"Appreciate little things"
HEY guys so first of all I am writing after so long so please bear with me. And again I was supposed to post this yesterday but my hectic schedule didn't allowed me soo here we goo.
Hello 2022!!
YES YES I am speaking to you . I know everyone is busy in welcoming 2023 that they forgot to take a moment to appreciate you. I am so sorry from everyone's side but let me tell you a secret. You know that you were never the best wonderful year we all wanted but to be honest you were the best year for us in terms of teaching us most valuable life lessons (Okay I know many of you will think what this girl is saying has she gone mad but no I am right, think about it once you guys will know by your own self). okay so lemme continue, so 2022 you taught us many things you were all about giving lessons which are indeed the best anyone can have. You literally taught us how to deal with every issue with every situation.
We all know what we faced this year. Many of us faced anxiety issues many health issues many of us went in depression due to some reason or other but at the end we all survived and for that matter we learned how to deal with everything how to be strong when everything is falling apart I am not saying nothing was good in this year many things were but I and you we both know that most of the time it was all about dealing with things but that doesn't mean we can't appreciate the beauty of 2022. YES it was beautiful because it taught us lessons which will help throughout our life "The most valuable lessons of our life".
So my dear 2022 thank you for each and every teaching and keeping all the leaning which you gave me in mind I am whole heartedly welcoming 2023. I hope 202 with all the learning of 2022 will be the best year for me, my family, my loved ones and for everyone .
They say doing mistakes is okay but not learning from them and repeating them again and again is not even near to okay. So my dear 2023 I promise I will try my level best to not repeat any mistake and I will try to be my better version.
So with this small note a very happy welcome to 2023..." HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE"❤
If it's all dark open the windows
if it's all directionless use a google map
If it's all seems worthless try to find it's worth
because sometimes it's not about thinking about it
it's all about taking a step towards it
if you keep complaining about your life instead of working to make it better
then it's like you are complaining about not getting good marks when you yourself haven't even opened the books
take a step small by small
little by little
because dude it never go unseen
rabbits can lose and turtles can win
Okay so this is what I feel why not appreciate 2022 like of course it taught us many things so it's a request please take a moment to appreciate it. So this was just what I felt if anyone got hurt by any means then I am really sorry. May this year become the best year for you in terms of health, success , family, friends and most importantly your own self. ❤✨
I really hope you guys liked it. lemme know your views about this in the comments and if you liked this then please vote comment and follow for more.
Stay tuned for next.
Signing off -A.S
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