Chapter 10 part 2
A/n who watched this anime it's called devils line my favorite part is when yuuki said "hey don't feed him"
Finally I hope you guys are enjoying my story
Authors POV
The air signs can control their element so they tried softening the landing on the water but halfway through got very tried since a lot of people were falling too much for them to handle
When the landed in the water every one got damaged but Virgo and Taurus got injured worse than the others they weren't moving at all
The water signs helped Taurus and Virgo
Pieces was carrying Virgo and Scorpio was carrying Taurus
"Hey aqua Gem do you have any power left to fly up and check if we are near any land" said pieces
"I don't have enough powers to fly up and do the air bubbles Gemini you fly and I will work on the well bubbles" aqua yelled
Gemini nodes and flys up and his face is full of surprise "YOU GUYS THERE IS AN ISLAND"
Everyone kinda cheers
Gemini made himself a air bubble
And aqua made 4 air bubbles she took one for her self and gave one to kalvin and one for Taurus and the final one to Virgo
Everyone started swimming to the island
It took the water signs who were carrying Taurus and Virgo 1 hour and it took the rest about 1 hour and half
Scorpio and pieces laid down Taurus and Virgo and the warm sand of the island
Taurus and Virgo blacked out when they landed on the water they are earth signs
"What now"said Gemini who laid next to Virgo
"So you guys as I suspected are the real zodiacs!" Said kalvin
Scorpio got up and headed towards kalvin and grabbed him by his shirt "listen here you didn't suspect a thing who told you about the zodiac thing you are as dumb as a rock"
The other zodiacs who were awake glared at kalvin
Then Scorpio saw his eyes glisten red
Scorpio jumped back a little
"Ugh fine I over heard rose and Lora talking in the airport"said kalvin
Scorpio didn't like it one bit he now just looked like a devil and now he is back to his gullible and flirtatious self but she ignored it
"Hey guys stop it"
They all looked to the source of the voice to find Virgo awake with her hand on her head
Taurus was still unconscious
"Pieces you are a water sign so you can heal the others so try and rest for now so you can heal the others later, Scorpio Gemini and kalvin will go and search for food and wood,while me and aqua will do a camp and draw an SOS sign everyone got it" said Virgo
"You sure are bossy"said kalvin
Before Virgo can do anything Gemini said
"Let's go guys before Taurus wakes up without food"
Everyone nodes and does what was told to do
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