~ Third Person P.O.V ~
"You didn't know I caught you staring. Not at me, but at something far away from reality. Something that reminded you of your loss . . . Because I know you have them."
—BisexualCricket, In Her Poetry Journal
Everything was so different now.
Maybe, on the outside looking that'd be a good thing — that meant Izuku was rending those ironed palisades he had fabricated. It meant that Izuku had took initiative and began to slay those demons that constantly persecuted him, that meant he was getting better. Right? Well, whoever thought of such quixotic notions may need a reality check because that just wasn't the case for him. It only meant he was pushing himself, he knew that. But it was just so damn tiring to have to relive what he endured every day of his life, allowing himself to be blocked off from any normal daily activities.
It was so damn tiring to not be living.
After the small encounter in the office Izuku — with help from the Bakugou's and Kirishima — commenced the process of moving any and all essential items into the dorm. Aiding him in anything he needed to get situated and comfortable, constantly reminding him how brave and amazing he was for taking such a big step. Their praises almost always fell upon deaf ears, for Izuku had chosen to promptly ignore them — only giving them tight-lipped smiles in return. And now he was here. The first day of him sharing a dorm with a man he barely even knew . . . God damn it, what had his life come to?
Shoto had been gone all day, school had just finally resumed for him and his daily classes were quite the hassle. Luckily for Izuku, he had scheduled his Computer Science class for nighttime, still doing his daily ones on the computer. Baby steps.
The green-haired male hadn't seen Shoto all day, nor had he seen the elder man when he was moving his stuff in. Not that he was complaining, in fact, he was rather relieved to have little to no contact with him . . . He couldn't help but think it might be easy to live here.
Just as he was finishing up the last of his work a knock sounded at the door, his entire frame tensing and going rigid at the sound. The quickening of his heartbeat only resulting in an untamed amount of blood flooding through his veins and staining his ghost-like, unblemished flesh.
"Deku, it's me,"
At the sound of his best friend's voice, Izuku calmed, waves of solace crashing against the barriers of his anxiety as he got up to open the door.
"Hey, Kacchan," he greeted with a relieved smile, "I thought you were swamped with classes today?"
"Mhm," Bakugou replied with a crack of his knuckles. "But my next class doesn't start for another ten minutes . . . I just came to —"
"Check on me?" The younger interrupted, a teasing smile displayed on the rosy pinkness of his lips.
Bakugou's eyes narrowed, a playful expression of annoyance morphing onto his face. "What is it with you and interrupting me?" he chuckled breathily, ruffling the boy's hair and turning it even more unruly than before.
"It's fun to watch your reaction." Izuku admitted with a blunt shrug of his shoulder, pivoting on his heel and dropping onto his bed with a soft, bounce.
"No," The elder grunted, "It's annoying as shit."
"You're annoying as shit," Izuku corrected with a triumphant smirk, earning a pillow to the face.
The blond chuckled while Izuku began to mutter a string of curses under his breath, all directed towards his brother. It was silent after that, Bakugou had since joined Izuku on the bed and began to study him with curious and knowing eyes.
"How are you holding up?" he asked softly, an unusual tone for him to use. "I know it's only the first day but —"
Izuku tentatively rested his head on his shoulder, curling up at his side. "You're worried about me . . . I know," he mumbled, his retortion, however, was muffled by the fabric of Bakugou's shirt.
"I would probably push you off the bed or some shit," Bakugou snorted, "But we're having a brotherly moment."
A smirk displayed itself proudly on Izuku's mouth as he lifted his head to gaze at the male. "Oh? Is that what this is? I wasn't aware . . ."
The two broke out into a fit of laughter, replacing the quietness of the dorm room with their chuckles. Yet alas, it came to an end as Izuku's eyes traveled to the neatly made and empty bed on the other side of the room; Bakugou's scarlet orbs doing the same.
"So how's it going with Half 'n Half?" The taller of the two mused, cambering his head to the side as his eyes flickered back over to Izuku.
Izuku gave a simple shrug of his shoulders, his hands slithering up to wrap themselves around his thin frame. "I haven't really seen him today so . . . Good?" Izuku hummed, pursing his lips as he did so.
As if on cue, the doorknob began to rattle seconds later a disheveled and wet Shoto emerged. Ignoring the two boys residing the room with him, he tossed his bag on his bed, pivoting on his heel and entering the bathroom. Bakugou turned to a wide-eyed Izuku, sensing his rising nerves and offering him a reassuring smile.
"See? He didn't even fucking acknowledge us," he chuckled lowly, "Todoroki's the quiet type, remember?"
"Right," The younger huffed, his gaze flickering onto hands.
The rain picked up outside as Bakugou whispered a quiet goodbye to Izuku, leaving him to dwell on his oncoming thoughts. If Izuku were being frank he had almost half-expected Shoto to at least say something to him, not that he was bothered by having no type of recognition but still . . . it was kind of odd. People were naturally talkative, at least all the people he's met, so you can imagine how flummoxed he was when the elder male made no effort to utter a single word to him.
After a few minutes of him sitting and pondering, the familiar scrape of the shower curtains scathing the metal pole holding it up sounded throughout the small dorm. Moments later Shoto stepped out, a towel wrapped around his waist as he rummaged through his drawers for a fresh pair of clothes. Heat rose from the blood in Izuku's veins, splattering across his freckled cheeks as his emerald orbs quickly went elsewhere.
Don't look. Don't look. Don't look. Don't look —
"Your face is red," Shoto commented idly, much to Izuku's perplexity he was fully clothed this time.
Instinctively Izuku's mouth opened, word wanting nothing more than to formulate and express themselves, yet they never left the comforts of his mouth and mind. So, he settled for observing as the duel-haired male lied down on his bed, hands sprawled out on his chest — two-toned eyes locked on the ceiling. Slowly, Izuku crawled back onto his own bed completely, opening his laptop and staring at the blank lock screen.
However, every few seconds his eyes would flip over to where Shoto laid, curiosity raking through him more than fear. For the elders' heterochromatic eyes held something within them, something far off and distant that was almost inexplicable. And Izuku hated it — the curiosity he held onto, not Shoto's eyes — for it was foreign; just as the look in Shoto's enticing orbs was.
God damn it, why did he feel this way?
Hello Cricket Cultists!!
Yeah we're just gonna me doing nighttime updates from now on, at least until further notice.
Anywho, TodoDeku interactions will be coming up shortly. Which I'm hella excited for.
Until we meet again!!!
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