Chapter Eighteen "Secrets Revealed, Part 4"
Flying to Carla's house, I'm relieved to see everyone still there. Everyone, but Carla. Everyone but the one girl that was manipulated into a Screaming Nightmare. Screaming Nightmare is what we are calling what they turned Carla into, a Screaming Death mixed with a Monstrous Nightmare. Terrifying. "Shawn, can I talk to you?" Allan is in the room where Siare learned of my secret. "Can you please explain to me why Hiccup and Toothless are in the front room?" Allan says, shutting the door. Berk. It's real. And so is Astrid, Stormfly, Fishlegs, the Book Of Dragons, and yes, Snotlout and Hookfang. And now there's a new species of dragon. The Screaming Nightmare. I growl. "Screaming Nightmare?" Allan is confused. A mixture of the Screaming Death and Monstrous Nightmare. And guess what's even worse. They manipulated Carla into that, that, thing! I growl. "Oh. I- I'm so sorry, Shawn. She'll be okay. She has to," Allan says. I'm tearing up, just thinking about what they did to my girl. "It's okay, Shawn," Allan says, trying to calm me down. It didn't. Shutting the door being him, Allan had that look on his face that says, 'we'd better leave him alone'. "Is everything okay with Shawn?" Hiccup says. "No," Allan says. "What's wrong with him?" "His girlfriend,
Carla. Something terrible happened to her," Allan says. "My baby girl? Do you know what happened, son," Dean says. "It's a nightmare. They manipulated Carla into a fire-breathing nightmare. A Screaming Death mixed with a Monstrous Nightmare," Allan says. "What! Is that even possible?" Hiccup says. "Apparently, yes," Allan says. While they are talking, through my tears, I was able to slip on a shirt and pants on. May I come in? Siare growls. "Sure. I could use some friendly company," I say. I heard about Carla, and I want to say I'm very sorry about what happened to her. She growls. I'm speechless through tears and Siare just walk up to me, understanding I just need a shoulder, scales or not, to hug. I'm just leaning on Siare's shoulder and, surprisingly, I've calmed down. "Thank you, Siare. How did you know I needed that?" I say. I have my ways. she growls. And you're welcome, Shawn. Walking out the door, I say, "well, should we go tell the others?" "Yeah. We'll need their help," Hiccup admits. "No! Not yet. I mean, yeah, I want to see a Monstrous Nightmare, but if one Night Fury could defeat the Red Death, then I believe that three Night Furies can defeat the Screaming Nightmare," Allan says. "Wow. I- I'm shocked. That was the best talking you've ever said, Snotlout," I say
"But we don't want to kill her. I believe she is still in that beast somewhere," "Alright then, do we just-" Hiccup is cut off as the tv turns on. "What!" Hiccup shouts. "Relax, Hiccup. It's how we get what's happening in this mass of land we call America," I say. "Breaking news. There is something else out there. We don't know what it is, but it came tunneling through Cincinnati, Cleveland. And, we can't believe we're saying this, but, if you're seeing or listening to this, Night Fury, than come help us," the tv turns to the weather. You hear that? Siare growls. "Yeah. They need us. Well, we know where Carla is at. Let's-" I'm cut short by Mom, "Shawn? It's for Night Wing," for the Night Fury? "Hold up. Put me on speaker so she can hear, too," we barely hear a coarse voice say. "Alright. We see you managed to capture your mate. We really didn't need the guy, though. We would've just handed him over if you didn't show up. Anyway, but, as you can already tell, you're rider is no more. She's now a beast of three dragon species, fused into one," the voice says. I'm trying to figure out who this man is. "Wherever you are, now, you two best be prepared for a flaming beast, you don't know when it'll show up again. It could be on it's way to Washington DC, or it could be in the very room you're
In right now. Never know," the clerk says. "Changewing DNA? Why would they do this," I say, frozen in fear. It'll be alright, Shawn. Siare growls. "We just have to make sure we don't kill her. Just unconscious," I say. "If anything feels like things will go wrong, go get the others," "bring Carla back safe and sound, will you do that for me?" Dean says. Yes. I growl. "Thank you," Goodbye, Mom. Hopefully we won't have to call Berk. I love you. I growl. Oh man. How could today get any worse. I growl. I shouldn't have said that, because me, Toothless, and Siare feel sick. Dragon Flower. I groan. "What's Dragon Flower?" Mom says. "Dragon Flower? Oh, I remember last time our dragons had a deal with Dragon Flower," Hiccup shivers. "Here's something to note, if Dragon Flower affects Dragons, not humans, wonder how half dragons are affected," I say. "I don't know. All I know is that we have to find a Scauldron," Hiccup says. "Fun," I say. Flying to Berk, we land at the arena. "Go get the others," "on it!" Hiccup says. "Astrid! Where's everyone else?" Hiccup says. "They're with their dragons. Some strange person replanted Dragon Flower on Berk," Astrid says, petting Stormfly. "Oh. Well, it's at Lakesshore, too," Hiccup says. "Meet Shawn at the Academy. And
bring the others," Hiccup says, running to the academy. "So? They coming? I think it's taking effect on me, just not as bad," I say. "How can you tell?" Hiccup says. "I feel light headed. Astrid! Fishlegs! Guys! Glad you could come," I say, coughing. "Dragon Flower affecting you, Shawn?" Astrid says. "Yeah, but that's not the main problem. Dragon Flower is on my home, too. Toothless and Siare had to stay back. We'll need your help trying to get a Scauldron," I say, coughing. "Why don't we have Scauldy help?" Ruffnut suggests. "Excellent idea, Ruffnut," Hiccup says. "Yeah, but how are we going to get Scauldy? Our dragons can't fly and we can't get a boat," Fishlegs says. "Your dragons can't fly, but I can," I say, spreading my wings. "Ruffnut. You're going to have Shawn fly you so you can get Scauldy," Hiccup says. Flying over the ocean, Ruffnut calls for Scauldy. "Scauldy! How are you? We need your help," flying back to the arena, we're greeted with, "got it?" "Yup,"
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