The beginning of a nightmare.
It was really quiet. He didn't hear any of his goons laughing, or even the usual cursing from people around their base. None of the normal traffic or no honking of a car. Strange...also why did it feel like they were standing? Kokichi opened his eyes to darkness. What the...? He thought to himself as he felt around his surroundings. It felt like it was a locker of some sorts as he rubbed his head in confusion as he opened the locker falling out due to his legs somehow being fast asleep. This is probably.... just some kind of prank. Yeah, a really cruel one, but at the end of the day still a prank. He looked up expecting to see some fellow D.I.C.E members but was met with an empty classroom as he stood up in even more confusion.
Where am I? How did I even get here? He started down at the ground it looked as if an explosion had gone off inside of this place killing every living thing he didn't even see any bugs. He didn't know if he was alone or whoever the heck brought him here and what they wanted. Can't look scared otherwise they'll hurt me, just put on a mask so they can't tell what I am really thinking I thought to myself as I held my arm trying to maintain a good composure and suppress all my fear inside of me.
Where is everybody? Are the other members locked in here? Or am I actually all alone? He looked around at the classroom. It had overgrown weeds inside and cracks in between the floor. This isn't home...and I probably been kidnapped...and they might be hurt...AND IT PROBABLY WASN'T THE POLICE...I felt a sudden fear begin to invade me as I looked at the windows covered in bright red barb wire.
Oh god...why is there barbed wire? The whole room looked as if it had been trashed. What even...this place is like a war zone! I steadied myself upwards as I decided to exit the classroom. I looked around when all of a sudden, I heard something called "rise and shine ursine!" in a joint of a group and I hid back my startled expression. I looked down and saw...five stuffed animals. Ok this has got to be a dream at this point, I drank way too much panta last night"
When all of a sudden, the one with a striped pattern that reminded me of a tiger and glasses said "are you gonna talk or what?" and I said "are you guys teddy bears?" and the blue one that seemed to be impersonating a Rockstar said "we're not Monokubs! We're the stuffed animals!" Did he just say the sentence in the wrong order...ok...Monokubs...what in the name of all that is good is a MONOKUB?
"psst, Monokid... you're saying your lines backward," the striped one said to the rockstar one, I guess Monokid and he replied with "no, stuffed animals, us! The Monokubs, them!" This guy has the IQ of a peanut...please don't tell me these are the things that brought me here. The other Monokubs seemed to slap themselves in the face. They all looked at each other as I stared at them in confusion "hey don't you know who we are?" the red one said that looked like a ninja and I shook my head and they all cried out "yay it worked!" and I stared at them confused.
What the heck is going on? "alright now, let's tackle each issue one at a time!" and I just plastered a fake smile on my face wanting to see where the heck this was going. How much panta...? When Monokid called to the red one "You're so dammed reliable Monotaro!" and the pink one with a vertical striped dark pink pattern said "he's like a sixth grader helping out a fifth grader!" and the one resembling a business man said "which means we should keep our expectations reasonable" and then Monotaro asked "do you have any questions?" and I shook my head not wanting to accept any of their help and the suppress my weakness of not knowing much "nope" and the pink one looked at me "really? Not even about the academy? The ultimate academy for gifted juveniles? -
"Or what me, Monophanie, or Monosuke's or Monodams names? Or how you got there and who is here with you? Or- "and I took a gamble and guessed Monosuke said "well they know now Monophanie" the green robot one, Monodam? just stared. Instantly making him my favorite. The then called "so long bear well!" and I just kept shaking my head. Yeah, no imagination can make all of this up...not in a LONG shot. Oh well...guess I will go meet the others.
Inside was another male with silver hair that looked metallic with an ahoge on top and really pale skin. It looked fake. And weird and clothes that looked like a robot suit...wait a second was that a robot?! I could barely contain my grin, not that it really mattered. I mean so far nothing really made sense so throwing in a robot wasn't really anything too much of a shock. Not every day you get to meet a robot.
I must have made my presence known as they turned around to face me "oh pleasure to meet you my name is- "they started but I interjected them immediately with "woah are you a robot?" And they seemed to get nervous "um yes, I am the ultimate robot my name is- "and I once again interrupted them just for the sheer annoyance it would bring them. Guess for now I will be the SHSL Annoyance till I get the situation straight.
"Woah I didn't know robots counted as students" and the robot looked at me enraged, "I ask you to stop these robophobic comments and just listen for five seconds for me to tell you my-"and I asked curiously "robophobic?" And he sighed attempting to leave the room in defeat. Wait, I don't want to be alone. For all I know that's the only person here "aww leaving already but I haven't even got a chance to introduce myself" and the robot turned around rolling its eyes "what's your name then?" And I grinned in victory "my name is Kokichi Ouma the ultimate supreme leader" and the robot replied quickly in case I interrupted him not that I was going to but oh well "my name is K1-BO, but I would prefer if you would call me Keebo"
"wow this is so cool I always wanted to be friends with a robot!" and Keebo shouted "hey! That's robophobic I asked you to refrain from such things!" I laughed as a response "but a robot isn't even a person!" Keebo looked at me enraged and he started to leave "you are so robophobic!" and he turned to leave when I ran up behind him "oh come on I never got to talk to a robot before!" and Keebo walked the other way "hey wait for me!" I called as I heard the door being opened but I chose to ignore it. Keebo looked nervous as he called "please stop! Don't come any closer!" as I continued to chase him as if it was a game of tag.
Keebo stopped running when he realized there were others in the room and I also took that as a time to look upon the new people. There was a boy wearing a hat seems to hide his amber eyes along with bluish hair with a black outfit and a girl with blond hair with a pink vest and a dark pink skirt with eyes of a similar color. I caught myself nearly getting off guard when the boy stared at us.
Keebo stilled looked nervous when I called "C'mon! Wait up! Lemme touch your body a little! I've always wanted to be friends with a robot!" suddenly the girl called out "What? A robot!?!" and Keebo said gloomily "...what is it? Are you another robophobe? I have a recording function. If you make any robophobic remarks, I will see you in court." And I laughed a little at that, not that anyone took any notice of it. I kind of just listened while the other boy who arrived with the girl also looked at Keebo.
"Wait...are you're a robot?! Are you, for reals, a robot!?!" when the boy suddenly asked "A-Are you one of the Monokubs- "when Keebo interjected clearly a bit annoyed for being compared with those weird things that were honestly complete idiots "do not compare me to those toys! I am not just any old robot! I am K1-B0, the ultimate robot, but please address me as Keebo" and I burrowed my brow as if in frustration calling out "That's not fair! You can't be the only one who gets to show off! I'll introduce myself, too!" the girl looked at me nervously.
"Oh, um...go ahead" and I as if making a grand announcement said "I'm Kokichi Ouma, the ultimate supreme leader!" the girl looked between us as if she was getting a headache from all of this when I brought up "by the way, I learned the hard way that a robot's breath smells like gasoline" when Keebo shouted "my breath does not smell like gasoline! I am powered by electricity!" I laughed "nee-hee hee...I'm just kidding" and Keebo said tiredly "you're not funny" when I interjected "of course you don't think I am funny. Robots can't understand human humor, to begin with!"
Keebo shouted back "D-Don't mock me! I have studied the complete history of stand-up comedy" and I just laughed a bit at that. Seriously who in their right mind studies comedy? "Plus, I may have the appearance of a robot, but I am a high school student just like you!" and the boy said questioning while seemingly giving an awkward smile "you're a high school student?" and Keebo- I got to come up with a nickname...Kee...Kee...c'mon think! While Keebo seemed to explain some boring story about how he matured and was basically just like us with a cool AI and yada. When I asked "hey, do robots have dicks?" and Keebo immediately said "please do not ask such ridiculous questions!" and once again as if on cue I laughed "I only asked because your backstory is pretty flaccid for a robot" and the girl just seemed to ignore it. She then said "hey Ouma? I don't really understand your ultimate supreme leader talent..." and I responded as if she were asking me any other question.
"Oh. I'm just the supreme leader of an evil secret organization. That's all the girl looked at me "what?" and I said "I gotta say, it's pretty impressive. My organization has over 10,000 members!" and she asked me as if I was joking "seriously? The supreme leader of an evil secret organization?" and I replied with "who knows? I am a liar, after all" and Kaede just stared confused. She then responded "huh? So, you were lying, just now?" and I responded "Well, I am the supreme leader of an evil organization. That part was true!" and the girl seeming a bit fed up with all this said "so...were you lying or not?" and I laughed "nee-hee hee...I'm not telling you" when the boy asked.
"Ah, by the way...what is the name of that organization?" and I replied "that's a secret. Y'know, cuz it's a secret organization" I said trying to get off the subject but he responded with "but I've never heard of such a largely secret organization like that..." and I said with a grin "of course you haven't. Because it's a secret organization" the girl said furiously and a bit tired "hey...everything he's said so far has sounded like a lie, so that's gotta be a lie too, right?"
"Just leave him alone. Everything he has been saying has been a lie. He's a far more suspicious person than I am, that's for sure" Keebo said when I interjected "well, of course, you're not a suspicious person because robots aren't people, silly" and Keebo seemed to growl under his breath. I decided not to take the hint and said "oh, are you mad? Are you gonna hit me with a rocket punch?" and Keebo shouted "I don't have that function" and I replied with "aw man, you're boring" the girl seemed to look at me with uneasy tension.
"Well...it was nice meeting you two...my name is Kaede Akamatsu, I am the ultimate pianist" and the boy said nervously "I am Shuichi Saihara...I am the ultimate detective" and they left the room in a sort of hurry as I ran along to meet some of the other people. Yet, while I was putting on the façade of a mischievous child my mind kept wandering back to the weird shy detective. I don't know why...guess because he looked interesting.
All of a sudden when I walking around outside I heard a noise. Ding Dong Bing Bong. I looked around confused when I saw a monitor flick on and all of a sudden, I was greeted once again by the annoying Monokubs. Just my luck, "Hi! Thanks for bear-ing with us!" Monophanie said and I cringed are we being forced to listen to puns? "kept you bastards waiting, huh?" said Monokid and Monotaro said, "everyone, make your way to the gym please." And Monokid said "the opening ceremony can finally begin!" and Monotaro sighed "phew, we finally finished our preparations!" and Monosuke said, "You do realize you just read your lines backward, don't you?" I felt the urge to sigh.
I then not really having any other choice began heading towards the gym. I mean what can freaking go wrong at this point right? I later discovered a lot, in fact, can go wrong. But life never goes right in the first place, does it?
Tojo surveyed the area after Akamatsu chan and Saihara entered the room "all sixteen of us have gathered..." when Momota said with a dumb smile might I add "hmm, it's pretty spectacular seeing all sixteen of us ultimates gathered together" when Shinguji gave a creepy laugh "kehehe...you may not be able to be so easygoing for much longer..." I for one agreed with him on that point. So far Momota has been putting on a real face of an idiot and I could tell that it wasn't some kind of façade like mine. Shirogane added "in this situation, it's no use thinking about things, so eventually, Tsumugi stopped thinking" I stared at her. Was she talking in the third person? I thought only Gokuhara did that?! When Yumeno said tiredly as if talking took up all her energy "nyeh...what's gonna happen to us? I bet it'll be a big pain..." when Chabashira went "hmm" starting at Yumeno "what? What are you looking at?"
"Um... Yumeno Chan, you can use your amazing powers, right?!
Cuz you're a psychic and stuff, right?" and Yumeno replied "I'm not psychic...I'm a mage" and Chabashira squealed "Whoa! That's amazing! I definitely wanna incorporate that into Neo-Aikido! Hey, what sorta training did you undergo to gain such awesome powers?" Chabashira asked and Yumeno replied "talking about it is too tiring..." and Akamatsu said "you're pretty lazy..." when Keebo said "pardon me, but we need to be on our guard. We do not know if and when the danger will strike" and I replied with a fake scared attitude "D-Don't say that...I'm too scared...I don't know what to do" I then nearly blushed to realize without the tone how true it was to my own feelings.
I brushed it aside gotta continue the mask. Who knows what might happen if I don't. When Yonaga replied "there is no need to worry. Atua will protect us." And I gave a response "phew that's a relief!" when Iruma, god I already hate her, "is your brain full of weeds or something? I'll whack em outta that skull of yours!" when Momota said "don't worry about it! Just leave it to me! If those teddy bears show themselves again, I'll kick all their asses!" Did he just jinx us?
Gokuhara said "huh what that?" and Hoshi asked? hm? what's wrong" and Gokuhara replied with "listen...hear that?" and Shirogane said "ah, I think I hear it. It sounds like an engine from a robot anime- "then all of a sudden as if we were being pounced on some weird machines appear out of nowhere. Their lights glowed a menacing red as they sized double even to the tallest of our classmates as they reared their heads in. Is this a group killing? How could I have been so stupid! Then their annoying voices returned only this time coming from inside of the suits "yoo-hoo! Rise and shine, ursine!" Shirogane cried out in fear and Gokuhara shouted "everyone, behind Gonta!" and Chabashira confused cried "Wh-What the heck are these...monsters!?!" already in a fighting stance.
I replied "whoa! So cool!" and I had the feeling now more than half the group thought I was nuts as I feigned the excited look of a child, Monokid replied "they're Exisals-highly mobile, bipedal weapons platforms! They got lots hometown pride, too!" and Monosuke replied "I can't keep track of all these backstories" Iruma in a bit surprising cowardly way screamed "wh-whatever they are, they better kill off the uggos and save me for last!" and I subconsciously rolled my eyes screaming "Run Yumeno!" and Yumeno replied confused "why are you concerned about me all of a sudden?" then Harukawa stated "hm, didn't someone say they would 'kill all their asses?" an obvious jab at Momota who said "wh-what the hell!? Nobody told me about these!"
Amami surprisingly chills, though who knows maybe he is faking like me, said "alright, chill out, no need to panic...we're probably not in any danger. If they wanted to kill us they'd have done it by now" and all of a sudden Amami walked up to the Exisals as if he had not a single drop of fear in him. What the heck!?! And asked "so...what do you want from us? You clearly want *something*, that's what the guns are for, right? Let me guess. You're gonna force us to do something, and if we don't, we get hurt" he said casually.
"Well, you have our attention. So, what do you want?" and Monosuke replied "Huh, well aren't you a wise guy?" and Monokid shouted "I'll start us off! Listen up! Here's what we want you punkasses to do" and then more like a kid than me, fitting for his name, said "Hah! My hearts going 100 miles per hour! I'm gonna say it! You ready? Hell yeah! It's a- "when all of a sudden a robotic voice, Monodam? , said "killing game" monotonal. Akamatsu said "what?" when Monokid clearly annoyed that Monodam said it first cried out "M-M-Monodam! How DARE you upstage me!"
Ignoring the argument, the Cubs said Chabashira asked frightened "W-Wait a second. What did you say?" and Keebo replied just as nervous "I-If I heard him correctly- "when Monodam once again said "killing game" and Monotaro cried out "oh! He said it again!" and Monokid growled "God dam it. Monodam! I'm gonna crush you with this here Exisal!" and Monophanie said "C'mon, we don't have time to fight amongst ourselves" she said nervous and Monotaro playing leader replied "yeah! If you don't stop fighting. I'm gonna crush you with this here Exisal!" Is there going to plan always to fight with the Exisals? Actually, wouldn't mind if they destroyed their offense then. Makes it easier to go home.
Monophanie disappointingly added "You too, Monotaro? If this is what it comes to, then I will crush the four of you with this here Exisal" They used to be threatening and now they are worse than children. And Monosuke called out "hey! Why are you including me!? Oh well, it's more appropriate for us to be hostile to each other!" As the Monokubs began fighting I suppressed an inner laugh. Wait for a second...they said we are going to do a killing game...so they are going to force us to kill each other...this doesn't sound very good...
Suddenly Iruma cried "s-seriously! Are they gonna get it on right in front of us!?!" and Yonaga replied cheerfully as always "Don't worry. Atua is watching over us. When Shirogane called "in a situation like this, is he just going to watch?!" and Keebo replied "either way, it's too dangerous! We need to get out of here or else-"
A new voice then entered the room "now, now, now" and Akamatsu cried out "what?" the mysterious voice called "my cute little cubs...you gonna knock off this awful fighting..." when Monophanie cried out "oh! That voice!" the Monokubs jumped out of the Exisals clearly worried calling out.
"Father?!?! Father, is that you?!" Monotaro said when Monokid picked up with "Papa Kuma! Papa Kuma!" and Monophanie like an innocent child, as if, called out "Daddy!?! Where are you Daddy?!" and Akamatsu nervously replied "Daddy?!?!" Which was similar to me. Oh gosh, what does their dad look like? At that moment the lights went out to center on the stage.
Then as if a 'god' a bear half white and half black that kinda made me think of half good and half evil appeared with angelic wings similar to the color scheme appeared out of nowhere and landed on top of the empty podium on the stage their wings popping right off. Well that's a way to make an entrance...why are they all teddy bears? And the bear called out "I am the god of this new world! And the headmaster of the ultimate academy! The one, the only...Monokuma! Nice to meetcha" Why can't this be a dream? The Monokubs graciously replied to their father's appearance while all I could think of was killing game.... we are in a killing game....it is being run by stuffed animals....am I going insane?
Monokuma then replied to his cubs "my cute little cubs! You're all so freakin cute! The only reason I can tolerate your tiresome antics is cuz you're all so cute" Monokuma then started shaking rapidly their red-eye growing in the light as if they were a rocket getting ready for liftoff "even when the prologue is going on way too long, I'll allow it because you guys are cute." (Tell me about it Monokuma I have been here for hours!) "In fact, the very first prologue was only short cuz your cutie patooties weren't there." And the Monokubs looked nervously at each other. Then Monokuma seemed to become a bubble of anger as the cubs talked amongst themselves about it till Monokuma thrust his fists against them knocking away all the Monokubs. Finally, ... I was even happier when he did it again when Monokuma said "hee hee! I love embracing my children! They are so cute I can't help myself! Usually, ratings will plummet when mascots appear in sequels too much...but in this case, ratings are through the roof! All thanks to the cute Monokubs!" What is he talking about...?
"Wh-what is this? What's going on? Akamatsu asked and Shirgane nervously replied "another teddy bear appeared..." Shinguji added not even fazed "yes, but that is no ordinary teddy bear. I can see it...the despair and madness swirling around that cursed thing..." Monokuma angrily replied "whoa...first of all, I'm no teddy bear. I'm Monokuma. And show me some respect! I am the headmaster of the ultimate academy for gifted juveniles!" and Harukawa replied "headmaster?" and Keebo replied "it appears to be some sort of autonomous robot with a built-in AI..like me.." and Monotaro made a sound of what a game show made when you get the answer right. God how long will this last for...
"Exisals are different though, their mindless killing machines that can only be controlled by us Monokubs" Monophanie said Hoshi said "sheesh autonomous robots piloting weapons platforms, this is turning into quite a story" (and a migraine, I learned my lesson not to write the whole prologue in one standing! What's the other chapters gonna be like!?!) Amami replied "well that may be, but what I'm worried about is this 'killing game' you mentioned. What exactly does that mean" Well someone had to address the elephant in the room...while Monokuma laughed manically and Tojo asked "what is so amusing?" and Monokuma replied with "it's just...when I said it before, I kinda phoned it in and now I feel awkward...I want you students with your ultimate level talents to participate in a killing game!" Akamatsu replied "killing game....us?" and Keebo shouted "please stop joking! Why would we agree to participate in a killing game!?!' I don't think he is going to give us much of a choice... "huh" Monokuma said "you guys don't want to do it?" and Gokuhara replied "course not! Gentleman not hurt people!" Monokuma replied "but if you looked around the academy you already know, don't you? The academy is surrounded by a huge wall. You can't escape to the outside world, and as long as we have the Exisals you can't defy us. In other words, I hold the power of life and death over each and every one of you."
"So, do what you say if we don't want to die?" Amami said and Chabishira called out "you gotta be kidding me! Why would friends kill each other?" Monokuma asked "who said you guys were friends? You guys aren't friends at all...your enemies out to kill each other." Saihara then asked nervously "enemies...?" I looked out at the other fifteen students my head was full of worry what if they kill me? What if I have to kill? Why do I get to do this? I can't trust them they are just going to kill me, I am an annoying pest to them after all.
Monotaro broke the silence "hmm I still have a lot to learn about sarcasm under father" Monokid butted in "all this talkin is bugging the shit outta me! I got beat up Monodam to relieve the stress!" and Monodam just stared expressionlessly "but I don't like that. I'm not good with gore or sad situations" Monophanie said (your in danganronpa Monophanie Jesus) "um Daddy instead of a killing game, could we play rock paper scissors instead?" and Monosuke called out "are you stupid? Who'd wanna play a game where no one dies!?!" and I felt the rage building up inside of me for these robots. Their gonna toy with our lives...and they are going to enjoy it the whole time... when Hoshi called out "how are we supposed to kill each other? Are you gonna give us weapons? And Momota called out "what the hell man, what are you asking?"
"We need to get the info from them first, we can't do anything if we don't know anything," Hoshi said and Monokuma replied "weapons? Huh? What kinda barbaric display are you envisioning? You couldn't be more wrong. Why, at the ultimate academy for gifted juveniles the killing game is quite the refined and sophisticated experience!" and probably our last one... "sophisticated experience?" Harukawa asked clearly not buying it "yes...here this killing game is punctuated by the class trials" and Akamatsu asked "class...trials?" and the Monokubs asked us to listen up.
"Alright so if one of you maggots kill some you all gotta take place in the class trial" Monotaro started "the class trial is where the blackened killer faces off against their spotless classmates" Monosuke forwarded "It's where you punkasses bitches argue over who you fuckin think the blackened is!" Monokid added more over "after that it's voting time! And if the majority of you vote correctly-" Monophanie interrupted with "then only the blackened killer will receive pupu-punishment...so cruel...just imagining the blood and gore is making me wanna puke" (hey we got a fan base who like this kind of stuff! For some reason...maybe I should see a therapist...)
"After the blackened is punished the rest of youse just keep right on living together," Monosuke said when Monotaro replied with "but if you vote for the wrong person during the class trial...the blackened gets off scot-free and all the spotless students get punished instead!" And Monotaro screamed "hell yeah! Them's the rules of the class trial! Woo-hoo-hoo! Aowww!" and Monokuma said "ah, too much. That explanation revealed way too much!"
"You gotta be more coy, flirtatious! Seductive! Just like your old man!" Monokuma said and Yumeno replied with "gross..." and Monokuma rebutted with "the point is, it's not enough to kill someone. You also have to survive the class trial" and Amami said almost to himself "kill without being caught, and then survive the trial. Sounds eerily similar to the real world" and Monokuma replied with "you think so? The outside world must have been masterfully designed-even at it's cruelest"
"One can likely imagine...but I shall ask, just in case. What is the punishment you mentioned earlier" Shinguji asked "simply put it's an execution!" and Gokuhara asked nervously "execution?"
After that, my mind wandered away. I just couldn't think anymore. All I could think of was the killing game and the participants. That I might die. How I may never see my friends again. How I might murder someone, be killed, or die alongside them as a bunch of idiots as a killer gets away scot-free. I don't remember if I talked at all past that point or what happened afterward. I don't think anyone cared enough anyway. All I could do was stare at that shy detective...Why do I feel like I have seen him before?
�To be continued
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