How I really feel
How do you think I feel.
I help people day after day night after night, and what do I get in return.
Some would get happiness, but not me. I get depression and a broken emotionally ripped soul.
I've always told people to look at the bright side that everything happens for a reason.
But why do I tell people that when I don't even believe it. I've tried to look at the bright side even when there isn't I stare at it. I hope and I stare thinking it was real.
But it's not they tell me to take my own advice, but why would I believe a hurt soul with a broken heart.
What else do people expect me to do. I help and I help and I help. It leads you to happiness, and you go on with a smile on your face.
But what about me where does it leave me. With a hollow heart that's scared to live scared to hold on to hope.
I can help people with only soothing words I can help getting out of a depressing state. I can help you from putting the knife to their skin.
I can help everyone but me.
They come to me to help them out, but who do I go to.
Who do I have to cry on and, them speak soothing words into my ear.
What do you think it does to me. How do people think I feel.
Who's there for me.
Cause it's definitely not me.
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