Chapter 13 part 4
Hello well i finally got my creativity back get ready for a lot to happen
Arthurs POV
When on the plane everyone was finally seated and the plane took off
"Something is weird you guys...!" Said aqua
Scorpio raised an eyebrow
"Relax it's probably just your paranoia talking"
Said Capricorn
After a few minutes scorpio looked out of the window "the plane took off in the wrong direction we are heading towards the ocean!"scorpio said terrified and now shaking
Now the whole plane noticed and started screaming the are heading towards the ocean
Aqua was now shaking and had silent tears on her face
People were buying WiFi and calling their loved ones people were screaming crying
Capricorn tried going to the pilots cabin but was held back by a male Stewart
Scorpio called virgo
Virgo was with Gemini Leo and libra on a double date in the back yard
Next to them the others were having a pool party
Virgo answered her phone
'VIRGO!!!' Said scorpio with fear in her voice and now a few sobs
'SCORPIO IS EVERYTHING OK?!'screamed Virgo and that made everyone stop in their tracks
Aries got out of the pool and headed to Virgo
"What's going on?!" Asked Aries
Virgo handed him the phone
'Scorpio what's going on?!' (Aries)
'The the p-plane is is heading t-towards the OCEAN-
When scorpio was talking the plane turned upside down
And Scorpio phone fell and broke so the phone call cut off
Aries ran to his mortar cycle and started driving to the airport
When he arrived he received a call from Scorpio
'Are you okay?!'(Aries)
'Aries this is Capricorn everything is now okay the plane went in the wrong way and it freaked everyone out and the plan turned up side down'
'Are you okay?'
'Yes I am fine but I can't say the same to the girls they are in the bathroom vomiting..'
'Let scorpio call me once you arrived at aunt? Stars place k'
Aries went back and told everyone what happened everyone was reviled to know that every thing is okay
"Why does that always happened when we are on a plane..?" Said sagittarius and everyone laughed
And now the true fun begins
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