office campout (2)
Barney's P.O.V.
We just finished the schedule for today and Adam decided he wanted to do an office campout part 2, except we aren't making a video on this one. The people involved in this campout will be, Y/N, Red, Morgan, Adam and Me. Once everyone left, we decided to order pizza, Adam ordered the pizza and we played truth or dare (have you ever noticed when they play truth or dare in a story, it doesn't end well? no? just me? ok...) Y/n started by asking Red, "Red, truth or dare?" she asks, "truth" Red replies, "What is the worst thing you have ever eaten?" she asks, "Wasabi." Red replies. "Not True! Wasabi is great! Without it i couldn't make my famous Doo-Doo Butter." Adam chimes in. We all cringe at the thought of Adam's famous Doo-Doo Butter, the worst concoction on the face of the planet. "moving on, Morgan Truth or Dare?" Red says, "Dare." Morgan says, an evil grin appears on Red's face, this can not be good. "Let everyone draw or write one thing on your face with a sharpie, it can be anything." Red grinned, I watched the colour drain from Morgan's face, she was as white as a ghost! Red went first, he started by drawing an "L" on her forhead, Y/N went next, she wrote "You are an amazing talented person, Morgan, I Love You!" on her left cheek, Y/N has always been a sweet person, never judging a book by its cover and has never said anything mean to us and mean it, I mean she has said mean things, but that was in a joking/sarcastic way, I've always loved that about her, I like her. I mean that, I am not gonna deny that I have developed feelings for her, I don't think she feels the same way though. Adam's turn was next, and Adam being Adam wrote "DICK" across her right cheek, giggling as he did so, morgan just sat there, terrified as to what they were writing. next up was my go, Adam handed me the pen, I didn't want to put morgan through anymore crap, so I just wrote, "GOAT" above the "L" on her forehead. She quickly headed off to the bathroom to check out what we had written on her face, she came back and shot a disappointed look towards Adam and Red, who were pissing themselves laughing and taking photos to put on social media, she smiled at me and walked up to Y/N and gave her a big hug. They sat there for a while hugging, they were best friends, although, I wish it was me hugging Y/N instead of morgan. She sat down and and looked over to Adam, "Ok Adam, truth or dare?" she asks "Dare." he says cunningly. She grins and says "Let Y/N Bitch slap you." she beams, wait Y/N couldn't do that she is too sweet, "Cool" Y/N states, what?! "WAIT WHAT?! WHAT DID I DO?! THIS ISN'T FAIR!" Adam screamed. SLAP! Oh My Gosh! She actually did it! She actually bitch slapped Adam, I am impressed, "OWH" Adam said, I have a new resspect for that girl, they both burst out laughing, Red and I just looked at each other in shock, "That was payback for writing "DICK" on my forehead." Morgan states, they were both still in hysterics, "OK,OK." (I SEE WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE, YOU'RE FACE TO FACE WI- NO? SORRY. :( I WILL CONTINUE WRITING) Adam starts, "My turn, Barney, Truth or Dare?" Adam asks me, I ponder for a second, "Truth?" I ask as a question more than an answer, I immediatly regretted my decision. I already knew what he was most likely gonna say, I told him that i have liked Y/N for a while he has been harrasing me with 'OTP' or 'I ship it!' "Do you like....." I froze and he continued, "I mean, prefer peanut butter or Nutella?" I let out an unnoticable sigh "Peanut Butter, I prefer peanut butter over Nutella." I said in relief, "WHAT?!" I looked over to Y/N, "Nutella is BAE why would you choose peanut butter?" she asked, I laughed and Adam replied for me "Barney here is a bit of a health freak." Adam said laughing, "but, don't get me wrong I love peanut butter, but c'mon man Peanut butter over Nutella? Y U THINK NUTELLA IS NOT BAE." she says holding in laughter, I laugh and say "I never said it wasn't BAE-" "but you implied that peanut butter is more Bae than Nutella, NO- NO BAD BARNEY, YOU GO TO THE SERVER ROOM AND THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'VE DONE." she said giggling. "ok" I said and hung my head low and got up to walk to the server room, I burst out laughing and took my seat again, by that time we were all pissing ourselves laughing. "OK, Y/N truth or dare?" I ask her, "Dare." she says, I don't wanna be mean but here goes,"I dare you to play slender man in the dark by yourself."
Y/N P.O.V.
Oh. My. Gosh. I have an irrational fear of horror games and the dark, this is having my two worst nightmares and merging it into one super nightmare. Since it's a dare I have to do it, "I-I-I" I am at a loss for words. "Actually, you can take Barney in there, cause I know how terrified you are of horror games and the dark and he was the one that made you do this," Morgan says smirking. My cheeks begin to to feel hot, I like Barney, Morgan is the only one who knows and she has been teasing me about it. She calls us her 'OTP' I see Morgan and wink at me. I shakily get up and Barney follows me into the couch potatoes room, I sit down on the couch and Barneey sits next to me. Adam sets up slender man and hands me the xbox control, Adam, Red and Morgan turn off the lights and every bit of light that could possibly make it's way into the room. Hesitantly I click start and the screen turn black, the only sign of colour is the blood red title of the game flashing on the screen "SLENDER MAN" the game then spawns me in the middle of the woods, I shuffle closer to John (in case you didn't know that's Barney's real name, you probably know that though.) my shaking intensified as I moved my character around, I glimpse over to the window and see three dark figures standing there, I jump and shock and eventually figure out that it is just Adam, Red and Morgan spying on us. I turn my attention back to the screen, as it starts to go fuzzy, "Crap! no, no, no, no!" I scream moving my character away from slender, I sigh in relief as the fuzziness goes away, John chuckles "Hey! what are you laughing at?!" I ask, "Just how you are terrified of a video game and of our friends" he replies. "Hey, it's your fault that I have my two worst fears in one dare!" I reply, he chuckles some more. I then realised that I wasn't paying attention to the screen, I quickly swung my head back aroundd to the screen, to see the fuzziness had returned, in a panic I resorted to button bashing. It was useless, I ended up heading straight into slenderman's grasp, I screamed and automatically buried my head in John's chest. "Awwwwh! I ship it! OTP!" I heard Morgan and Adam say. I realised what I was doing and quickly pulled away blushing. "Has our ship sailed?" Morgan asks. "What are you talking about?" I say and walk out of the room. I. AM. AN. IDIOT.
suh dudes! it's me! sorry i have been very inactive. i had an intense term 1 of school. but now it's holidays and i will be able to update more frequently. expect exciting things for this book, it'll put you on an emotional rollercoaster. i actually spell checked this chapter yay me! i also made it a bit of a longer chapter to make up for the time i have missed. anyways see you guys next chapter, if you enjoyed this, make sure to vote and as always
Potato Out
word count: 1412
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