked talking to them but she did not know why she did or what she was feeling but in her head she herd a voice not her moms not her dads or sisters or even her new friends it was a deep voice almost a wired voice to her she felt uncomfortable
then the voice disapered in her head she walk out side to ware the buses picked up students she didn't see her bus yet so she talked to her friends for a while and then her bus showed up and she started to walk to it
Ruby: Bye guys *she waved bye to her new friends*
Back at Rubys house
Ruby was at the dinner table for dinner with her sisters and mom and dad
Rubys mom: Riley how was your day
Ruby: Mom what is nice what does it mean
Rubys mom: Oh it means the person is not rude and that they are plesent to be around😊
Ruby: Oh that is what it means
Rubys mom: Yes anyway Lila how was your day of school
Lila: Oh so nice it was fun and I made 5 friends as well they all are goofy and we had so much fun
Rubys mom: Sounds like you two had a wonderful day Ruby how was your day
Ruby: It was uhhhh how do I explain it uhh it was wonderful? Idk no the word and how to explain it but anyway I made 7 friends
Riley: *spites out alot of water on Lila coffing* 7 friends how
Riley: No I just watered you now you will grow hehehe
Lila: NO YOU DID NOT UGH😡 *dripping wet*
Riley: NO
Lila: YES
Rubys mom: BOTH OF YOU STOP IT RIGHT NOW Lila fallow me into the kittchen to get you cleaned up and Riley you dry up that spill * She got up and walked over two the kittchen holding Lilas hand*
Riley: *got a towle and sarted drying up her mess*
Rubys mom: Anyway Ruby sorry for the rude interruption from you know who now keep going *she yelled form the kittchen* we are listening
Ruby: ok like I was saying I made 7 new friends they are all the word you explained to me they were nice and at lunch they did this thing that made me feel somthing I cant explain it
Rubys mom: YOU WHAT *dropped the towle she was useing to dry off Lila with*
Riley stopped what she was doing she had her mouth opened Rubys dad had a shocked look on his face Ruby had seen that face before when mom told him she was pregnet with Lila of course they were ready to move to here but they did not because of that news
Ruby: I said I felt something
Rubys mom: You felt something YES😄
Ruby: but I could not tell you what
it was but I did feel something
Rubys mom: That is the best news *she picked up the towle and started to dry Lila* Riley close your mouth dear or you will catch flys and dry your mess up before you finish your stake🙂
Riley: *shook her head back and fourth super fast and then started drying again*
Ruby looked over to wear her dad sat he was still frozen
Ruby: *picked up another peice of meat an put it in her mouth*
Riley: *Finally finished drying her mess she made and threw the towle in the landery room and sat back down in her seat and stated to eat again*
Lila came back all dryed off and started eating again
5min later
Ruby: I am going to bed
Rubys mom: Night
Rubys dad: Night
Riley: Night
Lila: Night
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