Flash back
Scorpio was the only sign that went to earth land the other sign stayed home with their parents
Scorpio and her mom came down on that faithful day
To visit Scorpios best friend Rosalia
Scorpio and Rosalia were really close because their moms were close too and Rosalia's mom portal magic and taught her daughter of it too so they both can visit the sign is celesta
Libra and her dad also decided to go on this journey with scorpio and her mom
But little did they know that demons roamed the earth that day
And on that faithful day scorpio lost her mother and Scorpios dad lost his beloved wife
Libra was shook and did not know what to do
But that only made scorpio and Rosalia closer than ever before
When libra and her dad returned with a crying scorpio that was the only day the other signs saw her cry
When they found out the horrible truth every one was shook many if not all started crying
On that day the zodiac council said that
the sign are forbidden from entering the human realm and Rosalia was allowed to visit whenever she wanted
Scorpio was 13 at the time and her and Rosalia would spend every waking hour tougher but after a year from what the three young girls have witnessed
Rosalia's mom died from depression
End of flashback
Rosalia was absent on the first day of school she was sick she decided to go tell scorpio about next day when morning rose up and it was 7 am she decided to head to celesta "Open gâté to celesta" when she arrived she was greeted by the council "hello Rosalia" said one of the elders who where panicking on what to tell her "sup dude"she answered "Rosalia head back home for now you can come after school now scorpio is a little busy"
She sighed and opened a portal back home so she went to school after eating breakfast
"Hey rose dude you missed out on a lot"said Jason he is my friend
"Yea like what?"I answered "well.....we have 12 new students but they were divided into two groups of six and we have six in all our classes"
Jason said "12 new students that's a wired number well are they cool" "ummm well they all are friends and two of the guys became joks and one of the girls became a cheerleader and yesterday they had a fight but honestly almost all of thier friend were laughing" "they sure seem like a group of people I know you know scorpio and the others"I answered Remembering all of the fights the zodiacs had but mostly it was scorpio and Leo and Aries and cancer and pieces would try to break it up while the others laughed or in Gemini and Taurus case they would eat popcorn and scream fight fight fight I was so deep in thought "..alia" "Rosalia" Jason was calling my name "huh?oh sorry I zoned out" " yea about Scorpio I remember her and-"ringggg the school bell rang so I just ran to class and I was greeted by a hug which kinda shocked me when I looked at the person shorter than me all I saw was ginger hair or more like red hair when the person broke the hug I saw none other than Scorpio to say I was shocked was an understatement Virgo approached me "we will explain later but right now the teacher is waiting for us" so for the next 45 min I had to sit in a history class with 6 zodiacs who lived thro that time and Aries pacing notes to Leo
Leo laughing and pacing a note back to aries and then Gemini and Taurus eating a bag of chips and Scorpio siting in the back of the class next to aries glaring at him while listening to music and Virgo was sitting in the front glaring at everyone and I am pretty sure I saw libra and cancer go to the bathroom from the class close to us "hey teach can I go to the bathroom" I said and Virgo glared at me for interrupting the lesson "....whatever sure you can go"the teacher answers
so Rosalia heads to the bathroom and yes indeed she found libra putting her lipstick on while cancer re-did her pony tail "hey rose" asked cancer "hey guys so what's with the fight yesterday everyone is talking about it but I don't quite know what's happing" rose asked "well really scorpio joined the cheerleader team and Leo and Aries joined the football team and yesterday aries bumped into scorpio but he didn't know it was her and started yelling at her to be careful and then she hit his knee and fell and only then did he réalisé it was her but all of us know that scorpio knows he didn't mean to yell at her but most likely she is doing it to have fun"libra answered the three of us headed out of the bathroom when we saw Sagittarius and Capricorn setting up a prank on some of the students while pieces was helping Aquarius with getting the stuff for the prank I would not want to walk out first out of my class room "wow you guys sure are mean" I heard cancer mumble I kinda smiled the haven't had this much fun since that day I thought "celesta to Rosalia are you okay gurl"asked Aquarius and noticed that I zoned out again "yeah I am fine just was in thought so why did you come to earth again guys I mean it not like I have anything against it but.."
"Well the council never explained the reason but we think it's for training"Taurus said chewing on some gum Aquarius rolled her eyes while cancer and libra frowned and the rest continued doing what they were doing
I returned to class "HELLO" the teacher suddenly screamed I got startled but then noticed the teacher putting his hand on his head then I looked at scorpio and noticed that the others were doing the same
Hello hope you like it
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