Chapter 20
Ok, so this wedding celebration has taken forever and this is not how I had planned it..
After a chapter or 2 this story is going to progress quite quickly.
Siya impatiently walked back and forth in the kitchen, constantly checking the time. She kept fixing her royal blue and red Anarkali, out of nervousness. As time ticked, her heartbeat raised and her throat felt dry. Her mind kept going back to what her father had asked her this morning. As much as she tried to calm herself down, she simply couldn't. It was probably because of the fever but it was mostly nervousness.
She slowly walked towards the basement, where Armaan, Tanya, Sameer, Kaira, Alison, harman, Shannon, and Mason were taking their positions to start the performance. After Dev left, Mason took his spot so there were some changes made and one of the best ones for Siya was that Tanya was no longer paired with Armaan. She had secretly wished for the same as every time she saw Armaan and Tanya dance together, she would unintentionally curse Tanya.
Armaan- Shannon, Mason-Tanya, Sameer-Kaira and Alison- Harman slowly appeared from the crowd like a flashmob, making a few people gawk. The music blasted through all the speakers as the four pairs swiftly moved with the beat. Siya watched them with wide eyes, amazed by how well they pulled off an act that they had prepared in one day.
While she was busy watching the dance, she felt a hand on her shoulder.
"Are you ready?" Mr. Raichand whispered in her ear.
"Yes I am," she said hesitantly.
She had always imagined herself jumping back on the stage the very moment her father asked her to, but here she was; nervous. Soon the music stopped and everyone clapped. Siya moved over to where a guitar was kept, right under the chandelier. Everyone knew someone was going to perform tonight but no one knew who.
She traced her fingers on the strings as her father's words swirled in her mind. He had asked her to perform tonight as Alia wanted her to. He had told her give it her best shot. Siya looked at Alia, who was already staring at her, and then her gaze shifted to her mom, who gave her a warm smile. After analysing the room and taking a deep breath, Siya smiled at the guitar and traced her fingers on the strings before picking it up.
A sense of relief rushed down her spine, calming every nerve in her body as the music touched her ears. She suddenly knew what to do so, she sat down on the chair. Mentally making a note to not look up at anyone's face, she began singing.
From the corner of her eye, Siya could see that Alia's jaw dropped. She had never imagined that Siya would do such thing for her so she had directly asked her uncle. And after a million requests he had agreed. Alia smiled widely at Kaira, who looked somewhat shocked. Not just Alia or Kaira, no one would have imagined Siya performing and that too in front of her father.
Annalise slowly slipped her hand in Sachin's as she saw her daughter performing. She knew her husband must have asked her to as Siya wouldn't do such thing just like that. Last night, when Siya had caught them fighting, it was for the exact same reason. Mr Raichand had blamed Annalise for being the mind behind Alia's request. He always blamed her for everything but last night, he blew her tolerance meter.
After hours of debating and juggling in bed, Sachin had decided to let Siya perform. Alia asked it as her wedding gift so, he had to fulfill her wish what so ever.
Armaan surprisingly stared at Siya as she sang with a huge smile on her face (I imagine the song as HEER from JAB TAK HAI JAAN). Armaan could see the slight nervousness that she was trying to hide while he kept wondering why she had said no to the dance if she had absolutely no problem in performing.
Soon the song finished and Siya looked straight up at her parents. They nodded as she passed them an ear-to-ear smile. Seeing her parents together like this was always a sight she preferred to witness 24/7.
"Wow!!" Alia came over and hugged her, "you actually did this for me!"
"Anything for you," Siya winked as Kaira approached her. She wore the same outfit as Siya.
When Siya couldn't find anything good to wear, Kaira showed up with this extremely heavy and gorgeous piece. Though Siya believed that Kaira sported this outfit better than her as she was taller, she still wore it on her best friend's request.
Both the girls stood a few meters apart and said nothing. They just smiled at each other until someone abruptly pushed Siya, causing her to slam against the cold wooden surface. Something pricked her lower leg and everyone around her started yelling and constantly called out her name. No matter how much she tried focusing, her vision became blurry and slowly she fell unconscious.
After waking up, Siya found out that the chandelier had fallen off the ceiling. It was Armaan who pushed her in time and saved her from getting badly injured. Yet, little chunks of glass from the chandelier had flown everywhere so a few landed on her leg too.
Siya looked up at Armaan, who stood by her study desk. She felt a shiver when her eyes met his intense gaze. He gave her a faint smile but then looked away. Siya too looked away in confusion but little did she know what Armaan was going through.
When he saw the rope, that was holding the chandelier, loosening, he couldn't think about anything at all. He carelessly ran upto Kaira and Siya, pushing Siya first and then Kaira. However, Kaira got up fine and Siya fell unconscious. After that, for the past half an hour, Tanya's words constantly swirled in his head.
"You are nothing but bad luck!" He could already imagine Tanya saying this to him.
Am I really cursed?, he asked himself again and again. Pain pierced through his heart, tearing it apart.
"Don't worry, it was mild fever that knocked her out," Raichands' doctor friend, Dr Smriti, said.
Dr Smriti was just a family doctor until Sameer and Neil, Dr Smriti's son, became good friends in high school. Sameer often visited Neil's place and before he started driving, Dr Smriti usually dropped him home in the evening.
Neil was quite shy, and artistic guy until he got under wrong influence. He started smoking at an early age and Smriti, being a single mother, added spoonful of problems to the situation. When Sameer became friends with Neil and began to change him, a little by little, Smriti was really thankful. She liked Neil being accompanied by Sameer as her son was mostly involved in unusual activities when Sameer was not around.
Sameer too worked as a first aid for Neil as he brought his creative and artistic side out again, leaving behind his thug image. Annalise supported them to every extent she could and soon became friends with Smriti.
"You better take care," Smriti warned Siya, "you don't want to miss out on your exams, honey."
Siya quietly nodded, not sure if she should tell others about what happened in the morning.
Next day, was the wedding day but Siya managed to sneak out for a couple of hours to attend her important lectures. She ran into Armaan while racing to the bus stop. Bright sun reflecting against his face, those glasses and jaw dropping gorgeous face; reminded her about the dream she had and her face reddened. Almost like a juicy tomato.
Déjà vu.
"H-Hey," she stammered, trying to search for better words.
"I am busy," He didn't even bother looking up and kept texting.
Quite offensive.
"No, a better reply would have been 'oh hey! Sorry I am busy. Talk to you later'," Siya giggled but Armaan chose to ignore her.
"Don't you have somewhere to get to?" He yanked at her.
Without any further jokes, Siya hesitantly nodded and walked away. Is this some sort of payback? She asked herself.
"Looks like someone was quite busy," she winked at Siya.
Siya kept quite.
Kaira stepped forward to check her fever, "you seem fine now."
"Yeah," was all Siya could manage to say.
"By the way, when are you getting your car back? This wedding celebration took away all our facilities," Kaira moaned.
After the night at the pond, Kaira was not allowed to drive as a punishment but that didn't bother her until Siya's car was taken away from her too.
"Sorry." Siya mumbled after a long pause.
"Everything okey?" Kaira asked, frowning at her best friend.
Before Siya had a chance to answer, she was interrupted but the buzzing sound of an engine.
"Come on! I'll drop you two!" It was Neil.
His piercing brown eyes and a guitar tattoo on bare shoulder left Kaira stunned. She stopped breathing for a mere second and then inhaled a deep breath.
"No, you don't have to," she said politely.
She saw Neil, her ex crush, after a long time yesterday and those feeling happen to be rising again.
"Oh, come on girls, I won't eat you," he jumped out of his car.
Kaira's cheeks flushed with heat and her face reddened. Her heart skipped a beat as Both ends of Neil's lips curved into a smile.
"No more arguments, come on," he pulled open the back door and Siya quietly slipped in, leaving Kaira to take over the front seat.
"So, what made you come down this way early morning?" Siya finally spoke, breaking the awkward tension in the car.
"Mom asked me to deliver your medicines since you guys are running quite busy these days," he chucked a brown paper bag at her.
After she briefly examined it, she slipped it in her bag. Neil recalled his mom's instructions word to word and explained Siya everything about her medicines.
"He is hot!" Kaira exclaimed after Neil's car was out of sight, "think I am falling for him."
"Again," Siya added.
"So what? Atleast I am confessing, unlike some people," she giggled.
"For heaven sake, it's just a stupid crush!" This topic was starting to irritate Siya.
The bell rang and the girls rushed to their classes.
"We shall continue this convo later on!" Kaira yelled out, before disappearing behind a wooden door.
"Chemistry," Siya sighed before stepping into the world of confusing chemicals.
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