Chapter 12 (Last Chapter)
"Luna, time to get up"
"Luna, it's time to get ready for school" I awoke to the sound of my younger brother Sam, who is 16. I looked at him shocked. 'Wait a minute. He looks like Sam'. I sat up and looked around seeing my room and my posters hanging on my wall. I realized it was just a dream. I sighed hoping it was real. I put some decent clothes on and stuffed my backpack with all of my books, but realized that there was already stuff in there. Like the stuff in my dream. I saw flint and steel, a first aid kit, and that weird sleeve thing. I dumped it all out, utterly confused. I brushed my hair, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, and everything else I needed to do before hugging my mom goodbye and walking out the door. When I got outside I saw an Australian Shepherd. I was once again confused. I walked up to it and looked at its collar.
"Sylvia, come here girl" the dogs owner shouted and Sylvia took off running home. I walked on the sidewalk still confused. As I made my way into the school I saw a girl who looked like Anna from my dream.
"Hey Luna, what took you so long" I stared at her with confusion evident in my eyes.
"Luna, are you alright. You look a little pale" she said as she started feeling my forehead.
"I'd better show Jake" if I were in a cartoon, then my eyes would be bulging out of my head right now. Anna looked at me strangely.
"Your boyfriend, Jake. You remember him don't you" I nodded not trusting my voice. I then heard a masculine voice.
"Hey sunshine, hey Anna" a boy who looked like Jake said. He came up to me and pecked my lips then turned to Anna.
"So Anna about that project in chemistry, I'm gonna have to miss it cause, well, I promised Luna I'd take her out tonight. Ain't that right, babe" he said and again I just nodded. He looked at me worriedly. He put his hands on my shoulder.
"Luna are you alright" I nodded once again. He took his hands off of my shoulder and smiled.
"Ok well I have a surprise for you. Meet me at my house after school ok" he said, then went over to Anna and tried to whisper.
"Make sure she gets there safely ok?" He asked and she nodded, then the bell rang making me jump.
"Bye baby girl, see you after school" he said, then kissed my cheek and walked of to class.
"Come on Luna, we're going to be late" she said dragging me our of my thoughts.
*time-skip to after school at Jake's house*
Anna left me at the doorstep to Jake's house. To be honest I'm actually really scared for what he has for me. I knocked on the door. I heard heavy footsteps coming closer. Jake opened the door and let me in
"You are going to love my surprise" he said then brought me to the living room where I saw dog toys everywhere. He walked a little bit ahead of me.
"Theron come here boy" he shouted. A few seconds later a white husky came walking down the stairs. He was beautiful. I stared in awe. Wait....Theron! I gasped. Jake looked at me.
"He's beautiful ain't he" I nodded. Theron came over to me as I bent down. I sat there petting him as Jake watched me. After mine and Jake's date we came back to his house and played with Theron, then me and Jake sat down on the couch and watched TV. Theron came and snuggled up against me.
You know I think I could get used to this.
Hey guys, ninja_of_steel here and I uploaded like three things today. I'm so proud of myself, but that is the end of another book. You are probably going to kill me. Anyways I liked this book and I'm definitely going to miss it, but we have to move on. Well I'm gonna go so I'll see all of you beautiful ninja in the next book.
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