~ Third Person P.O.V ~ *I DID A DOUBLE UPDATE so go check out chap.16 if you haven't*
"Maybe I'm not as broken as I was put out to be . . ."
—BisexualCricket, Poetry Journal
The week following the events of Izuku and Shoto's breakthrough was hectic as hell.
Izuku's class for Design and Programming the web was about to begin, meaning doing classwork in the comforts of his dorm would soon come to an end. The warmth and sensations of comfort that he and Shoto worked hard to build in that dorm room would not be at his disposal as much as he wanted . . . as much as he needed. And fuck, if that didn't cause streams of trepidation to surge through him — that fact that he would be placed in a classroom filled with strangers sure as hell did.
He and Shoto were making so much progress, hell, they even worked their way up to Izuku being comfortable with having the elder touch his arms and shoulders. But . . . despite all of that effort they have both been exerting, it would not be enough for what Izuku was about to face — and he was going to do it all alone. That was the one thing he had promised himself never to do again because being alone for Izuku was a recipe for cataclysmic events just waiting to happen. And he knew there was nothing he could do to preclude such events from taking place.
There it was again. Those menacing thoughts that have shielded him constantly throughout the years, shrouding him in the thick blankets of dreary and worthless perceptions. He and Shoto had a discussion about these particular demons, which he was still in the process of slaying, in which the elder had given him tips on how to overcome them. And soon enough, the calming memory of Shoto's words flooded his senses.
"Think of a time you were at your happiest,"
Izuku could still feel the cold wisps of air coating his blush dusted features as his feet pricked the ground beneath him. The early-morning dew tingling his nose and filling his head with placid promises of the near future, imbedding themselves into his mind. A smile graced his lips as the calming feeling of Shoto's rough hand placed in his own finally crept through his thoughts; a gentle buzz still lingering on his fingertips as he tried to recreate the feeling on his own.
"Remember the excitement yet tranquility you felt pooling in your stomach . . . Hone in on that feeling, remind yourself that more moments like that are sure to come."
And it worked. Instead of the weighted sensible, dark-thickened, animosity that he had anticipated he would be drenched in — Izuku was greeted by the gentle waves of solace he typically felt with Shoto. The muscles in his body relaxed, unlocking, and cracking as he breathed out deeply. Little by little those waves crashed against his barriers, and though they did not succeed in knocking any down today . . . They sure did put a dent in them. For now, that was enough.
It was enough to get him through the day, and it sure as hell would be enough for the future.
To be quite frank, spending time and talking with the elder male had begun to give him a new perceptive on life and how he viewed things. While he still viewed the world as a rather unsafe place, he found comfort and solitude in things that mattered — knowing he would always find safety there. It was almost comical in a sense, how much progress he was making that is. Whereas him from a few weeks ago often liked to view himself as a paltry remnant ghost of his past-self, him now thought otherwise.
No, he regarded himself to be so much more than that. That paltry, remnant, ghost he once was had become the outline for a new him — a better him. Izuku realized he was always so focused on the past, what he used to be before everything happened . . . He knew now that he would never truly be that boy again, but that was okay, because he could be better now. Izuku could be someone his past-self never was . . .
"I'm not sure if you're meditating or you fell asleep while sitting up," Bakugou's voice broke through the wall of tranquility Izuku had produced. "Either way it's starting to freak me the fuck out, nerd."
"I wasn't sleeping Kacchan, and I wasn't meditating either!" Izuku snapped playfully, throwing an eraser at the blond.
The elder took long strides across the dorm room, pushing past empty cups of ramen along with other miscellaneous items. "It's a fucking pigsty in here," he muttered, "Well, if you weren't doing any of those things then what were you doing?"
"Thinking," came the curt reply from Izuku as he flipped through a notebook. "Before you so rudely interrupted me,"
A snort pushed through Bakugou's lips as he now joined his brother on the mattress. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Maybe you should be sleeping,"
"And maybe you should go to hell," Izuku jested, crossing his eyes playfully as he curled himself up onto the blond's side. "I'm sure everyone there is just dying to meet you."
Bakugou chuckles, a rare sound usually only heard by his brother and his soulmate. Nevertheless, it still always managed to bring a smile onto Izuku's lips as his ears took in the milky sound. The blond's gaze on his brother shifted slightly, morphing more intense and scrutinizing as he inspected the male with an elderly brother type of look.
"Something's different about you . . ." he murmured, cambering his head to the side.
A proud smile found its way onto the younger's features as he squared his shoulders. "Yeah, I've been meaning to tell you about that . . . Todo has been helping me a lot lately with —" he began, only to be promptly cut off.
"I know a bit about that nerd, Half 'n Half told me he was helping you through your panic attacks. I'm proud of you by the way — but we'll circle towards that later," Bakugou huffed, beginning to become quite annoyed at the fact that he couldn't pinpoint what was up with his brother.
That's when it hit him.
"Your hair is getting longer . . ." he gasped, his fingers winding themselves in the green locks on Izuku's head. "Holy shit, Mido!"
*See Prologue author notes in case of confusion*
A mixture between a sigh and a scoff pushed past Izuku's mouth as he quickly scrambled out of bed, feet dragging him to the bathroom with vehemence as he made a quick stop in front of the mirror. Izuku's eyes widened at the sight before him. He had never truly taken the time to examine himself in the mirror unless it was for his 'Daily torture', which hadn't been put into effect for quite some time now.
His emerald ringlets hung lower than usual, sweeping across the top of his eyebrows, a few longer strands beginning to tickle his nose. Eyes seeming to have matured and held more knowledge and understanding within the green pools, a complete one-eighty from how they appeared just last month. And right above his lip, he could see the faint wisps of green hair growing in.
Holy shit.
Izuku's pulse began to quicken as his fingers hooked themselves around the sleeve of his hoodie, daring to pull down and reveal his wrist. One of the many parts of his body he chose to ignore for good reason.
His problem?
It was September thirteenth in twenty-twenty.
Hello Cricket Cultists!!
Did anyone notice the parralell I did from the prologue in this chapter??
Anywho, I am breaking this book up into arcs. This is the official end of arc one! Whohoo! Arc two is coming August 28th, mark that date in a calendar or something okay??? Teaser content for arc two will be up this upcoming week, okay?
Y'all ain't ready for arc two . . . If you thought arc one was bad . . . this'll be worse.
SO - while we wait for that date to show up.
I can either-
1) Finish the BkDk I put on hold.
2) Hurry up and plan the rest of Close Re-written and re-pot it.
3) Post a NEW book from my list I put in my announcements like . . . last week. (If so which book??)
Until we meet again!!
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