{2} The Jerk
Zaynub Khalid
I woke up the next day with a killer headache. I groaned as the thoughts of last night flooded my mind again. Why? Why must he show up now? Why must my parents recommend him of all people? Oh, Allah please help me.
Zakir was going to be staying with us for a while since his parents were buying a house and it was not complete yet. Plus they were sticking around for a meeting on the problems Bangladesh was currently having. The marriage ideal was just an extra in that set of problems.
I forced myself out of bed to pray Fajr (morning prayer). Then I took a nice hot shower to relax my body from all the pent up tension I was feeling. Zakir was back in my life. I had spent years hating his very existence, and now he was living in my house. It irked me, pissed me off beyond belief.
He didn't change at all. He was still his annoying handsome self that I just wanted to punch to get in order to get rid of him. After my shower I went straight to my phone to call one of my closest friends, Aaliya. After the third ring she answered.
"Assalaamualaikum," greeted Aaliya.
"Waalaikumusalaam," I responded.
"What's up?" she asked.
"Major problems going on here. My parents want me to marry Zakir, and I can't exactly say no to them because then I would ruin both families relationship and everything will be awkward. Plus, Zakir's family is staying here for like a month. He is an arrogant jerk, whom I don't want to marry. I mean I know my parents said that I should get married to him but I just can't. Not after everything he did," I rushed in one breath, flopping down to my bed.
"Hold up. Your parents want you to marry Zakir. As in Zakir Khan. The jerk who bullied you?" she qustioned.
"Yes," I sighed.
"Maybe your parents are right. You know you should trust your parent's judgment. They know what's best and I bet Zakir changed. I mean you aren't the same as you once were so I bet he isn't either. Give it a chance before you judge. Come on, if I were in that position you would have told that to me," said Aaliya.
"I guess you're right but I'll just see how it goes," I breathed.
"Good, now listen I have to go. Assalaamualaikum," said Aaliya.
"Waalaikumusalaam," I responded.
With that, she hung up. Aaliya and I had been friends since we were three. She knew about what happened between Zakir and I. She witnessed it.
I sighed. Everyone was telling me Zakir had changed, but I didn't feel like he did from our last interaction. By the way he reacted yesterday, I had good reason to believe that he didn't want me as his bride. Of course he didn't, he was the great Zakir Khan. Little ol' me could never be in his kind regards.
After a while, I put my hijab on and went downstairs for breakfast. It was Saturday, so I had no classes. As I was walking downstairs I heard sobbing. I stopped. It was Hajar's muffled voice behind the door. Curiosity got the better of me. I leaned my ear against her door and heard the heavy sobs that rocked through her. What in the world?
"Why me, Allah? Why?" she cried.
I was about to open the door when a deep voice startled me.
"Spying now are we?" Zakir raised an eyebrow.
I jumped.
"Oh my gosh, don't you ever do that again!" I breathed.
"Aw, did I scare the princess?" Zakir asked, a teasing grin on his lips.
"You know what? Shut up," I glared.
"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," he mumbled.
"Hey, I heard that," I whisper-yelled.
"You were meant to," was his smart-alec reply.
"I swear you have serious issues," I said, crossing my arms over my chest.
"I swear you get so cranky in the morning," he mocked my words in and overly girlish voice.
"Leave me alone," I groaned.
"Fine be that way. But you might just want to give Hajar some space right now," he advised.
I stared at his retreating figure, burning mental holes through it. Man, that guy was such a jerk! Huffing out a breath of frustration, I turn back to Hajar's closed doors. I really wanted to know what was wrong with Hajar, but Zakir was right. I had to give her some space now. Perhaps I could get Khadijah to talk things out with her.
Satisfied with my mental plan to help my little sister, I went to go find Khadijah. After two minutes of searching, I finally found her.
"Um, Khadijah could you do me a favor?" I asked.
"Sure," she said.
"Could you see if Hajar is alright because I heard her crying and I'm worried," I admitted.
"Of course I will," she smiled.
"Thank you so much, Khadijah."
I left Khadijah, and continued my way downstairs. Hajar probably wouldn't talk about her problems with me yet, but I knew Khadijah could reach out to her. While I was walking, I didn't realize where I was going and came crashing into a hard chest.
"Honestly, can't I get through one hour without running into you?" I face palmed as I realized who it was.
"What can I say? I'm special," he shrugged.
I groaned again.
"Geez tough crowd," Zakir mumbled.
"Haha real stupid," I said sarcastically.
He narrowed his eyes at me. I just shrugged it off and skipped into the kitchen. I took out a pop tart and toasted it. While I was waiting Laila walked into the room. Laila was nineteen, a year younger than me.
"Hey, do you want to go shopping later?" she asked.
"I would love to," I responded.
"Great how about in an hour?" she suggested.
"Sure," I replyed.
Then, for the third time today ,Zakir walked in. It wasn't even an hour yet. Come on! I wanted to scream in frustration, but I decided against it.
"Has anyone seen Baba?" he asked.
"No," replied Laila .
Zakir ran a hand through his hair, visibly annoyed. He looked like a child who was refused to go outside. It was so cute. Wait, cute? Where did that come from?
"Anyway, what are you girls up to?" he questioned.
"We're going to the mall later," I responded.
"Oh cool," he said.
There was an awkward silence. Finally, the pop tart was done. I took it out and made my way to the couch. I saw Noorah there.
"Have a seat. I want to talk to you," she patted a seat next to her.
I went and sat down.
"Why don't you want to marry Zakir? He is a really nice guy. He's one of the most religious Muslim men around and he has a good job so what's up?" she asked.
"It's just something that happened in the past. I'm not sure I can love him like that," I sighed.
"Amir said some stuff happened when you were a kid. People change, Zaynub. I think Zakir has changed. Marriage is a wonderful thing. It completes half of your deen and it's better to marry a practicing Muslimah," she advised.
"I know I just need time to think," I said.
Suddenly I heard Amu scream out my name.
"Zaynub, call 911 now!" she yelled.
I was confused on why. I ran upstairs to see what was going on. Laila, Zakir, Noorah, and Amir were right behind me. When we got to my parents bedroom, my blood ran cold. Baba was on the floor lifeless.
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