{19} Welcome Back
Zaynub Khalid
I cuddled up my sleeping nephew to my chest. Uthman was my new nephew. He was so small and tiny. He had hazel eyes like Hajar and was such a peaceful little thing. He reminded me of Noorah. She was quiet and reserved just like her son, but Uthman looked more like Amir in physical appearance.
I placed Uthman in his bed and gently shut the door. We were back home after the third day at the hospital. It was funny how many times I ended up at the hospital. I shook my head, we were a family that lured trouble to us. In Shaa Allah (If Allah wills it) I wouldn't end up at the hospital anytime soon.
Anyway, Zakir had been spending some time visiting me at my parent's house. Today was the day I go back. I mean it had been almost a week and a half. I was pretty sure everything was calm now and everyone had time to cool their heads.
Besides, I needed to be there to support my mother-in-law. The doctor said she should be able to get her memory back soon. The problem was that no one ever knew what would happen. We just had to make duaa (small prayer) and see what Allah would do. Allah always did things for the best. Most people have a hard time remembering that.
Knock Knock.
I answered the door and came face-to-face with Zakir.
"Are you ready yet?"
"Yeah. Just give me a minute and I'll be down."
"Ugh," he groaned. "Whenever a girl says that it ends up being longer than a minute."
I raised my eyebrows.
"What? I have three sisters. I know how females work," he shrugged.
I just shook my head and pushed him out of my room.
Gathering my bags, I went out the door. I wanted to say salaams to Uthman before I left. I already loved him as if he were my own son. He was so innocent and pure. His eyes had this curious glow to it. It was so cute.
I walked into his room and saw Amir playing with him.
"Would you look at that? The boy that used to play with cars and Pokemon is now a father," I smirked.
Amir's head snapped to mine and then he glared, "There's nothing wrong with Pokemon."
"Of course there isn't," I rolled my eyes. "Now give me my little nephew so I can say salaams to him."
"Sorry but Uthman doesn't like it when you insult his dad. You better say sorry," he grinned.
"What? No way! I'm not apologizing. Besides, you know I was kidding."
"Nope. Apologize and then you get to say salaams."
"You're so mean to me," I pouted.
"I don't care. I still expect the apology. Even Uthman wants you to say it."
"As if."
"Say it or else no Uthman," he bargained.
"What? That's not fair! He's my nephew."
"And he loves his father more so ha."
"Fine I'm sorry for... I don't even know what anymore. Just hand me Uthman."
"Bossy much?" he muttered before he handed me Uthman.
"Hey! I heard that," I laughed.
Uthman started staring at us like we were crazy and he was trying to figure us out. Amir and I laughed. That was when Noorah walked in.
"Did you two wake him up again? I told you he needs his sleep," groaned a very tired looking Noorah.
"Hey, it's never too late to play with his dad," huffed Amir.
"I'm about to leave and I wanted to say salaams to him."
"Oh. Well, Zaynub has a better reason than you, Amir."
"Hey! I'm his father. It's called quality father and son time. Geez, you women always accuse men for everything."
"Amir, you know he needs his sleep," sighed Noorah.
"Okay okay. Don't need to get your hijabs in a twist," he mumbled.
"Excuse you! But I don't think that you were the one carrying a child inside you for nine months! Or giving birth to a child afterwards! Therefore you have no say in this!" Noorah yelled.
"Whoa chill, honey. I meant it as a joke. How about you go rest and I'll take care of everything else for you. Sound good?" he asked, slightly nervous.
Noorah sighed and nodded before walking out. I giggled. Amir just saved himself from dealing with a very angry mother. Noorah hasn't been getting sleep lately because Uthman has been a handful. Amir helps out and all, but still a mother still has to go through a lot.
"Zaynub! Hurry up," whined Zakir from downstairs.
I shook my head and handed Uthman back to Amir. I kissed his nose before heading downstairs. In front of me stood Zakir pouting at me. "What took so long? I'm hungry so let's go already. I swear you take so long just to say salaams."
"You sound like a little boy," I laughed.
"Yeah yeah laugh it up," he glared at me in a playful way.
Afterwards we headed back home. I wonder if Aunt Yusra is still there?
* * * *
As soon as we entered the house, we heard some voices yelling in the living room.
"Yusra! Stop this behavior right now!" yelled my father-in-law.
"He needs to divorce that girl. She's not right for him. Bahiya is!" I'm guessing Aunt Yusra said that.
"Yusra we have gone over this already. Zakir truly loves her. You can't take something precious from him away like that. His mother has amnesia and he needs his wife's support," sighed my father-in-law.
"Bahiya can give him that. She would make an amazing wife," she responded.
"Just get out. I can't deal with this right now."
"Fine, but know that I'm not backing down. You know what I'm capable of so don't tempt me any farther."
They were so into this argument that they didn't notice Zakir and I. What did she mean? What was she capable of? I looked at Zakir. His face went pale. I had a bad feeling about this.
* * * *
Zakir Khan
Darn it! Why was Aunt Yusra not letting me be happy? Could she not see that I loved Zaynub? Everyone knew that except her and Bahiya's family. After their argument, Aunt Yusra left, but not before glaring at Zaynub. She winced at the cold look Aunt Yusra gave her.
Aunt Yusra's last words scared me. I knew what she was capable of. If Aunt Yusra set her mind out to do something, she wouldn't give up until she did it. She was planning something. I just knew it.
But the question is what? What is she up to?
I needed to be careful and from the look on my father's face, he knew it too.
"Zaynub, go unpack. I'll be up soon," I told her.
"Okay," she said softly.
After Zaynub left, I turned to my father
"Don't do anything stupid, son," he warned.
"I won't. I'm just worried. Why won't they let me be happy? I love her," I said quietly.
"Zakir, some people don't understand love. Yusra is like that. She doesn't get it because her husband died, remember?"
"Yeah, but that's no excuse," I argued.
"She just thinks she's doing what's right for you. After her love died, she changed. She's not the same anymore. Her heart turned cold and then bad things started happening like financial problems. She's still in depression and her faith is just crumpling. She thinks Allah has abandoned her. Even though that's not true."
"She abandoned Allah. She needs to open her eyes again. What if she does something that will ruin this marriage? I can't lose Zaynub, dad. I just can't."
"I know Zakir. Just hang on. Make duaa and put your trust in Allah. Now go spend time with Zaynub," he advised, giving me his warm smile.
I nodded and went up to my room. My beautiful Zaynub was just about done unpacking. I started to help her until Deeliyah, Laila, and Khadijah ran up to Zaynub and hugged her.
"Whoa, where's the fire?" Zaynub teased.
"We missed you," said Khadijah.
"Yeah and Zakir over here has been going crazy for you," grinned Deeliyah.
"Hey, you can't blame a guy for missing his wife," I defended.
"Aww look at the lovebirds. Hey, that reminds me, how's baby Uthman?" asked Laila.
"He's good Alhamdulilaah (thanks to Allah). I miss him already. Noorah has been tired though since Uthman keeps her up all night. Amir has been getting less sleep too, but he's still trying to learn how to be a father," Zaynub said.
"Oh, you should bring Uthman here. I want to see him," cooed Deeliyah.
While the girls were chatting, my phone beeped. A text message? From who? I opened up the new text and froze upon reading it.
From: Unknown
Meet me at the Starbucks 2marrow. If you don't you know what will happen to Zaynub. You have been warned.
-You Know Who
Assalaamualaikum guys!
Yeah so this update took a little bit longer because I was thinking of a good way to end the chapter. Things don't look so good for Zaykir right now.
Alright, so remember to comment, vote, and fan! Thanks ;)
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