Chapter 10 part 4
A/n I would like to tell everyone that I wrote the last 3 chapters in one day in the passport office to get my passport I mean we'll give my documents to make a passport lol and I am still waiting for our turn lol
Authors POV
It's been along time since the zodiacs fell from the plan the door got closed later the crew thought the wind was really strong or something
Tracy was still talking to Lora plus aqua is really short so Lora won't notice her missing and the rest are asleep
When the plan landed everyone (the other zodiacs and Tracy and rose) were asleep and the crew had to wake them so everyone who was sitting next to missing zodiac thought that the zodiacs already got down
"Why didn't she wake me up is she still mad at me?!"mumbled Aries
"The first bus of people already left that means they were on that one" said Lora to the others who were wondering were the others were
"Huh? So scorps went with Kalvin and didn't wake Aries up this is the best thing I've heard since scorpio said she isn't afraid of bugs anymore and the next day cried when she saw a cockroach in her bedroom"said Leo and libra giggled
"Yea she called all the boys that day screaming and crying me and Capricorn had to get rid of it while Aries took care of her and that asshole Leo started laughing" Said sag
"Yeah that day the whole house was inspected for bugs😅😂" said libra
"Now the house get inspected once a month for any bugs" added cancer
"Actually this is the reason we are in the Bahamas they found bugs in the mansion and i didn't want to tell you guys" said Lora calmly
"If anyone tells scorpio I will personally kill them" said Aries
Everyone nodded cuz everyone knew nothing good would come out of telling scorpio about the bugs
When the arrived at the place you get your suit cases
"Where are the others?" Asked libra
"Maybe they already they went to the hotel Virgo knows the address?" Replied Capricorn
"If that is the case why are there suit cases still here"said Sagittarius
Everyone looked and there was everyone's suite case
Pieces coral blue suit case
Virgos black suit case
Gemini's purple suit case
Scorpios hot pink and black suit case
Aqua mint colored suit case
Kalvins red suit case
Taurus dark blue suit case with food stickers
Everyone was wide eyed
"I am starting to get really worried listen kids take your suit case and some one else from the missing guys suit case too and well go out side and send a group to the hotel they aren't there we will tell the staff ok" said Lora trying to be clam and everyone nodded
Leo libra and Capricorn went to the hotel to search there
Aries cancer Lora and sag are searching in the airport and the others are standing outside in case someone comes
After the guys searched the whole airport they decided to ask some one
"Hey excuse me you are mrs.lora right you are there care taker you had a few other kids with you too-
"Huh?yess do you know where the kids are I am soo worried" interrupted Lora
"Mam will you let me continue come with us please you kids ummm seem to fall of the plane"
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