Chapter 3
Tamara came back 4 hours later and it was already past midnight. Apparently the coffee break had turned to a late dinner, and I was stuck here alone with screaming women in labor waiting to be relieved from their pain. Luckily, I had the midwives by my side and all I had to do was the routine checkups.
We kept working like crazy till the first rays of dawn crept through the windows announcing a new day to come. I was beyond exhausted and I could barely open up my eyes. Tamara was nowhere to be found, so I figured I would stay in the department until the next doctors on call take upon their duties.
I stayed till 9 am and no one came. Where are they? They were supposed to be here an hour ago. The morning shift already starts at 8 am. Finally, a chubby female doctor with a baby face emerged from the door and greeted me. I greeted her back and showed her the remaining cases waiting to be delivered with their paper works and I took off. On my way outside the department I found my attending, Dr. Rahim and asked him about the unit's schedule. He told me that we're free for the rest of the day but tomorrow, Wednesday I have to be present at the Operations Complex at 8 am and on Thursday I have an outpatient clinic that starts at 9 am sharp. He warned me that I have to be there early and then he turned around and disappeared into the crowd, again.
Barley walking, I managed to get to my car and drove it towards home, praying for a miracle to get me there safely.
I arrived the next day to the complex 15 minutes early, so I took my time changing into my scrubs and exploring the building. Throughout my expedition, I noticed that there was no sign of any doctor in anywhere I went, except for nurses and anesthesiologists. That's weird... where is everybody? Either I'm too early or they are too late. I checked my watch. 8:30 am. Hmmm! I know they're not in the OR because I already explored there, and they're definitely not in the doctors lounge because I checked there too. I decided to ask the receptionist, perhaps she can enlighten me.
The receptionist was a middle aged woman with a warm smile. Her name was Maysa. I greeted her and just sat there on a chair beside her. Honestly I didn't know what to say. She eyed me for a moment with the exact smile she greeted me with and said "You must be new?" I turned my head to her suddenly without saying a word. She must saw the surprised reaction on my face because she started laughing, and in no time we started laughing together.
"Oh hunny, relax. You'll get through." Maysa said after our hysterical episode ended. She walked me through the routines and by the end of it I was feeling much better, Or braver to be exact. Apparently every unit of the department has a day in the complex. Ours was on Wednesday. An intern must check the surgeries booked on the selected date and call them for conformation. They then should arrange them into a list and distribute copies to certain offices. Finally, they have to prepare the booked patients a day before and make sure that everything is ready for the next day. Wow! All of this is done by one person? I think I gulped loudly because Maysa put a comforting hand around my shoulder and gave me her warmest smile. "Hunny you'll do great. I know you would."
I sure hope so.
While I'm sitting there, I saw my attending, Dr. Rahim along with another one enter the complex followed by a bunch of interns. I followed them inside and pretty much observed all day long. The attendings were gowned to operate in different rooms alongside with the interns of choice - since all the residents were on the strike. Another intern – the one responsible of the list - was lurking outside in the waiting room to check on the 'waiting to be operated on patients' and also to be available if any 'already operating on patients' needed blood from the blood bank.
The others - me included - were left to observe the operations and take notes while the attendings described the process. I imagined myself there, inside the room, where a different world is created. I saw me standing there next to the attending on a mission to pull out a miraculous creation from the insides of a mother who's lying helplessly on the table. Her full trust is upon us. The feeling of the idea overwhelmed me and I thought to myself... Will I ever be as great as those inside the OR? More importantly, would I be able to endure it, or would I be the joke of the hospital instead?
Only time will tell... I just hope it was good news...
This chapter is dedicated to the very first author I ever admired, Monrosey
Her writing style is PERFECT and her stories... no words can describe how amazing they are. I've always considered her as my Idol. Thank you <3
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