{17} Bahiya In Between
Zakir Khan
"How could you?" Bahiya's mother yelled as she walked into my house with her family.
Bahiya was a girl that wanted to marry me. I thought she was intriguing once, but not enough to call her my wife. Yeah she wore a hijab, had a fair knowledge of Islam, and practiced the religion, but not to the full extent. She was just the average Muslim girl and I wanted more than that.
When I rejected the proposal, Bahiya's parents went crazy. They didn't understand why I didn't want to marry their daughter. I told them my reasons and at the time they understood. However, right at this moment, they looked like they wanted to murder me.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked them. I hope Zaynub didn't hear all this shouting.
"You turned down Bahiya to marry that woman?" she yelled.
"What's going on here?" asked Deeliyah while walking into the conversation. She looked between Bahiya and me and her mouth formed an "O" shape. Then Deeliyah walked until she was at my side. "Auntie, there are many great Muslim men out there for your daughter. I don't understand why you're mad," said Deeliyah calmly.
"It's cause I wanted him to marry me!" shouted Bahiya with tears in her eyes. "It's not fair. She doesn't deserve him. She only acts like a good Muslim. Trust me I've seen her at school. She's not exactly what you call a good Muslim"
That's not true. I know Zaynub wouldn't act like that. She's lying.
I turned to face Bahiya. "I know my wife. She would never do that. I know who I married."
"Your wife is a liar. She doesn't deserve you, Zakir. You need someone strong, beautiful, smart, and religious. You need a wife like me. Not a broken brat," she seethed.
I clenched my fists. How dare she say that about my wife? I really wanted to punch this girl right now. Before I could say anything Bahiya's mother spoke up.
"Zakir, You know I love you as my own son. That's why I'm telling you that you should marry Bahiya. She has all the qualities to be a good wife. Why go for a weak person? She's not even pretty. She's fat and is a liar. Why go for that when you can do so much better?" she said calmly.
That was all it took for me to burst. "How dare you walk into this house and say horrible things about my wife in front of her husband? Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) never taught us to act like this. Zaynub is not weak. She's very strong and she went through so much that should have broken her, but she's still standing tall. She's not fat, she's beautiful. Zaynub is also a very intelligent girl. Not many girls have as much Islamic knowledge as her. The best part about Zaynub is that she is a practicing Muslimah. That's all I could ever ask for," I finished off my rant.
"You're blind Zakir. There is nothing special about her. Her own sister tried to commit suicide. If she can't even help her family, how can she help you?" questioned Bahiya, narrowing her eyes.
"She helped me so much. Zaynub helped me realize that I needed to change. She's my bright light and I'm proud to call her my wife. And I don't care if anyone doesn't approve of us being together. I know the choice I made and I know Allah does things for a reason," I said softly.
Bahiya's face turned red at this. Then, she screamed in frustration.
"I can't believe this. She's destroying my chance of love!" she screamed.
I rolled my eyes, this woman is so annoying. Bahiya didn't love me. She just loved my wealth and looks. That wasn't love. That was called being hormonal.
"Bahiya, you don't love me. You love the idea of me. That's not love," I stated, flatly.
"She doesn't deserve you. She couldn't even support her sister and you think she can support your new family. She is weak and pathetic," Bahiya's mother hissed.
"Enough!" roared Amir.
We all turned to face him.
"You all need to chill the heck down. You can't just come into someone's house and insult their new bride. That's haraam (forbidden). Ya Allah, just please stop insulting my sister. She's done nothing wrong and you're all speaking trash about her. She's been through enough, just stop," exclaimed Amir.
I look behind Amir and see a figure behind the wall. It was Zaynub. Her face was twisted in hurt. A small tear slipped from the corner of her eyes before she wiped it off. Right at that moment, my heart broke. Zaynub didn't deserve all this. She deserved better.
"Zaynub," I whispered.
All eyes landed on my beautiful wife's sorrow struck expression.
She shook her head and ran upstairs and into our room. She slammed the door shut.
"Was it really worth it? Was coming here to make an innocent girl cry worth the trouble? Right in front of her family too. What did you all gain from this? Huh? Nothing," Deeliyah screeched. For a fourteen year old she sure was mature.
Bahiya's family just left. "You made a horrible mistake," whispered Bahiya, closing the door.
"Zakir, what was that? Do you know how hurt Zaynub must be now? She didn't deserve any of that," Amir softly said.
"I know. What do I do now?" I asked.
"Go to her and comfort her," advised Amir.
I nodded and went upstairs. When I reached our room I heard quiet sobs. I can't believe this. I'm a horrible husband. I just made my wife cry. I gently knocked on the door.
"Zaynub, please let me in so we can talk," I begged quietly.
I heard some shuffling before she unlocked the door. I opened the door to reveal a tear stained Zaynub. I swore my world came crashing down at the sight of her tears. As soon as I saw another tear slip from her eyes, I embraced her in a tight hug.
She continued to quietly sob into my chest. I carried her to our bed and sat down with her on my lap. My shirt was getting wet, but I didn't care. My wife was hurt because of me.
"I'm s-sorry," she looked up at me with teary eyes.
"What are you sorry for? If anyone should be apologizing it should be me for dragging you into this," I said as I caressed her cheek softly.
"I'm the center of the problem. I'm sorry if I'm not the perfect wife for you, but I promise I'll try to be," she said while looking down.
I paused in my actions. This got me angry. How could she think that? Not everyone is perfect, but Zaynub is an amazing wife.
"How can you even say that? Zaynub, why would I choose to marry you if I thought you would be a horrible wife? We all make mistakes," I stated.
"But Bahiya was right. I was so blind about my own sister," she said softly.
I ran a hand through my hair. "Zaynub, you were in some pretty tough situations. No one blames you. You have one of the most caring hearts I know. Bahiya is just jealous at the moment," I cringed at the thought of what she had said.
Zaynub was about to say more when I heard a knock on my door. Zaynub quickly wrapped a scarf around her head. I got up and opened the door to reveal my Aunt Yusra. She really liked Bahiya and didn't approve my marriage with Zaynub.
"Zakir, how come I hear Bahiya's mom calling me and saying that you said awful things to them. I knew Zaynub would be a bad influence on you. That's why I rushed over here," she spat out and looked angrily towards Zaynub's direction.
"They came and started to insult my wife," I said calmly.
"I don't care what happened but you two are getting a divorce," she hissed.
"What?" I yelled.
I was not letting them take Zaynub away from me. No matter what.
Assalamualikum guys!
I know you all have waited for this moment.
Quick Islamic lesson. It's never okay to lie about something so serious like this. You are not a true believer if you are a liar. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "Three traits characterize a believer's conduct: (i) even when in a fit of anger, he does not resort to falsehood; (ii) even when he is elated, he does not transgress the bounds of truth; and (iii) when he enjoys power, he does not deny people their due." Thanks and remember to reflect off of this hadith. Hadiths are sayings from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
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