Find Me In The Shallows
This story will be featuring Chaos, Esmeralda, Sky, Freed, and small mentions of Natsu, Erza, May, Connor, Chrysantha, and Kagura. No. The father of this story will not be Acnologia. His name will only be mentioned and it is not a character of the Fairy Tail Universe, or any other one; just a name off the top of the head. The song for this story is Shallows by Daughter
I sat there in the school hall, watching as Sky left and went off with her boyfriend Freed. The two have been dating for three months now and the two of them have been so happy together. But, these three months I wasn't the same.
I guess I should start out with my name. Well, I am Chaos Dranigon, I go to Magnolia High; Home of the Fighting Fairies. I am in my third year of high school and will be finishing by the end of next May. Sky Flora is another student that's the same grade as me, me being older by a couple months. I've known her for years, ever since the two of us were in diapers. I can't really remember when we met because we've always been joined to the hip. Our families were kind of different though, as hers were willing to give her all she needs to make sure she gets what she deserves, but my dad was just barely getting by as he tried his hardest to make sure we even had a place to live in. I did everything I could to help him out as much as I can, but I'm not sure anything I'm doing is even helping anymore, or if he even appreciates it.
You may be thinking, that I'm falling into depression. Well, you'd be somewhat right. I can't seem to make my dad smile anymore and my best friend is in love with someone else. Someone I don't even know. Add onto that my brother killed himself a year ago, and I was late to save him.
Life hasn't been taking a good turn for me. Sky doesn't even talk to me anymore, almost as if I don't even exist. Esmeralda, my other friend finally got tired and started dissing me, so I'm not sure if she's even my friend anymore. Connor left and got married to Chrysantha, and May switched schools because she wanted to see what else is out there for her.
The lunch bell rings, signaling that it's time for us to leave, since it was a half day for the Fall Formal tomorrow. I don't even want to go. It's more for someone who has that special someone, or will take that chance, but the people I trusted have gone and left me and I don't know anyone else. The event is not for someone to fly solo.
I grab my bag and start making my way to the front doors, waiting for the other people who got there before me to go through and leave. Thank God this school doesn't have many people in it, because I'd be waiting here for another ten minutes.
Not wanting to stay any longer, I make a beeline towards my car, not bothering to talk to anyone around me. I unlock the doors and get in, but before I could start the vehicle, I hear someone shouting my name. A voice I could never forget and one I haven't heard my name come off of in awhile.
Sky Flora was running over to my car as I sat there, waiting for her to arrive. She stops a couple feet from the door, and I get out so I can talk to her properly.
"What's up." I put on a fake smile, one she somehow can't notice. She smiles at me and starts to open her mouth to speak.
"Long time no see, am I right?" We share a laugh, one full hearted and the other just being a front.
"Yeah. It's been awhile. So what'd you come over for?" "Well, I was wondering if you were going to The Fall Formal tomorrow."
Why would she be asking me that. She has a boyfriend, one that she loves dearly. But yet, she asks me if I'm going to the dance.
"I don't have anyone to go with, I figured I'd sit this one out. Besides, my workload is fixing to be overhauled with new assignments from Trig and projects that Keeran wants me to work on for new music for his sons skateboarding competition. And not only that, but I have to meet one of Ryan's old buddies for something." I lied. I was all caught up in classes for the next week and our Trig instructor didn't want to assign us homework over the homecoming weekend.
"Are you sure? I mean, I heard that Hasten and his crew were let off. He is one of your coworkers after all. And besides, if you're really worried about who you're going to hang out with, you can join me and my crew."
"Oh yeah? And who's all part of that?"
"Rhegan, Thomas, and Freed, of course."
Just hearing her say that, made my heart crack a little bit. I'd pretty much be the odd man out while everyone else would be paired up. It wouldn't really seem fair...
That and I couldn't handle the thought of being someone's fifth wheel.
"I'll be fine. Besides, it would be like I'm fifth wheeling. I wouldn't want to impose on your relationship."
She stood there for a minute, dumbstruck a little, before she finally let her smile fall. I started to close my door to leave before she started to speak again.
"Chaos? Is everything... alright?"
I stared at her for a minute, almost confused as if she should know the true answer to that question. I shake my head and close the door, the window was open though.
"I'm fine. Goodbye." And I drove off, leaving Sky in the parking lot as she walked back over to her friends car, getting her ride home.
Let the water rise
I get back home, seeing about three cop cars out in front of the house. Worried, I pull over across the street and run back to the house. I immediately sprint onto the yard. I didn't even get to the front door when I stopped as they were carrying out someone in handcuffs.
It was my father.
Grabbing the nearest officer, I ask him to tell me why they were arresting the man.
"John Dranigon has committed robbery and has mentions of child abuse from your neighbors."
"That's bullshit! He's never laid a fucking hand on us-me and you expect me to believe that he would commit robbery?! What type of fucking dumbass do you take me for, you son of a bitch!!"
"Chaos! Stand down, son. I did it for us. We were going to lose the house and I thought this was the only way for us to stay here." He didn't look like how he used to. His eyes were no longer in that drunken stupor I would find him in after work. He looked, upset that I was caught up in this.
"I'm sorry, kid. Really." They put him in the car and finish up the scene.
I went up to the glass and looked at him, and even though he didn't want to show it, I can see it in his face that there is only one emotion on it.
Not wanting to be here any longer, I get in my car and drive. I don't even know where I'm going. I just drive through the city with tears in my eyes.
After a couple minutes, I finally pull up to my old hideaway spot that I used to go to when Sky and I were still talking. In fact, three months ago....
... this is the very spot she rejected me. She ran home that day, not wanting to see me for a while. Come school the next day, I find out that she's dating Freed, someone who asked her out a couple hours after I did.
I sit there, overlooking the view that I used to love so much. It showed the lights of the city, a beautiful color you can't even put on an empty canvas. The cars were driving around, the buildings were all lit up, and everyone greeted each other in a friendly manner.
Everything and everyone is how they should be. Happy. Full of life. Everyone except me. My father is being arrested and possibly serving a life sentence, my mother died by a car crash years ago, and my brother committed suicide in late July. It's April now. My friends have all gone and left, and the one person I care most about barely talks to me anymore.
Let the ground crack
I sit there, watching everyone go by, until I hear a car rolling up towards this spot. Turning around, I see a girl with emerald green hair walking towards the spot. This is Esmeralda, and she doesn't look good.
"Hey. It's been awhile, hasn't it?" Those were the first words that left her mouth, as she tried putting on a fake smile, it would have fooled everyone looking...
... everyone but me.
"It has. What, I think it was nine months since you last talked to me. Not sure, but I think the final words to leave your mouth was, 'You're such a disgrace, Dranigon.' Then you walked away."
Her smile immediately fades and is replaced by a frown as she looks towards the ground. "Yeah. Listen, I shouldn't have said any of that. I was just..... I was pissed that my ex cheated on me and that anger took over my actions."
"And you figured to take it out on one of your closest, if not best, friends. Because I wasn't going through shit of my own that haunts me forever and actually needed someone to talk to."
She stops talking and looks back up to me. "I'm sorry. For what I said, and how I treated you that day. You were only trying to help, and I pushed you away."
"Esmeralda. You can't just come over here and expect me to forgive you after what you said. Hell, I even tried telling you before you even started dating Derek that he was only going to hurt you in the end. And he did."
"I know that. I wasn't expecting an "I forgive you" or anything. I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry."
We didn't say anything for awhile. But I finally broke the silence.
"While I can't say that it didn't happen, because it sure as hell did, I can say that it's all in the past. Listen. If I were in your position nine months ago, I would have done the same thing." She starts tearing up and crashed into me.
"I'm so sorry, Chaos. I didn't mean any of it, I swear!" I don't say anything as I let her cry. Not meaning that in a bad way, I was just letting her get it off her chest.
We stay like that for a few minutes. Saying nothing as the only sounds were her sobs. After which, they finally died down as we sit down on the bench that I built years ago, looking at the city as the sun began to set.
"I heard about your dad. I'm sorry that happened-"
"It's okay. It was going to happen sooner or later. I just... I didn't think it would happen so quickly."
"I can't say that I know what you're going through, but I hope everything plays out in the end."
"I hope so. But I can't say it will. I'm an orphan, my whole family is now gone. I don't think I'll be staying in town any longer."
"Well, I hope you do. At least stay for the dance. You are going right?"
Why is everyone asking me that lately. I'm sure everyone got the message that Dranigon is not attending the Fall Formal.
"No. I'm not gonna be there. I have to make sure no one tries to take away the house until I'm ready to leave. Maybe the next one." That's if I'll even be here for the next dance.
"Oh come on. You have to go. One. The whole school is joining, even some of the freshman and Sophomores. You are what lights everything up at the party and it wouldn't feel like one without you there. Besides, without you, the music will be terrible. And two, you've been nominated for the Leader of Fall. So you have to go if your name is called."
"Man. Really want me to go that bad?" "C'mon. You need at least one thing to take your mind off of things. And besides, a certain Flora girl will be upset if you don't go."
"Oh really? How do you know that?" "She told me that you didn't want to attend. She seemed real upset that you shot down her offer. That and she misses you. She says that you two haven't really hung out alone in a while."
"She's been ignoring me ever since she got a new boyfriend until today. And besides, she's got Freed to hang out with. What does she need me for?"
"C'mon, if not for her then at least for yourself. You need just one night where everything won't go wrong on you."
"... I don't know Es. I'll think about it."
"That's all I asked."
The rest of the day passed by rather quickly. After Esmeralda left, I drove back to the house and began thinking about what I was gonna do. I was in my room preparing the soundtrack that was going to be using for the dance tomorrow.
I didn't pay attention to the time until I get a text on my phone. Checking the time on my laptop, it is 12:47 at night. I've been at this for a good two hours and I figured out what tracks I'm using for it.
Looking at the text, I notice that it's from Sky.
Skyline22457: Hey. I heard you were going to the dance. What made you change your mind?
BearerofChaos4: I guess I figured that it wouldn't do me good if I missed our Senior Fall Formal. Besides. Someone has to do the music, and if not me, then who else? Also, where will it be?
I put the phone in my pocket as I walk around to go towards the living room. The whole place is a mess. Beer bottles were everywhere, the ashtray all but filled up. Instead of adding to the pile like everyone else would've done, I grabbed a bag and started cleaning the place up. I throw every bottle in the bag, empty or some left in, gone. Every cigarette and cigar butte, gone. Everything that didn't belong there at all, was gone. Throwing the bag out, I put a new one in the trash can and grab a cold water from the fridge, really just wanting to calm down and not think about the things that have happened. I hook up my phone to the speakers that I had in the house and turned on some music, just vibing to whatever came on and not bothering to skip tracks.
I eventually fell asleep on the couch due to exhaustion, my mind lost to the music that was going around me.
Let me fall inside
My consciousness drifted off to last summer. When my brother was still here.
He was so happy. Him and his relationship was going pretty steadily, that is until she dumped him for a stupid reason. Someone who had more money had asked her to be his, and she accepted without a second thought. I watched the whole breakup happen.
"After all. Why would I stay with a bum like you when I could just be with someone who can get me everything I want, and not worry about expenses." Those were the last things she said to him.
He wasn't the same. I tried so hard to help him out of his funk, but he kept pushing everyone away. I went on one of my morning runs and I had reached my house when I finished, and went back inside to make me something to eat. The house was a little too quiet, which was normal but it felt off because usually my brother would be leaving for work by this time. He has been working nonstop ever since that incident happened.
Walking upstairs, I tap on the door a couple times, not hearing a thing. Called his name.
Still no answer.
The door was locked, leaving me with only one option. I kicked the door down, somehow finding the strength to knock it off its hinges. But once I entered the room, I wish I hadn't.
Hanging from the ceiling, a rope was tied. On the floor consisted a chair that was knocked over. And at the end of the rope....
my brothers neck was hanging from. His lifeless body was dangling in the air.
Lying on my back
I jolt awake in a heap of panic, my heart was racing. Quickly turning off the music, I get up and do my morning run. The time and distance extended ever since Ryan's death.
The whole time is just nonstop running, jumping over park benches and logs that were in the woods. Never once breaking stride. The twenty minutes was only a warmup, and I continue on with an even faster pace than before.
Running has always been one of those things where I could just clear my head, only this time, it felt more like haunting me. I guess the whole situation popping back up with the dance tonight has been driving me wild.
Finally ending my run, I started to get changed when I noticed I had gotten more texts that I didn't read last night.
Lying on my back
12:53 A.M.
Skyline22457: Hoh? Saying you're the only one that can turn tables? Don't forget who your students were, mister! Well, I'm glad you're going. I've been worried about you ever since your brother died and now with what happened with your dad has really got me a little scared. And it will be at the Ten Time Low.
01:05 A.M.
Skyline22457: I just hope you're doing alright. I'm still gonna be there for you when you need it.
1:30 A.M.
TheEmeralddragonEs: Hey. You feeling alright?
6:45 A.M.
Unknown number: You and I need to have a talk. It's about your father.
The last one was most likely an officer that wanted to bring me in for questioning. I didn't reply to the others as I went in and jumped into the shower. With everything going on, I just wanted to get the night over with and not have to deal with it later.
Dry your smoke-strung eyes
I quickly get everything of mine ready to go. I have my laptop, my phone, my boots and jeans, and a button up shirt for good measure.
"Shit. I have to get a good outfit for the election. I want to know who my competitors are before hand." Here's how Homecoming Court worked. It is divided into a Homecoming King, and a Queen. The King nominees are three guys that had the top three votes for the nomination. The same went for the Queen nominees. At the end, everyone would choose their pick for the spots of King and Queen. The male with the most votes, became Homecoming King, and the female with the most votes became Homecoming Queen.
Quickly pulling out my phone, I searched up the school website for who the nominees were this year. And sure enough, my name was first on the list with a poll for most votes so far.
The new DJ for the night, Chaos Dranigon, leads the voting poll as he has earned 47 votes so far! Freed Nightingale is right behind him with 43, and Natsu Dragneel with 38. Make sure to cash in your votes before 7:30 tonight!
I went out and bought me a suit and tie that fit my style just right. I didn't bother with looking for pants or shoes because dress pants don't look good on me and dress shoes are uncomfortable as fuck.
I drove down to Cavander's to get a cowboy hat made which took a couple of hours to get done. In the meantime, I found me a pair of cowboy boots that fit me just right and a nice pair of black jeans. Once I was finished, I returned to the hat station and grabbed my newly made headgear which I was excited to wear, and made my way to the front counter for the expensive purchase.
So you can see the light
Since I brought my setup gear with me in the car, I didn't have the need to return home for anything and the dance would be in a couple hours. I stopped at new Whataburger that opened up recently. The place already having a ton of good reviews for its amazing food and customer service. The line wasn't too long so I went inside and ordered my food.
"Hi! Welcome to Whataburger. May I please take your order?" The lady behind the desk asked me.
"Yeah. I'll have. A Sweet and Spicy Bacon Burger meal. Medium drink and large fries." "Alright. Your total is $9.65"
Swiping my card and taking the receipt. I sat down at one of the booths as I pulled out my phone. There was a new text that I didn't see before until just now.
12:27 P.M
Skyline22457: Hey. Just checking up on you to see how your were doing. I haven't heard from you since last night and I'm a little worried.
My fingers tap across the screen as I reply to her message that was sent almost an hour ago.
1:16 P.M.
BearerofChaos4: Yeah. No need to worry about me. I was just running some errands before tonight.
"Number 57. Your order is ready."
You're staring at the sky
It was time for the dance to kick off. I unloaded all my gear into the building and the room that it was taking place in. As soon as I was finished setting up, the doors were flooded with students. As soon as they walk in, I start the music, adding new beats, and turning the tables around as everyone piled in.
I finally see Sky and her family walk inside and my breath got caught in my throat. She's wearing a bright baby blue dress which went well with her hair, the colors blending in perfectly. Her heels a bright blue and didn't make it too uncomfortable to walk in. All in all, she was absolutely stunning.
I was about to announce that one of the court members had arrived but then I saw Freed and the rest of the crew walk in right behind her. He placed his hand on her shoulder and walked them through the floor where they met their group of friends. My face fell immediately and I remembered that I made the choice to be on this stage the whole night. Besides. I was just meant to be alone.
The night continued on, the music was moving the crowd and the people either agreed or went off elsewhere. The clock was about to hit 8:00, meaning that it was time to announce the election for Prom King and Queen.
Principal Makarov tapped my shoulder and asked for the microphone, the short old man giving me my cue as I handed him the instrument. I stopped the music and turned off the lights, leaving the person that filled in for me at this point to take care of it as I got into position.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls. May I ask that you bring your attention to the stage as we introduce the Fall Court!!!" Everyone started cheering as the lights turned on at the runway. The girls would be introduced first, then followed by the guys.
"Starting off with our first magnificent young lady tonight. Her love for her classmates is matched by the unwavering spirit she shows for this school. The Scarlet Queen of the Fairies, Erza Scarlet!!!" The red headed woman walked down the runway. Waving at everyone who had voted for her. She stood on her respective side behind the crowns and awaited for her fellow nominees to join her.
"Next on our list is a girl who has dreamt of this since she was a little girl. The fine young lady has definitely worked hard to get to where she is today and is not backing down now. My guests, please welcome the ever so loving, Kagura Mikazuchi!!!"
The young girl made her way down the stage in a sparkling bronze colored dress. Her hair was tied up into a Japanese pony tail and framed her face perfectly. She smiled at everyone and stood next to Erza, awaiting for the final candidate to walk down.
"And finally. There can not be enough stars to show this magnificent young lady take the stage. Just looking at her you can see the day and night pass by. Please welcome, Sky Flora!!" The crowd went wild as she walked down. Showing that she most likely had the most votes than the ones mentioned earlier. She stood next to her classmates and they all hugged each other, excited that they made it this far.
"Now we welcome our male candidates. First up, you can count on him to pull off an amazing firework show as well as setup our annual bonfires. Our very own pryomaniac, Natsu Dragneel!" Natsu was a good kid in my book. I started clapping for him as he made his way down the isle and went to the other side of the girls.
"Next on our list is the man who is incredible with everything on paper. His very use of language is considered unheard of to most of people. Ladies and gentleman, the author, Freed Nightingale!!!!" The green haired kid walked down the stage smugly looking at me as he passed me by. I don't even bother clapping for the prick as he takes his spot next to Natsu.
"And last on our list, but definitely not least. He has gone through hardships and terror that most shouldn't have to witness, but what he uses it for instead fuels the music that he can spin and make like no other. Our very own, Chaos Dranigon!!!!!!" Taking a deep breath, I walk out onto the stage. Putting on a fake smile that no one can notice, I make my way down the stage. My smile slowly becomes a real one as I hear the cheers and applause start to fade into what they call into a deafening applause.
I take my spot next to Natsu and Freed. Awaiting the results of the poll. Luckily we don't have to wait long as a young Lisanna Strauss hands over an envelope to the small principle.
Opening it up, he smiles as he sees who the winners are.
"Drumroll please-" the students began tapping their fingers to chairs or slapping their thighs. "For this year's Fall Formal Queen, with an astonishing 101 votes, I present, Sky Flora!!!"
She beamed with happiness as she went up and receives her crown. Her smile never ending.
"And now, the King of Fall, with a lead of 8 votes and a total of 104 votes, Chaos Dranigon!!!" I say nothing, but instead I only smile as I walk up to the podium, next to Sky. Nervousness building sky high as I stood next to her. I bow my head, as Makorav places the crown onto my head, along with a sash around my torso.
"A round of applause everybody!!!" I couldn't hear a thing. The noise canceling out as I kept my smile upon my face.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts as Natsu slapped me on the back and Sky ruffled and messed with my crown. Chrysantha, May, and Connor were cheering from the crowd. Just this one time, I felt as if we were all kids again. Free from all the bullshit, the death, the confusion. Free from everything.
"Let's make room on the dance floor for the royal dancers." As the words left the Principle's mouth, everyone cleared off the floor as Sky grabbed my hand and drug my out to the center.
Slow dance music started to play, the two of us swaying in perfect motion as we two-stepped across the floor. Memories of when I first taught her how to dance raised into my mind.
"Like this, Sky. You can't go too fast otherwise it'll look funny and you might fall." "But Chaos, I want to go fast!"
"You should listen to him, Sky. After all, he is from the countryside." Her parents agreed with me, as we continued our lesson.
Watching stars collide
I mentally shake the thoughts out of my head as the music started to turn upbeat and more fast paced. Sky releasing our hands as she started to sway her hips to the music, her movements matching perfectly with the beat. I do the same as her, as we had done a routine dance to this song before. Before long, our movements were the same, we danced as a team and moved perfectly, the routine still embedded into both of our minds.
The music came to an end as we ended our dance, our bodies chest to chest and our faces centimeters apart. The crowd released a huge round of applause as the music started to come back into what was playing before.
"Hehe. Looks like we still got it, huh?" She asks, smiling bright as day. "Yeah. You know, just a bit older and such." I was about to offer my hand but was pushed out of the way by Freed as he wrapped her up in a hug.
"Holy shit that was so good!! Where did you learn that? You've gotta teach me the moves for the dance." He was asking questions and complimenting her nonstop. I finally got tired of hearing it as I walked towards the food table, desperate for a plate. I started grabbing my food before I was slapped on the back by none other than Mr. Flora.
"Chaos! How have you been, big man?! It's been awhile since I've seen you." He wraps his arm around my shoulder and starts messing with my hair.
"Hey now. Stop that. Yeah. I've just had a lot on my mind lately, working for John took up most of my time, and I'm in two college classes. Things aren't necessarily easy, you know?" It was a half-truth. What I said was partially true, but not entirely. I figured I'd better not drag the Floras into my problems.
"Yeah. I hear ya. Only, the difference is that I'm working 7-8 hours a day and you work 3-4 hours a night. But I understand. Life hasn't been easy for all of us. Hell, you know about that more than anyone here." We continued talking until Sky came over to us.
"Hey, daddy. Would you want to take a photo in the booth with us? We already asked Mom and she's joining." She hasn't even looked at me yet as her eyes were only on him, the look that no man can resist...
...the puppy dog eyes.
"Alright sweety. I'll be over there in a minute. Let me finish up here first." He turned back to me before Sky left. "Unless you want to join us, Chaos."
"No, I don't want to impose on the family picture."
"Mijo. You're my son in all but blood. I want you to take this picture with us." Now they both were staring at me, with the girl giving the eyes I couldn't say no to.
"Alright. I'm coming."
Watching stars
"Alright. First ones the family photo. Chaos get in here." Ms. Flora demanded as we all got in the small booth, minus Freed of course. The first picture we took was a normal one, we all put smile on our faces mine and Mr. Flora's arm around each other's necks with Sky on his left and her mother next to her. The second one we took was a serious as Mr. Flora and I looked at each other as if we were in the octagon at an UFC matchup. Sky and Janice looking worried about the outcome. The camera clicked, as we lost our faces and started our silly picture. I wrapped my arm around Sky's throat while giving her a noogy, she was trying to undo my arm, her dad laughed his ass off, while her mom slapped his arm. The final picture was about to be taken as we redid our first one, but with me inside of Papa Flora. I put my arm around Sky and her dad as the camera went off, ending the session.
Everyone got out as Sky and Freed decided to take their pictures together. Mr. Flora pulled me away as Janice followed us over.
"So where's your date, Chaos? Surely someone hit and feisty, am I right?" Mr. Flora went straight to the question I wished I wasn't asked.
"I don't have one. I'm just the DJ tonight. And I guess King as well."
"What? Wow. I figured someone as handsome as my little musician would have a date or at least a girlfriend." She's sweet, really, but that was too much.
"I don't have any instruments at the house anymore. We sold them all because we needed a way to pay the bills at the time."
"Well. I guess since we're on the topics on dating and boyfriends and girlfriends, what do you think about Freed, Chaos? Do you think he's treating my daughter right?"
"I don't know sir. Sky and I haven't hung out much, like I said. So I have no idea how much attention he's been giving her."
"Well, between us three, I don't like him. Never have. Those Nightingale men have a long line of bad treatment towards women. That's what worries me most. To be honest, I thought you two would've got together a while back ago." Soon as he said that I had no reaction but a small cringe.
"Yeah. Guess things didn't work out the way they were heading."
"Yeah. Well man. I guess you better get back up to the booth. Can't keep them waiting too long. Oh. And enough with this 'sir' shit. Makes me feel old. You know you can call me Sancho, right?" And with that, we went our separate ways.
I never went back to the booth.
They called for about twelve more songs before everything was getting packed. I went up to as Sky for a dance but she got swept by Freed and she smiled an apology. I didn't respond and just walked outside, clearing my head for a bit.
If you leave
When I go
The night finally ended as everyone finally left. It was only the sponsors, principal, staff, Esmeralda, Sky, and her group.
I got finished with my convo with the staff and received my pay as I walked towards the doors, but I was stopped by Esmeralda and Sky; Freed went off and left early, something about his mom needing home immediately.
"What's up? I'm trying to leave here."
"I know, but my ride left early." "And I'm just here because I wanted to check up on you." "That as well."
"Oh. Well, things are better? I think that's the word." They both saw through my front quite easily.
"Chaos. Quit the bullshit. It was obvious that you are not holding up well. Your beats weren't going off as usual. And you even said yourself one time that the way you make those rhythms are based off how your emotions at the moment." Ah. It was student against teacher, with the student actually remembering a lesson. Horrifying, really.
"Sigh. Can't keep anything from you guys, can I? Well you're right. I'm not holding up well, I'm probably about to be transferred to another home, or removed from my house, the last person that stayed in my house is now arrested, and I've pretty much had a shitty week all around. There. That clear up the story?"
I was unable to keep up the act anymore as I was angry. Angry over the events that happened. Angry over the fact that I won't be here anymore, angry that I'm really going to be alone.
"Chaos. You know you can stay with u-"
"No, Sky. I can't stay with you. You know why? It's immoral for another guy to be staying at YOUR house while YOUR dating somebody else. Much less the fact that, what, you basically blew me off for a whole three months, when you knew I was still recovering from Ryan's death. But no, you went off with Freed and left me alone, with no one to get help from or to even just sit and talk to. My work buddies? Just people I work with. Not even in the same department. Not even my friends. The only reason I even came here tonight was because I knew that if I actually took this gig, I'd get payed a lot more than minimum wage. I didn't do it for this damned crown or the fact that I'd actually to finally have the chance to talk to you again. Just for the pay."
"But, what about our dance?"
"Nothing more than just winners at some damned event that I shouldn't have even came to in the first place. But I can't stay with you. I just can't." She stayed silent and I knew my answer right then. I started to walk away before I heard something that I never wished to hear from her.
Her shallowed breaths and sobs.
"I-I'm sorry, Chaos. I'm so sorry. I got so caught up with Freed that I completely forgot about you hurting. I shouldn't have blown you off like that, I should've stayed with you when you needed it, when you needed me. I'm sorry."
I said nothing for a few moments. I just sat there, deciding whether or not my choice will be the right one.
"It's a little late for that Sky. You should've done something sooner."
Esmeralda looked at the both of us in sadness, not wanting to make the moment even worse.
"I'm heading to the station tomorrow. The officers want to tell me something important, most likely about my situation and my father's sentence. If you are truly sorry, be there by 11. No Freed, no parents. Just you." And with that, I left the hotel and drove back home. Not once turning back.
Find me
Sleep came but nothing else with it. I was out, then awake again getting prepared for the police station. I skipped my morning run as I was in a rush.
I put my blue and dark grey Coldiron hat, along with my blue jean jacket and grey shirt. My jeans matched my outfit as I wore my work boots. Not even taking the time to make sure my hair was okay, I grabbed a cereal bar and made my way out of the house. The drive to the police station was nothing new to me as I visited some of the officers just to talk to them when I was younger.
I get out and Officer Clark was waiting for me at the doors. He let me in and started guiding me to the waiting room.
"You the one that texted me yesterday?"
"No. I'm just the person who's getting him for you." And with that, he left me to do my paperwork and wait.
Not long after I finished handing the receptionist my documents, Sky came in and sat down next to me.
"You actually came. Alone as well."
"Like you said, if I was truly sorry and cared, I'd be here alone. Well, here I am."
"Did you drive? I never realized that your parents got you your own car."
"No. I took a cab."
We just sat there for a while. Not saying anything to each other.
"Mr. Dranigon? Good luck in there."
"Can I take my friend in with me?"
Officer Clark made a face in thought before he smiled and said, "I see nothing wrong with that."
We both got up and walked inside. But before we went through the doors, Clark grabbed my arm.
"Just so you know. Don't expect any good news. Considering your past, be prepared for the worst." He let go of my arm and allowed me to continue my trek down the hallway.
Me and Sky walked forward for a little bit longer before we reached our destination. The interrogation room.
"You ready?"
I take a deep breath, clearing my head off of what happened the night before as well as two nights prior. Maybe the good news was that he didn't commit the murder and only gets punished for trying to conceal the true murderer.
Boy, was I wrong.
"Yeah. I'm ready."
We walk into the room where we can see inside the small confined room with a table. Crazy thing is that there are only two guards. One inside the room, and another outside.
"Chaos. You and I will have a discussion. But before we go in there, I must inform you that since you brought your friend, our conversation will not be heard in the board room. Instead, the only people that will hear it, are that guard right there, and us. Is this what you want? Or do you want to allow everyone in that room to hear our discussion?"
I thought about it for a moment, before I came to the conclusion that it would be better to allow everyone else to hear it as well.
"Nah. Let's keep it public."
"Very well. Let us go."
We walked into the much smaller and strangely cold room. There was a metal table with matching chairs that were probably freezing.
"I guess it's time to say that family visitations are now out the window due to some circumstances."
"Why's that. I do have the right to visit prisoner so long as they are my family. What is the reason that I am not allowed to visit my own blood? I mean, you Fuckers put him in here in the first place when all he was trying to help us survive, damn it!" I start to get angry as I squeeze my fingers into my palms.
"Because your father, John Dranigon, is dead. He died of a heart attack before he even reached the station."
In the shallows
I walk out of the station with even more dread than I did walking in. After all...
Finding out that the last of your family is dead is nothing short of depressing.
Sky walks out behind me, following me to my car as I suppose I have to take her home. I haven't said anything since the end of the investigation.
"-os? Chaos!"
I snap back to reality. Sky yelling in my ear kinda helped that.
"Hey. I'm in just as much shock as you are right now. Okay maybe not but still, I can see that it hurts you, which it hurts me as well. But you can't just sit here in the parking lot of a police station. C'mon. I need to get home as well." She gave me a reassuring rub on my shoulder, and I thank her as I pull out of the driveway and head home.
"Do you want anything to eat before I drop you off?" I feel kinda bad that I was acting like this in front of people, in front of her, no less.
"No thank you, but thank you for asking."
I can tell that she's still upset over what I said last night. Yeah, maybe I went too far, but it's not like anything I said was false. But I still wish I hadn't said those words.
"Listen. I'm sorry about what I said last night. I went too far across the line and said things I shouldn't have. I'm not asking for you to forgive and forget what I said, but I am asking you to try and see it through my eyes when I would have to sit and watch you go through a relationship with someone else, while I'm living in your house."
She didn't say anything for a moment, but she didn't have too. I could sit here in the silence with her as long as she wanted to. But before I turned on the radio, she put her hand on mine and guided it away from the knob.
"Chaos, when you said that our last dance routine meant something important to you, what did you mean by that? I've been trying and trying to figure out what it meant but i can't seem to get a grasp on it."
Now it was my turn to sit in silence for a moment. I knew what my answer was but I was really debating on how I should answer. Be honest and say something that could change our lives forever, or say something that has no meaning to it. Obviously I can't lie or dodge it no more.
"When I said that the routine we did meant something to me, I meant that I still had a chance. I still had a chance to be with you but I didn't act too soon and I lost you. I lost you to someone I don't know, and I feel like shit because of it. That's why I declined your offer to go to the dance with your group. Not only did I want to be some fifth wheel without a date, but I didn't want to be there because I knew beforehand how much it would hurt me emotionally if I went just to see you two together." I pulled up to her house. "I realized, that in that dance, you were no longer mine, and weren't to begin with. And that's on me."
We stayed silent as we just sat there. Neither of us wanting to say anything. Obviously one out of shock and the other out of embarrassment. We just sat there.
"Well. I guess you better go then. Don't want to keep you dad waiting for you inside." She nods and opens the door to get out. She walks her way back inside and smiled at me as I pulled out onto the road.
I drove back to my old hangout spot. Couldn't really keep my mind focused on anything. I just told the most important girl in my life how I had felt, and didn't receive anything in response. I look to the other side of the car, wishing you were there to help me, brother. But you weren't going to be ever again.
I drove back home not too long after. I turned the music up way loud and started looking through drawers until I found what I had wanted.
A pistol with a case of bullets.
I could have felt guilt, I could have felt rage, but I didn't. Instead, I felt odd. I mean, I'm the last line of living blood in my family but there was no one holding me back.
I put the cold steel right up to the side of my head, finger ready on the trigger. I turned around with tears in my eyes as I started to feel the muscles pulling to squeeze. But before they did, I saw Sky and Sancho pull up in the driveway.
I quickly hid the gun back into the drawer and grabbed a napkin to wipe off the tears before they walked in.
"Pack your shit kid; you're coming with us."
If you leave
When I go
I sat at the Flora table, eating my dinner that Janice made for me. We said grace, but I haven't spoken a word to anyone about the interview. The only one who knows anything about this besides Sky is Sancho.
"So, Chaos, how long do you plan on staying here?" Janice asked very kindly. I always saw the woman as the mother I never had.
"I'm not sure. I just pretty much got dragged from my place and was forced to pack a few weeks worth of clothes. So I guess two or three weeks, maybe. Don't worry. It'll be like I'm not even here. I can make my own meals and pay for them as well."
"Nonsense. We want to know that you are here. Don't worry about the meals, I can cook for you just like I do for everyone else in this house."
"Well, you won't see me refusing then. Your food was always the best. Still is."
"Why thank you dear. At least someone appreciates it."
"Mom! I always compliment you on your cooking!" Sky snapped back quickly and it reminded me of how my mom and I used to act. I guess Sancho noticed because he was quick to make a diversion.
"Honey, can I speak with you for a moment in the other room?"
Find me
In the shallows
The two parents got up and walked away. As soon as they left the room, I looked at Sky.
"Start talking. Now."
"Chaos, if you think that I'm going to let you stay all alone in that house with no one else, then you are damn wrong. It was either me moving in with you or you staying here."
"Did you think that maybe I still needed to stay there? I am now left with all the bills to pay before they take my house. I would've dropped out of school to keep that place because I know that there were happy times there. Happy times with Ryan, my mom, and when dad wasn't such a dick like he was."
"Chaos. You are the one that doesn't understand. One, you can't drop out of school, you won't get that music and engineering degree that you always wanted if you do. Two, you would've torn yourself apart by staying there with no one to talk to. Yeah it was like that before but now it isn't because of someone overworking. Now it's because of you being the only one left. And three, I can't stand the thought of losing you if you stayed there by yourself and did break. Because when you're all alone, the only thing you tend to think about is dark, and twisted.
"I couldn't stand the thought of losing you like how you lost Ryan. I don't know what I would do if that were to happen." She starts breaking down and I let her get her tears out as she leans onto me.
We say nothing. Before I finally break the silence.
"Sky. What if I don't get to stay here anyways. I'm probably going to be put into a foster hom-"
"Quit talking like that. I hate hearing you sound like you're leaving everyone. Just, stay here. Please."
I go back to being silent, not really knowing what to say.
"What... what about Freed. How will he react when he hears that I'm staying here for the time being?"
"We'll cross that bridge when we get there. But for now, let's not worry about it." She breaks the hug and smiles at me, before leaving the table to go upstairs and pamper herself before she falls asunder.
"You two can come out from the kitchen now. You can't really fool me with stuff like that."
When the time comes
Sky's parents come from behind the kitchen. Janice was the first to break the silence.
"You can't stay down all the time, Chaos. Eventually you will have to accept that you're not alone."
"I know. I just can't think straight. I walked into that building thinking I was going to hear that my dad would be in there for about twenty to thirty years. That I would get to actually sit and talk with him, tell him that I graduated, that I'm going to college, and that I finally fulfilled his and mom's wish of granting them a grandchild. I wanted to hear his stories about how he and some prisoners made a pact to protect each other, that they're getting new uniforms because the old ones are uncomfortable as hell. How he and someone got into a fight that turned into a prison riot. But instead? He dies of a heart attack. And none of those things will ever happen."
"And I understand what you're feeling, mijo. But it's not something that you have to continue being upset about. You're the last member of your family, no matter what. Don't make it be the end of a name. Instead, stay alive, and make the name something to be proud of."
I didn't say anything in return, Sky's parents leaving us as we sit down in the living room, turning on the tv to watch some movies like we used to, Sky grabbed a couple blankets and I made popcorn. We binged watched all of our favorite movies until Sky fell asleep laying down, using my leg as her pillow.
Not wanting to wake her up, or worse, wake her up and her being angry, I just stayed there and got some sleep in.
On the last day
I wake up in the morning contempt with the sleep I received. That was the first time in years that I had no nightmares.
I look down and see Sky still laying down on me, but her eyes start to open as well. She looks up at me and smiles. "How'd you sleep?" She asked.
"It was peaceful."
She got up and started stretching. "What do you wanna do today? We have the rest of the week to do whatever we want."
"Oh yeah. I kinda forgot we were on break."
"Yeah. Let's get something to eat though. I'm sure we're both hungry."
"Yeah sure. Whatcha wanna make?"
Before she could reply, my phone went off like crazy. I mean, texts were coming as if everyone decided to text me at once.
"Wow. Someone's popular." She laughed.
"I don't know how. I really only talk to three people." I then looked at her with a little bit of a mean look as she smiles sheepishly.
"I might have told Esmeralda and everyone else to send you their best wishes."
I rolled my eyes and scrolled through the messages.
When they start to come down
Unknown messenger:
"So sorry for your loss, Chaos!!! :(. I hope things turn out well. -Milliana"
Unknown messenger:
"Dang bro. I'm sorry that this happened to you man. If you ever feel like talking or just wanna get drinks sometime, just text me back. -Laxus"
Unknown messenger:
"Your dad actually taught me how to function after a traumatic experience at work. He talked good things about you, kid. My family and I send our best wishes for you. -Jason Culton"
"Sorry for your dad, Chaos. I never thought that this could ever happen to you. Stay strong. -Natsu"
"I know it's hard, but, just know that at least he's in a better place. -Esmeralda"
The whole school had texted me. I mean, everyone.
"Huh. There's even a text from Nightingale in here."
"Freed as well? I'm glad he actually listened to me."
But going over it, I just wanted to find the kid and make sure he never sees light again.
Unknown messenger:
"Wow. You must be a death charm or something. First your mother, then your brother, and now your father. You must be cursed or something because I don't think anyone has ever lost their whole family before graduation. Stay away from Bryar or whatever her name is, or better yet, go join them. I bet they're all in hell right now. -The man that stole your girl."
Will you just
I wanted so badly to find him and kill him for talking shit about my family. Talk about me all you want, but never insult my family.
"What'd he say?"
But I didn't want to hurt Sky if she found out how he really is.
"The same as the others. That he hopes for the best."
"Really? Let me see." She snatched up my phone before I even had a chance to take it out of her sight.
"Hey now. It's not nice to just go through other's.... things." I saw the anger flash into her eyes as she read his text.
"There's no way this can be him. The Freed I know is so caring and nice. Not this... this asshole."
She was trembling, out of shock and rage. Handing me back my phone, she walked over to the punching bag in their garage and starts beating the shit out of it.
"Fuck. No. He did not just do that. Can't even remember my own goddamn name. That asshole! And why would he say such things!"
"You would seem to know. I haven't heard anything about this for awhile considering the last time we actually spoke before this and last night was before you took off for summer."
"Because you were always closing yourself off and I didn't want to burden you with my problems. So I just dealt with it."
"I closed myself off because I had just lost my damn brother! It would've been a lot easier to go through had you or anyone actually tried to reach out!" "I didn't reach out because no one told me what was going on!!! I had to find out from Vanessa, a girl whom I haven't spoken to in a while. How do you think I felt?! You never told me anything about what was happening! My best friend! Wouldn't even show himself to me! I had to go out and find you!" She looked distressed at that fact.
"Yeah, well who knows. Maybe if you hadn't came to me that day, we probably wouldn't have had this conversation in the first place." I grabbed the keys and started to walk out the door.
"Where are you going?" She started chasing after me as I walked through the door.
"Just out for a drive." And with that. I closed the door behind me. And sped off.
Will you run away?
I told her I was going for a drive, maybe for food or something, but really, I'm just wanting something to happen.
I drive all around town, running red lights, speeding and passing lanes, I'm just trying to get my mind off of things.
Finally, as I run another stop sign, I see lights coming up fast on my side door and then everything is black.
Hide from the truth
I wake up on the street, vision is all sorts of wonky, but still seeable. I look over to my car, it's completely wrecked, will probably cost me everything I made from Prom night and more.
My arm, looking down, it's bent in an unnatural angle and I knew it was broken. I didn't even grab my phone so I can't call anyone.
The vehicle that came at me was a pickup truck, some guy back west driving through to visit his kid. He comes over and asks me all sorts of questions and I'm just sitting over here, unable to speak, just wanting him to call the damn paramedics or something. And then I see you. Just sitting there, tears in your eyes like a damn wishing well. And I still can't say anything. I feel a sharp pain in my chest and notice that I'm bleeding excessively. I don't even care anymore because I just want the fucking paramedics here. That was it before I passed out again.
And let it all rain down
From the blood stained clouds
Chaos just looked terrible. His arm was either dislocated or fractured and he was impaled with a small metal piece in his stomach. No one wanted to help and he was going to bleed out right then and there and I didn't want to lose him.
He was so important to me, and yet I just casted him aside. I didn't even try to stop him from leaving the house.
It felt like I was pushed but I knew no one was behind me. I pick him up, and someone random helps me with his bottom half, and we take him to my car and I speed off to the nearest medical hospital. Sirens start flashing behind me and I pull over and the police officer closest to the scene told me he would be giving me an escort to the nearest medical building.
It took about ten minutes because people were being dicks on the road but we finally made it and I rushed him to the ER section of the building outside. Two doctors, one probably an intern, put him on a gurney and quickly roll him inside.
I didn't realize I would be waiting in the waiting room until they had to kick out all visitors.
And Chaos still hasn't woken up, and my heart starts to ache.
I go home and lay down on my bed. No one's home because dad had a work thing in Chicago and would be there for a week, and mom would be with him, making sure at least someone is taking care of him.
Oh, come out, come out to the sea, my love
And just
I couldn't even get comfortable in my own bed so I walked down to the kitchen to get me a water. I'm not really thirsty but I need the hydration because I can feel the back of my throat drying up. I didn't even walk into my room. Instead I entered Chaos' and laid onto his bed. His scent is all over the pillow and I take it in. Suddenly I'm back in his arms. He's holding me in a way that Freed never would and we made each other comfortable.
That's when it dawned on me that I may not get the chance to see him again and that scared me the most.
I cried myself to sleep that night.
Drown with me
The sun rays beating against my eyelids were most unpleasant. I tried raising my arm to block out the shining bright light, but it hurts like hell when I barely moved it a millimeter.
Then I wake up fully and realize that I'm not back home or at Sky's. But instead I'm at the damn hospital.
Lifting myself was impossible, trying to move my head around made it hurt more.
"Doctor told us to make sure you don't move too much. Otherwise you will open your stitches." Someone said from the door, looking over I see Sky with a small smile on her face as she walked in. She sat at the edge of my bed and lifted one of her legs and tucked it under to face me.
"Stitches," My voice felt like it was barely there, "where?"
"You don't remember?" I shook my head. "You got impaled in the stomach. Luckily none of your vital organs were hit but still could've bled out nonetheless."
"Huh. I don't think I got insurance anymore so I'm probably gonna be in debt for this."
"Don't worry about it. Dad said that he would help out with the financials. He also said that he's arranged to have all your belongings moved to a storage unit. The bank already took away your house since no one legal is living there. Sorry."
"Wait a minute, how long have I been out for?" "A couple days, maybe? I think this is day three." She stops and thinks. "I was scared, you know?"
"Don't be-" "But I was, Chaos! I thought I was going to lose you!" She was in tears. I wrap my one good arm around her and held her close. She cried onto my shoulder, staining the hospital gown that they put me in.
"I thought that I would never see you again. That you would've gone and joined your family and leave me here. I thought that you left me for good this time, all because I couldn't see it before." Her voice got real quiet at the end and I barely caught what she had said.
"Seen what before, Sky? The hell are you on about?"
"Chaos, once I saw you on the ground that night, I felt as if I lost the most important thing in my life. I didn't notice until now. Chaos, I-"
"Sorry to interrupt, but since he's awake, Doc wanted me to grab him and bring him to the Radiology Center of the building." The nurse interrupted Sky. But I understood why; probably to show me my injuries and explain what exactly happened.
"Oh. Alright." Sky, dejectedly, stood up and walked to the door. "I'll tell you later Chaos." And she walked back to the waiting room.
The nurse pushed me in a wheelchair throughout the hospital due to policy. It was kinda nerve racking. Many rooms had patients that were either loud or quiet. Some were little kids and some were adults. Some were small injuries and others were terrible diseases. Finally we reach the room where the radiologist would scan my arm and show me the dislocated joint. It would be able to be removed from the sling after a week, but I wouldn't be able to DJ or play any instruments. I also was barely allowed to run as my only form of working out which kinda shat on my parade. I'm wheeled back to my room and put some new clothes on: jeans, my boots, my white dry-fit shirt, and a leather jacket. My cowboy hat there completing the look. Yeah okay, there was some trouble with the clothes since my arm hurt like hell without the sling, but I did it, nevertheless. They take me back to the waiting room to meet Sky and I'm out.
If you leave
When I go
The car ride home was a lot different. You don't really notice the amount of bumps in the road or how small or big they are until you have a major injury. And trust me, it wasn't pleasant.
Silence filled the car as the world passed by, Sky in the drivers seat of her dad's Ford Fusion; eyes focused on the road ahead and tuning out everything else. I'm sitting in the passenger seat pissed because my house is being sold to the bank and I don't get any of the money for another six months, which would have really helped right now.
Sky could tell that I was mad because as we saw the turn into my neighborhood, she rolled right in and went straight to my house. The driveway was vacant which made sense since I'm the only one that lives here now. The only thing left outside is my dad's Dodge Ram 2500. I'm going to have to either sell it or bring it over to the Flora's. We got out and I went straight to the door, but was cut off.
"Isn't it more gentleman like to open the door for the lady, first?" I looked back at her before releasing a sigh and opened the door, allowing her to walk right in. I close the door behind me and I'm filled nostalgia and remorse as I see the now empty house.
Find me
In the shallows
The kitchen where mom taught me almost every dish she ever made, all of which tasted like heaven on earth before she was taken by that crash.
The backyard which my brother, some of our friends, and I would just run around and do some stupid stuff. Play kickball, dodgeball, tag, boxing, slap boxing; pretty much everything that kids do our age before technology became as big as it was.
The upstairs room where Connor, Chrysantha, May, Natsu, Esmeralda, Sky and I hung out where we told each other everything, teased on Connor and Chrysantha over them getting together, and on May for her shyness. Nothing was better than that.
My old room where I made all of my music, sat alone at night, and just did anything, and where I almost ended it all.
In the shallows
I see the case that the handgun was still in. I could tell they left this one here because they weren't sure whether or not I want it with me or in storage. Picking it up and walking back down, I motion to Sky that I'm ready to take off.
"C'mon. We got everything and went into every room. Unless of course, you hid something here in my house and didn't tell me about it." She smiled sheepishly and went upstairs. I waited about ten minutes before she came back down again, a big bag in her hands.
"I hid it here a couple months back, before summer started. I think it was my last time here before I went on that trip. I want you to open it. It was something you said you always wanted, so I went and got it for you." The happy was in her eyes were so wide that you could see them from a mile away.
I open the box with a confused look on my face, not really sure what it was. That was until the box was fully unwrapped and opened. It was a necklace. Not just any necklace, but a gold puzzle piece necklace with a black string holding it together.
"Sky. I don't even remember telling you this. But, why?"
"I remember you telling me one time that you saw this in the store one time, saying that it would be funny if we got matching ones. I went and bought it for you for the Fourth of July, and I was going to hand it to you personally at the party you held. I forgot I left it in dad's car, so when I came back to hand it to you, you were talking to someone else. And she was really close to you physically. I couldn't ruin that small moment with you and that girl, because I knew that you needed something good for once in you life. So I left it under your bed when you weren't looking. That's why I left for that trip. When I came back to school after that summer and you asked me out, I didn't know if things with that girl had gone anywhere and you were just trying to look for a body or something. I thought Freed understood, but he was just what I described, and you became someone else entirely. I hardly saw you at school, barely in the halls, almost like you found a back way just to get to your classes faster, and I never even saw you after school. I stayed with Freed because I didn't want to keep trying to find you, and before I knew it, it was nearly our two month anniversary. I was walking out from school to catch a ride with Rhegan and I just happened to find you. But, the person I saw that day, wasn't the same one I used to know. You couldn't fool me with that fake smile you put on, Dranigon. I saw through it like a crystal diamond. But you never tried to change it, or even told me what was going on. In fact, when I asked if you were alright, you stared at me in a way that I never wanted you to, and I felt hurt a little. I had really only just learned of your brother, and I thought if we could at least hang out at that booth, I could reconnect with you and try to make things all better. But after the nominations and the silliness with my parents, you just returned to how you were this school year, and disappeared again. I was once again lucky to find you with Esmeralda's help, but then that whole fiasco started."
Nothing was said on my end. I just let her speak as she told me everything.
"Sky, you want to finish what you were trying to tell me at the hospital?"
Biting her lip, she thought carefully about what her next words would be as tears started to well up in her eyes.
"Chaos, I..."
"I.... the reason I said all those things, why you were the reason that I left, that I gave up trying to find you around campus, and even why I was so scared of losing you, is because I.."
She cut herself off before anything else came out.
"I love you, Chaos Dranigon. I do. I have ever since we got out of junior high. But I never knew how to tell you because I never wanted to mess up what we had. That bond we shared, I didn't want to lose any of that. I was too afraid to say anything because I was afraid that we would end up not being able to even look at each other. I was too afraid of a bad falling out that we ended up having one without me even realizing it. I'm just sorry I didn't say so sooner. Maybe none of this wouldn't have happened if I had, or maybe you wouldn't have to go through this alone. Or even if-" I cut her off before she could say anything else. I put my lips on hers in a passionate kiss and she froze for a moment. It didn't take long before she kissed back.
If you leave
When I go
Please don't find me
In the shallows
It was genuine, pure of passion and happiness. No tongue, no sloppy, heated, and messy. Just normal. The world faded away around us and soon we couldn't hear anything else. Just me and her in this moment.
We separate a minute after; lungs desperate for air. She smiled the biggest smile she ever made and hugged me tight, too afraid to let go. I wrapped my good arm around her and we stay there, safe from the outside world around us.
"I love you too, Sky Flora. I have for awhile now. I just didn't know how to act upon it. And when I was about to, Freed got there before me. Heh. Fate has a funny way of working, doesn't it?" She laughed and cried happy tears into my shoulder. I never thought this would've happened in my life, but it did.
"So. Are we dating now?"
"I don't know. Let me plan about it tonight and see what happens after." And with that, I grabbed my gun case, her arm wrapped around my slinged one, and we walked out.
"I'll take my Dad's truck. He probably wouldn't want it staying here being taken by some prick after he just paid it off."
"Okay. Just make sure you can keep up with me!" "You joking? He and I have made more upgrades to this pickup than your little toy over there has ever received!" We drove off into the sunset, leaving the house for what would be the last time of our high school years.
Lying on my back
I turned on some music and let the windows roll down. My only piece of dad with me and it's now mine.
"Shit. I'm going to have to sell the other car, aren't I?"
I'll be
Twelve years have passed since that day. We had many dates, some arguments here and there, but we always ended up back in her room in the bed afterwards, be it to just cuddle or even some more.
I sold my car, deciding to keep the truck and continued working on it when I had some time. It wasn't the fact that my car was better, I just feel more safe driving this since I know my family is with me than driving the car. I bought it so when I drive, I can feel my family with me, singing songs on the radio and everything that came on.
My dad was cremated. It felt right to have his ashes spread in his favorite place than to dig him somewhere for his body to decay. I still have him with me, not sure of where his favorite spot is yet but over nearly cracked it down from all his old journals.
Sky graduated with a scholarship for Texas A&M University for Art. Her portraits always got better and they always made me feel at home when I saw a new one on the wall. Full ride too, the only thing she had to worry about expense wise was with clothes clothes, food, accessories, and makeup. She didn't need it, and rarely used it, but when she did, she looks more stunning since she only applies a little bit here and there. The school gave her the option of a co-ed dorm and she accepted.
I graduated high school with a double scholarship for Texas A&M University as well. My first degree was for music with a minor in Mathematics and my second degree was for Aerospace Engineering with a minor in Astronomy. It would mean that I'd spend less time in my room but it'd be worth it in the end. I got the same deal from the University for the dorms and accepted and moved in with Sky.
I think the best parts about getting into A&M was that, A, it was only about thirty minutes away, and B, it was near my old house.
After the first year of college, I convinced the person that bought the house to sell it to me and he accepted. I bought, with cash, the property for a reasonable price of $250,000.
She graduated with a bachelors degree in Art three years after. The first thing she did was go back to her parents and tell her family and some of her old friends. I didn't realize that she wouldn't return home a week after until she called me a day after she left telling me that she and some friends went on a girl's trip.
My first degree came the same time as Sky with a Bachelor's in music. I even wrote a few songs, created new beats for the school, and released an album that got big quick. Aerospace was over with two years after and I got a job offer for NASA which I accepted.
We spent a few more years as a couple, trying to figure things out, until I finally got down on one knee, in front of her whole family and friends. She said yes with tears in her eyes and we were officially engaged for three months.
We got married on our anniversary of when we first got together, everything was paid for since her parents put a ton of money away for "Sky's Dream Wedding" which she received.
We spent a year trying to have a kid, almost every time we tried, it ended up failing. We decided to try one last time and if it didn't work, we would take a fertility test.
Luck seemed to pick our side as we successfully had a child growing inside of my wife.
The funny thing is, the scans only saw one kid, but on the day her water broke, the doc said there was another head making way and we had twins. One boy, one girl.
Everything calmed down. Our kids started school, Sky was happy, I made our lives eventful with her huge help, and it worked that we got a blue heeler. We named her Daisy.
Natsu eventually found someone after not looking for anything for so long. One year we saw him with some Royal Blue haired girl; turned out it was Levy McGarden from our Calculus class. They met each other on the street and had lunch together. That was three years ago. Now married, her first child is now three months old and I've never seen him happier.
Connor and Chrysantha married a year after we graduated. Their kid is now in sixth grade I think.
May explored the world. She is still single out there, living her best life. Every other week, the gang gets together and video chats her as we spend the whole night talking about anything.
Watching stars
"Daddy!" Shiloh Dranigon was the first person I saw when I walked through the door, followed by Daisy as they ran up to me.
"Dad's home!" Ryan Yin Dranigon called out, as he was again, stuck in between the couches from him and his sister's play fighting.
"Hey kiddos! Guess what, we're going to see my family today! It won't be exciting as seeing Mimaw and Pop-Pop, but they need to meet you guys. I'll bet they're excited."
""Really? We're going to meet your family?!""
"You bet! Now let's get a move on before Mommy gets home!"
Watching stars collide
Hey everyone. This is what I've been working on for most of my free time
I'm sorry for the late posts and stuff, but my new job is really making it hard to squeeze in stuff like this, and my friends don't necessarily help when they want to hang out every possible moment we get
Anyway, this book is going to be called: Life's But a Tomb. It's going to be a series of one shots that will either have a song with it or not. Some of these stories will be dark, but have meaning to them. Some may be like this one. Starts out depressing, but slowly gets good over time.
If you do have any sorts of issues, abandonment, depression, suicidal thoughts, or even just need someone to talk to, I will make time out of my day to speak to anyone who needs it, just post a comment on my stories and I'll message you and it'll be like going to a Therapist only not actually going or paying.
I offer my help to anyone. Please, if you are in desperate need of help, don't hesitate to talk to me. I'll be willing to listen to anything, and if you want, I can make a story based off of it and give it the ending that you deserve.
Stating this now, not every story will be in entirely first person POV already the next chapter I'm working on is starting out in third person.
If you want your very own OC in these stories or their own, do let me know through either comments or PM. If you do, then don't be afraid to hit me up. I'll explain what short-story and scenario I can put for them unless you already have one in mind. I'll do my best to put them together.
Let me know what you think.
Jared_pjm signing out.
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