Unexpected guests
Over the next few weeks Alois and Ronald became frequent visitors in the Phantomhive manor. Much to everyone's delight, especially Finny's and Alois', the five children got along better with each passing day.
Finny and Ciel noticed how surprisingly gentle and protective Alexander was acting towards Nathaniel. Alexander would always crawl to Nathaniel and gently pat the mop of shiny-blue hair on his friends head and play so lovingly with him that it surprised their parents greatly.
If the young parents were busy working it was usually the job of Sebastian and Claude to take care of their masters children. They never complained once seeing as they started having feelings, unknown to both of them, for each other so they sought out any possibility to be together.
When Nathaniel, Jacob, Theresa, Alexander and Thomas were eight months old was when things took an unexpected turn for everyone. It was one of those nights when there was a huge storm. Alois and Ronald, who had spent the day working together with Finny and Ciel, decided to stay the night much to Sebastian's and Claude's delight.
The storm had reached its highest peak. The winds were howling and thunder crashed continually as well as lightning lighting up the night sky. Since Alois and Finny had raised their children together it was no problem for them to have each other's children in the cribs by their bedside. However this night instead of being with their parents all five Tracy-Knox and Phantomhive children were with Claude and Sebastian who tried to settle the very distraught little ones after having fed and changed them.
All of a sudden a loud scream came from outside. Hoping with all their might that their masters weren't woken up by that loud yell, Sebastian and Claude rushed towards the front door with the children nestled agains their chests. When Claude opened the door the most pathetic and saddening sight met his eye.
There on their front-step lay a young man with bright orange hair with braids with bleached tips peaking out at the bottom. Pleading violet eyes looked up at the two demons and a very small and weak voiced barely whispered "P-please. L-let...m-me in. B-b-baby al...most h-here."
It was then that both Claude and Sebastian noticed the poor lads very pregnant stomach which he was clutching as if his life depended on it. "Sebastian. We need to take him to the cellar. If we do that there's a much smaller possibility that our masters wake up. Will you bring the children up to their parents while I bring this poor boy down to the cellar?" "Of course my darling." Sebastian said kissing Claude's cheek before quickly hurrying upstairs with the five children.
Meanwhile Claude ran with their whimpering guest in his arms downstairs into the cellar where he quickly gathered a large picnic blanket on which he placed the young man and silently prayed that Sebastian would remember to bring the utensils needed for birth.
While Claude stayed in the cellar with the laboring man Sebastian, who had brought Theresa, Jacob and Thomas to Ciel and Finny and Alexander and Nathaniel to Ronald and Alois, was frantically searching for scissors, string and lots of towels. He knew the dangers that came with childbirth as did Claude seeing as their masters had ordered them to prepare for their children's births. And here he was eight months later doing the same thing again.
Claude had found a great liking to the man in front of him. He didn't quite know the reason behind his sudden feelings but he knew he had to protect this poor man from whatever dangers awaited him. He decided to distract the youth from his pains by asking "What's your name? Haven't had the chance to find it out." "I-it's J-Joker." The young man chuckled before gasping and grabbing Claude's hand. I-it really h-hu-hurts." Joker whimpered fresh tears streaming down his face.
At that moment Sebastian came inside with all the equipment and placed them next to Claude who stroked through Jokers orange hair saying "Don't worry about him. He's here to help you as well. His name is Sebastian. Should he deliver your baby or should I?" At that second Jokers breath quickened and be gripped Claude's hand in the most vicious way yet and yelped "D-Don't c-care. P-pressure. Hmmmm!"
Claude looked at Sebastian who nodded and quickly and gently pulled down Jokers trousers and underpants and gasping as he saw the baby's head crowning. "The head is almost out. Give me a big push and we'll be closer to meeting your baby." Sebastian said stroking smooth patterns on Jokers legs. Joker gave a huge push screeching in pain as the baby's head emerged.
"Baby definitely has mothers hair colour." Claude chuckled which made Joker smile for a few seconds before he whined at yet another contraction before crying out "I c-can't pu...uush like th-this." Sebastian took the immediate initiative upon hearing that and said "Claude will help you onto all fours. Don't worry about your baby. I've got his or her head. We won't let the two of you get hurt." Sebastian said giving Joker a soft kiss on the cheek. Together with Claude and a great amount of effort on the two butlers parts they managed to get the young orange-haired male on all fours.
Once they got him into the desired position Claude took a washcloth and dabbed at Jokers face which was soaking wet with tears and sweat and said "Listen closely. We want you to refrain from pushing and pant instead so the baby has got the chance to turn." Barely conscious at this point all Joker could do was nod weakly and started panting as he was instructed to do.
With every inch of the baby's body that came into view Sebastian's smile grew as well as Joker's whimpers and whines of pain. With a sudden gasp of pain Joker collapsed onto Claude gasping "C-Can't do...it. N-need...a m-minute." After all that the young man went through today Sebastian and Claude granted him his wish with Claude stroking through his bright orange hair and Sebastian cradling the small body which was out to the hips.
All of a sudden much to everyone's shock the baby, who seemed to have cleared its own airways gave a pound cry which made Joker panic and whimper "W-what was th-that? Ooooh my g-goodness." "That was the sound of your baby who desperately wants to be in his or her mothers arms." Sebastian said softly to which Claude added "And you're the only one who can help this little one out. One last big push and you'll have your baby. I promise."
Joker couldn't prevent the tears from falling as he heard his baby cry. Neither could he believe that his baby was almost here in his arms. His tired mind wandered to the father of his baby "I m-miss y-you." he whispered quietly so that neither Claude nor Sebastian could hear. Knowing that his love would be very relieved that he found shelter and help Joker knew he could bring his baby into this world completely.
Feeling another contraction coming up Joker mustered all his strength together and have one last final heave before feeling immense relief as his baby was born. Claude carefully turned the new parent around and Sebastian smiled at Joker as he cut the cord and handed the young man his baby proudly and happily announcing "Congratulations. You have a perfectly healthy little girl." "And she's got a good set of lungs on her to." Claude chuckled.
"Th-th-thank you s-so m-much." Joker cried after having seen his daughters eye color which was the sea-blue of he father. "No problem at all. We're happy we could help. Do you have any names for your little sunshine?" "I didn't until now. How about calling her Solé. Since she's our little sunshine." "That's a beautiful name. Great scot look at the time. Sebastian will stay with you while I'll prepare our young masters for your 'visit'." Claude said.
Jokers face paled at those words. The last thing he wanted was to return to the streets especially since he had a baby now. "I really hope it's not a problem for me to stay for a little bit." "Don't worry our young masters might be little brats at times but their partners have hearts of gold. Plus they know how to push the right buttons." Sebastian said winking.
Solé decided that that would be the right moment to demand her first proper meal and let out a distressed cry which startled all the adults in the cellar. Claude stood up and with a reassuring nod left the cellar to wake up their masters. "Do you need any help with positioning her?" Sebastian asked. "That would be great if you could help me." Joker smiled and handed the demon Solé while he took off his shirt. Sebastian maneuvered Solê so her head was resting against her mothers chest and after a little fussing from her part she finally started nursing. "I really hope we get to stay." Joker murmured as he watched his daughter nurse.
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