Vanessa's POV
I woke up shivering, I was freezing but I was dripping sweat,
"Ma'am glad to see you're awake, how are you feeling?" The flight attendant asked,
The nervousness washed over me, I could barely reply "Can you get Roni for me?"
"I'm sorry miss but the pilot requested everyone stay seated for now, is there anything I can do for you in the meantime?" She asked politely.
My head was throbbing and I couldn't stop shaking, the flight attendant saw how shook up I was and said "I'll try my best to see what I can do for you miss"
"Th-thank you" I stuttered.
She returned minutes later looking happy,
"Miss I have found two people who ate sitting next to each other who are willing to give up their seats for you and Roni" she said.
I didn't think I was causing so much trouble, "Are you sure ma'am?" I asked politely "I don't want to cause any commotion" I said but to think of it I already have by having a full panic attack mid flight,
"They're happy to offer their seats" she replied with a smile "But as I said earlier the pilot requests for all passengers to be seated for the time being" she explained.
"Oh ok I replied, thank you so much ma'am, I'm sorry I was such a hassle" I apologized,
"Don't worry about it, it happens to the best of us"
Veronica's POV
I was trying to calm down after I just got sick everywhere and to make matters worse it stank, well actually I stank. I ended up missing the bag at one point. I got changed and did my best to clean myself up in the small bathroom but it was no use.
The flight crew keep staring at me when they walk past, did I do something?
The guy next to me isn't so pleased with the whole sick thing and Is still trying to find a way to forgive me.
I guess I was just so wound up about being split up from Nessa, I mean we're always together, she's my other half without her I'm nothing.
I have to distract myself from Nessa or else I might have a panic attack so I thought about James and how ridiculously cute he is, I've known him for like 6 months now and those six months have been worth it. I also thought about how we'd finally see our parents again and TIGER oh we missed him SO much, every week out dad would post a picture of tiger on his Instagram account doing really cute things like sleeping beside all of Nessa's teddies or cuddling up next to the fire, getting home is exciting in itself!
I was just nearly about to fall asleep when Nessa tapped on my shoulder,
"Nessa!" I grabbed her and hugged her.
"I'm sorry I missed you, it's been like 8 hours!" Now thinking of it, didn't seem that long,
"Roni the flight attendant found us seats next to each other!" Nessa practically shouted,
"Yeah but we have to be quick cause we're not supposed to be standing" Nessa explained.
I quickly grabbed everything I needed for the rest of the flight, my phone, headphones, vlogging camera and my computer so we could finish editing this weeks video!
She led me towards two seats next to the window, we looked at each other trying to determine who would get the window seat, she looked pale and tired, it looked like she'd been through a lot, so I stood back to let her in.
"Thanks" she said,
Something about Nessa was that on a plain when she sat next to a window she would calm down and look really peaceful. When I sat down I pulled out the laptop and we started to edit, we finished three vlogs after an hour and we were pretty tired.
A/N: Hey guys! Thanks so much for 100 reads!!! If you want another chapter comment 'More'
I also won't be able to post as often this and next week cause I have midterms.
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