And here's the update Asa222stark
Nashi POV
-the next day-
I yawn I then saw a flash of blonde hair beside me .i smiled softly at the blonde boy who's beside me and kissed his forehead trying to wake him up but no he didn't wake up 😓.just then a smirk appears on my lips .i look at my brother Luke/Nash mischievously . I tickled my little twin brother but no such luck and I wonder when mom and auntie Juvia will be back because Natsu suddenly momnapped her and Gray suddenly auntnapped auntie Juvia hmmmm.tsk nah! They can handled they're selves I thought . Then I make a new plan to make my little brother to wake up again .Then...Nash Reiki and Sylvia are dating I screamed on his hears then...
Holly Mollly gracanolyy nooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!He screamed and Stand up ran towards on the door while I'm laughing then I took him by his hood . To prevent him causing a 'scene'
Luke/Nash POV
Nash.... Reiki and Sylvia are dating ......My sister screamed at my hear .when I heard that I immediately stood up and Screamed Holly Mollly gracanolyyyyyyyyyy noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!. They can't I will confront them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!.while my sister is laughing at my reaction at the back ground . I ran through the door but before I opened the door my sister took me by the hood of my shirt. I started to struggle to get out of her grip . Then.........
It was just a joke Nash don't panicked they're not dating but I could tell that Reiki has a little thing for her Nashi said while putting her index finger on her chin. My eyes darkend and I'm probably gonna transforming E.N.D .!. Then I transform into E.N.D again my sisters eyes was showing horrifiedness
N-Nash she stuttered .Then Storm!!!!!!!!!get Sylvia here she shouted still not letting me go . Then our mom and auntie barged in our rooms with Natsu,Gray and Sylvia .and soon Rin and Storm enter my sisters room.E.N.D i heard Natsu says .Lucy h-he .yes Natsu my mom answered Natsu .then Sylvia hugged me hey Nash I know you're in there so transform back into the Nash that my favorite Nash Sylvia said softly then I started to reformed to my old self .Nash whispered my sister then I recieve a slap from my sister ,don't ever do that again my sister said . Nashi don't you think it's you're fault too again Rin said while glaring at Nashi .Then Storm go beside her it's not her fault Storm said sending back the glare that Rin gave my sister while my sister there stood there in silence. Wait what'd you mean said Mom separating Storm and Rin because they about to go on a serious fight . I didn't turn Nash to end said confessed Rin .is that true Storm Sylvia,mom and aunt Juvia said while looking at Storm and Nashi . Storm nodded while mom,Aunt Juvia and Sylvia look disappointed at Nashi and Storm .i can't believe it my whole life is just a fucking lie Sylvia cursed .language Sylvia my mom and aunt Juvia said in unison . Yah what ever Sylvia said with a pout cute!!!☺️☺️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰. It doesn't matter we will let it slipped away for just now said Aunt Juvia emphasizing The 'now' word . Ok we the teens said in unison. Nashi and Nash/Luke Meet you're father mom said while hugging Natsu. Me and Nashi's jaw was on the floor .while the triplets(Storm,Rin and Sylvia)said eh!!!!!!!!! In unison. Ok juvia's turn Storm,Rin and Sylvia-Chan meet you're father said Aunt Juvia then kissed Gray'S cheek then. WHAT!!!!!!!!!??????? We screamed in unison
So sorry for the long update and short chapter guys and please follow this people
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