Life of an Agent (Transformers Prime Seasons 1 & 2) Chapter 16
"We need to get Optimus out of there, now!" yelled Ratchet. "Oh no..." whispered Madalyn. Ratchet ran over to the ground bridge controls and activated it. Bulkhead ran in first followed by Arcee, then Ratchet. Madalyn and the other's watched the ground bridge and waited for them to come back. A few seconds later, Bumblebee opened up the ground bridge.Madalyn saw Arcee walk back in through the ground bridge first. Arcee looked at Madalyn and nodded at her, meaning Optimus was alive. Then Ratchet and Bulkhead came back in through the ground bridge carrying Optimus. "Easy, Optimus, from the looks of things, you've been exposed to a masive amount of dark energon." explained Ratchet. Then Optimus looks up and see's Raf and Madalyn in their hospital beds, with June checking on them. "I am not the only one." said Optimus. Ratchet and Bulkhead, sat Optimus down on the medic-bed next to Madalyn and Raf. Optimus looked down at the kids and smiled. "Hey." said Raf. "Hey big guy." said Madalyn smiling back. "They're lucking to be alive." said June with a serious face. Optimus'ssmile turned into a frown. "Megatron found more of the dark stuff?" asked Jack as he, Miko, and Cole, walked down the stairs from the TV area. "A volcano full of it!" answered Arcee. "A volcano?" asked Cole. "Thequestion is how?"said Bulkhead. "Not how, what! As in What in the world is the blood of Unicron doing here, onEarth." explained Ratchet. "The 'Cons killed aunicorn?" asked Miko. Ratchet, Optimus, and the other's gave Miko a confusing look. "White horse with a horn on its head? Prancises around all sparkly?" explained Miko. "Miko, it'sUniCRON! Not a Unicorn!" said Cole. "An acient evil, who's fossilized blood, comprises the matter we call dark energon. As legend would have it." explained Ratchet. "So what your saying is, this Unicron is some sort of boogie man?" asked June. "Boogie man?"said Ratchet. "Make belief creepy guy who hides in your closet?" explained Cole. "No nurse Darby, Unicron is very real. Was, that is, well I do believe he onceexisted, I just don't subscribe to the theroy that his primortial life force is the substancewhich, harmed Raf andMadalyn." explained Ratchet. "Ok, I've heard enough! Jack, Cole,please help me get Raf and Madalyn into the car." said June as she took Raf's hospital bed. "Wait, what? why?" asked Cole. "Mom, I thought Raf and Madalyn was doing alot better?" asked Jack. "They need to be examained by REAL doctors. Raf's family needs to know what has been happening. His REAL family. Come on Cole!" said June. Cole grabed the railing and moved Madalyn'shospital bed alittle, but Madalyn placed her hand in his, and stoped him and sat up. "Cole, don't do this. Besides I'm feeling awhole lot better now. See?"said Madalyn as she sat up and got off thebed. "Whoa sis!" said Cole. "See June, I'm fine!" said Madalyn as she turned toJune "And besides, Raf's family can't protect him from all this. Not like they can." Then she and the others heard Optimus getting up. "June, it deeply greaves me that I have failed." said Optimus as he got up and walked slowly totowardsMadalyn and stood beside her and Cole "But will do everything in my power, to insure that no harm comes to out human friends. Or any human, ever again." Then June stops with Raf's hospital bed in between her car and theAutobots and she looks up at Optimus. "Optimus, they're childern.They do not belong in your world. They should be worried about grades, prom dates, or pimples! Not they're own survival!" said June. "I don't have to worry about this things." whispered Madalyn. "Mom! Dark energon is pouring outof the Earth! It doesn't do that!" said Jack. "Jack's right, this could be about EVERYONE's survival, not just ours." said Cole. "Your coming with me, all five of you. And they will NOT be coming back!" said June as she took Raf's hospital bed towardsher car. "I understand." said Optimus. "What? She can't do that!.... Can see?" asked Madalyn. "That's it, after all we've been through, see ya?!?" said Miko "What about our freedom to choose?" "That may fly on their planet, but not here on Earth." said June as she helped Raf into the backseat "Get in!" "Do really expect me to get into a non-transforming vehicle?" said Miko with her arms crossed. "Miko! I'm serious!" saidJune with a serious face. "Your not my mother!" said Miko. "Miko..." said Bulkhead. "Niether are you!" replyed Miko. Bulkhead backed up a step then June looked over at Cole and Madalyn. "Cole, Madalyn?" asked June. "Ever sense our dad past away, Agent Fowler, Cole, and the Autobots are all the family I've got. And they are my responsibility. And as long as they are...." said Madalyn as shelooked up at Optimus then placed a hand at the top of his foot "I'm stay put. So thanks but no thanks." "Me too." said Cole as he placed a hand on Madalyn's shoulder. "Thanks bro." whispered Madalyn. Then she looked up atOptimus who looked down at her and Cole. "I'm not leaving you and the others. Not now, notnenver." said Madalyn. Optimus smiled at them, then they all looked at June. "Well I am yours." said June as she turned to Jack. Jack looked behind him and looked at the 'Bots, Madalyn, and Cole. Then he saw Arcee walk towards him. "She is, your mom...." said Arcee. Then Jack turned back toward his mom. "I'm staying." answered Jack. Madalyn, Cole, and Miko looked at Jackwith surprised expressions on their faces. "I'm sorry." finnised Jack. Bumblebee, and the kids watched sadly as June closed the back car door as Raf lookedthrough the window at them. "Ratchet, activate the ground bridge." commanded Optimus. "No thank you!" said June as she backed the car up and drove out of the base through the entrance.
"Prime! Do you copy?" asked Agent Fowler through thecomputer videophone. "I hear you AgentFowler." answered Optimus. "Been watching the news? Mother nature'sbeen going crazy!" said Fowler. "We know about the volcano."said Optimus. "ANDthe quakes?" asked Fowler. "Earthquakes?" asked Madalyn as Optimus lifted her up and placed her on his shouler. "7 major temblers, at the same magnitude, happening at the exact same time, is a volcanic eruption. All over the globe, on different techtonic plates, theroy unrelated if they happened..." said Fowler. "At the exact same time." finnished Ratchet. Miko was checking the news on TV and she turned to the others to look. "Check it out! More good news." said Miko sacasticly."Freak storms unlike anyone as ever seen. Sunami's threathen the Canadian coast,while lighting storms cover theGobi Dessert. Meanwhile electrico-magnetic blackouts plagued european power grids. These global phinamina are leaving people wondering, why no?And what next?" said the TV news reporter. "Don't tell me the 'Cons built a weather machine!" said Fowler. "One that powerful? Highly unlikely." answered Ratchet. "I do not believe, the apperance of dark energon, at thispoint in time, to be cowincidental." said Optimus. "If it's not a coincidence, then what is it then?" asked Cole. Madalyn thinks for a moment then realizes, what's happening. "The doom propehecy!" said Madalyn "Don't you see? The rising darkness?!? It's the dark energon erupting from the volcano!"
"Bumblebee, go get Raf and June. That thunderstorm from the news is closing in on Jaspear!" said Cole."Beep bop beep bop bop 'Already on it!'" said Bumblebee. Then he transformed into vehicle mode and raced out of the base and after Raf and June."Wait, wait, wait, a doom propehecy! What is that?" asked Miko. Optimus looked at Madalyn. "You haven't told them yet have you?" asked Optimus. "Um... Well... No, not yet. I'm sorry Optimus, I was only following what you said earlier." said Madalyn. "It's alright." replyed Optimus. Then Bumblebee pulled into the commanded room. He opened his car door's to reveal Raf and June. "Were back." said Raf. "And we are glad." replyed Ratchet. Optimus let Madalyn down and she and the others ran to Raf and hugged him. "Were so happy to see you Raf." said Madalyn. "It's good to be back." said Raf. Jack ran over toJune. "Are you alright?" asked Jack. "I will be. Jack..." said June. "Mom.." interupted Jack. "I know." said June as she hugged her son then pulledaway "But your grounded untill your 30!"said June. Jack looked down at the floor, the June placed a hand on his shoulder. "25." said June. "Hey do you hear that? It's coming from the TV." said Madalyn as she, Raf, Miko, June, Cole, and Jack ran over to the TV. "World wide leaders are calling this a global emergency." said the TV reporter. "Global?"said June. "And scientists believe that this phinamina to be somehow related to the current planetary allienment." finnished the TV reporter. Then the light of the elevator came on, and out walked in Agent Fowler. "What have you learned Prime? And you better not blow smoke up my... uh.. Miss Darby! What a nice surprise!" said Fowler as he walked in and saw June. "Special Agent Fowler." replyed June smiling. Then Madalyn moved next to her brother. "Hey, do you think?" asked Madalyn quietly. "Seriously?" replyed Cole. "Nah!" they both said. The humans then met up with the 'Bots. "We have learned this. As with the so called magma from the volcano, these earthquakes originated far below the earth's crust. From the very center of Earth's core." explained Ratchet. "Quakes don't start there. Do they?" asked Fowler. "I don't think so." answered Madalyn. "Tiny tremers rising and falling, in a constant pattern. Almost like...." said Ratchet as he stoped his sentence and looked at the computer screen. "Almost like what?" said Cole. "What is it Ratchet?" asked Madalyn. "By the allspark! If I convert these to audio files.." said Ratchet. "What? What is it?" asked Fowler. "Listen." answered Ratchet. Everyone stayed silent as they listened to the audio file. "Oh my gosh." whispered Cole. "It... it's a... heart beat." whispered Madalyn.
"A cybertronian heartbeat." said Jack. "But how is that possible?" asked June "A heart pumps blood, there's nothing down there to pump expect.." "The blood of Unicron!" answered Raf. "Ok, wait, hold on a second, so your saying that, something is LIVING down there?" asked Miko "Inside our planet?" "Then that would mean..." said Madalyn as she turned to Optimus. "Ibelieve that the Earth's very core is not comprised of Magma, as your scientist's suggested, but of dark energon." explained Optimus. "I knew it!" said Madalyn. "And if we're hearing the spark, then Unicron is the rising darkness that the propehecy fortold." added Ratchet. "So how do we stop this thing from rising?" asked Fowler. "There's gotta be some kind of loop-hole for this propehecy." said Cole. "That I am afaird, was not fortold." answered Optimus. "Aww come on!" thought Cole. "How can something be in Earth's core, and be alive." asked June. "Such a thing is not unpresidented." said Optimus. Madalyn thinks for a moment then walks up to the railing infront of Optimus. "Optimus? Maybe you can tell us some information about Unicron, to help stop him. Like when you teach me all the legends and propehecys of Cybertron." suggested Madalyn. Optimus nodded in agreement. "Before the beginning, there was Primus, and there was Unicron. One the incarnation of creation, the other, of destruction. For eons, Primus and Unicron battled, the power of balance shifting between them, were times that could be counted. Only by creating the 13, original Primes, that came before me, was Primus finally able to defeat Unicron. And cast him out. Primus became one with the very core of Cybertron. Creating life in the Well of Allsparks. While Unicron, was never to be heard from again. Untill now." explained Optimus. "Whoa. That's deep." said Cole.
"Maybe we can find a hole he used to dig himself down there, and fill if with explosives." suggested Fowler. "I don't that's such a good idea, dad." said Madalyn. "Agent Fowler, I do not believe that, Earth became Unicron's home, but rather that with time, and gravitional force, debrey collected around the slumbering titan..." explained Optimus. "Forming your Earth, itself." finnished Ratchet. "Whoa, whoa, so what your saying is, Unicron is OUR planet's core?" asked Cole. "And he's only awakening now due to the magnetic pole in the planetary alinement!" said Arcee. "Arcee's right! It's the propehecy!" added Madalyn. "Ok so what happen's when Unicron wakes up from his a billion year nap?" asked Jack. "Does he do his morning stretch then 'CA-POW!' Earth blows to dust?" asked Miko. Optimus narrows his optics down to the floor, not answering their questions. Madalyn looks at him with a worried look. "You don't know, do you?" asked Madalyn. "My best guess is that Unicron has transended physical form untill we know it. non of the less, we must find a way to make sure this force of nature, never fully awakens. The fate of your planet depends upon it." said Optimus.
"It's best if we do a search of your planet, to see how much damage Unicron has caused and to see what we are up against. Ratchet, where is the termors happening now?" asked Optimus. "In the grand canyons, not to far from here." answered Ratchet. "Activate the ground bridge, Ratchet." ordered Optimus. Ratchet nodded and walked over to the ground bridge controls and opened the bridge. "Optimus wait!" said Madalyn as she ran down the stairs and towards Optimus before he could go through the bridge "I want to go with you." "Madalyn, I'm afaird it may be too dangerous for you to accompany me. I will not risk you getting harmed with dark energon again." said Optimus. "But that's the point! If Unicron DOES wake up then who knows how many humans on Earth will get infected! I want to help, so that nobody else will have to go through what me and Raf had to go through." explained Madalyn, then she turned on her communicator and transformed into her Autobot form "Please Optimus?" Optimus thinks for a moment then looks over at Agent Fowler. He noddes in agreement with Madalyn, then Optimus looks at hir huan companion. "Very well. But stay close." said Optimus. "Good luck you guys." said Cole. "Be carefull Madalyn. Prime, I leave her in your hands now." said Fowler. Optimus and Madalyn walk through the ground bridge as it closes.
They both arrived at the canyon. There were streght up marks all over the walls. "Whoa, this place is kinda freaky." said Madalyn. Then they stoped at a deadend. "Ratchet, this episenter is constant with the findings of the others. It's teran is rich in or." explained Optimus though the com-link. "So what does that tell us?" asked Fowler through the com-link. "It follows that the natural metals in your Earth, would be extenions of Unicron. His limbs if you will." explained Ratchet. "His limbs. So then he did do his morning stretch." said Madalyn. "Optimus! Madalyn! I'm detecting a small swell in Unicron's spark!" said Ratchet through the com-link. "That's bad right?" asked Madalyn. "Rest assured Ratchet. We will proceed with extreme caution." said Optimus. "So that is bad." said Madalyn. Then Optimus and Madalyn heard some rumbling from behind them, and saw a face form inside the rocks. "Ok, this has gone from freaky, to offically scary!" said Madalyn. "Do you know me follower of Primus?" asked Unicron. "Unicron! The choas bringer!" answered Optimus. "Good." replyed Unicron as a bunch of rock's came tembling down, and formed a whole body figure with his face. He was slightly bigger than Optimus. "Madalyn get behind me, now!" said Optimus. "Right." replyed Madalyn as she moved behind him, but looked over his shoulder so she could see Unicron. "Now know me as Unicron, your destroyer!" shouted Unicron as he pointed his spike spear hand at him. He charged at him but Optimus transformed his two hands into swords and blocked it. "Madalyn, run!" yelled Optimus. "But.." said Madalyn. "Go now! While you have the chance!" yelled Optimus. Madalyn did as she was told and ran for cover. She hid herself behind a giant boulder, near the battle and watched Optimus fight Unicron. Unicron kept throwing punches at Optimus. Optimus got away be either blocking his attacks with his swords or jumping out of the way.
Then Optimus transformed his swords back into his hands and stretched his arms out. "What's he doing?" thought Madalyn. "I humbly request your ear Lord Unicron." said Optimus. "And what would a Prime, be so compled to say to me?" asked Unicron. "I make this appeal not for myself. But for this planet, which you constitute. And the beings who inhabit it." answered Optimus "Human kind relys on you. For life, sustainence. Your resurection will only result in the destruction of a species, which evolved from the seeds of your very greatness." "So this human kind of whom you speak, you consider them my progeney?" asked Unicron. "Indeed." answered Optimus. "Parasites! They too shall know my rustful hand! Once I am finnished with you!" cried out Unicron. Then his spike's turned into hands and light blue spheres started hovering by his hands and bolts of lighting flew from them and struck Optimus. The force pushed him back and he fell to the ground. "Optimus!" yelled Madalyn as she came out of hidding and came to her friends side. "The line of Prime's has grown weak in my absense. Both you and this other Cybertronian shall perish by my hand!" said Unicron. "He doesn't know I'm really a human. And that just how I wanna keep it." thought Madalyn. Then the blue spheres appeared again, and Unicron was charging them. Madalyn help Optimus up slightly from the ground. "That outcome is inedible. But not today!" said Optimus he got up, transformed his hands into blasters and shots at Unicron. Madalyn takes out her blasters and does the same. Unicron falls to the ground and he falls apart and rocks just lay there on the ground. "Well, that was easy." said Madalyn "You alright Optimus?" "I'm alright. But I have a feeling this is only the beginning." said Optimus. Then they both heard more rumbling sounds coming from all around them. More and more stone Unicron warrior clones popped up all around them. "Yes, deciples of Primus, on this very day, for Unicron may be one, but we are all Unicron!" they all said in unison. "Oh scrap..." whispered Madalyn.
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