Chapter 11
I woke up feeling warm and cozy. I felt an arm around my waist. I smiled realizing that it was Jake. I turned around and saw that he was still asleep. I looked at him. His hair was in his face so I quickly moved it and pecked his lips. His eyes fluttered open and landed on mine. He instantly smiled. I sat up and looked around. The sky was a bright blue with no clouds in sight, the birds were singing good morning, and a sleeping wolf was snoring. I turned as Jake sat up as well. I gently shook Theron telling him it was morning, then he opened his eyes ready for the day. He looked at me.
"Good morning lovebirds" theron said and stood on all four legs. He walked a few steps then turned to us.
"I'm going to get some food. Stay here" and with that he left. I turned to Jake and slowly walked towards him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he immediately place his around my waist. He smiled.
"Good morning sunshine" I smiled at his nickname for me.
"Good morning to you as well" I replied with a happy tone in my voice. I hugged him and placed my head on his chest. I closed my eyes and listened to his heartbeat. After a few minutes of standing in each others arms I heard rustling. Thinking it was Theron, I stayed in that position.
"Uh Luna you might wanna let go" I lifted my head and looked at him.
"Why" I asked curiously.
"Why don't you ask them" he said looking ahead of him. Confused, I let go and turned the way he was facing. In front of me were four wolves standing on four legs. The one in front looked familiar. I looked in his eyes and instantly knew who he was.
"River" I stated with my eyes narrowed. He let out a low chuckle.
"Hmm yes and you must be Luna. Very nice to meet you" he said coming closer very slowly. He pounced and was in mid air when he was immediately taken down.
"River stop!" Theron barked. River stood up slowly. He looked towards Theron.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here? Theron helping the poor helpless beings. Of course! I always knew if any of us were to go down it would be you. You were always week. Just like your brother" he finished. I stared at Theron.
"What is he talking about?" Jake asked the white wolf. Theron turned his head towards us. He looked away.
"Jake I never should have left you on your birthday three years ago" he whispered. I stared at him confused.
"What do you mean, the only person who would know about that brother" I stared at the two.
"Wait I'm confused. So what exactly happened?" I asked. Jake looked at me.
"Three years ago I was turning 15. My brother was supposed to watch me while my parents ran to town to get something for me, but....he left. To hang out with his friends. I was left alone. I then ran off crying. I know I was 15 and guys don't cry, but the truth is they do cry. Crying shows a sign of strength, but if you keep it in it's like this disease. It creeps inside of you until you become something else. After a few hours of being outside I went back home. Once I got inside I saw everything was torn apart. But that's not all I saw. I saw four wolves hovering over something. Well something. Someone. Three to be exact. I quickly his and when they moved I saw my parents and my brother. I ran again before they saw me and I never saw them again" he finished and I was nearly in tears. I looked around and saw the four wolves, including Theron, just sitting there....wait four.
"Where's River?" I questioned. Everyone looked around and saw that he had disappeared as well. I looked to the gray wolves and noticed that they were turning lighter. 'What' I questioned myself.
"We need to get going" Theron said in a hushed voice.
"We'll make sure no one follows you" one of the other white wolves said. I nodded and got on Theron, behind Jake. I wrapped my arms around his waist and theron took off. About and hour later we had arrived at the village and everything seemed quiet. That's never good. I jumped off of theron and entered the main building. I went into the biggest room and saw them all huddled together. I smiled.
"You aren't even going to welcome me. I'm ashamed of all of you" I joked, grabbing their attention. They all gasped and came up to hug me.
"Luna you're back"
"We were worried sick"
"Where have you been" were just some things I got when they put their attention on me. Everything then got quiet. I turned around and saw Theron and Jake.
"Oh guys this is Theron. Don't worry he helped us get here" they looked at me in disbelief. I rolled my eyes.
"Trust me guys. He's not going to hurt us" I said then turned and walked out of the building with the two brothers following me. I entered my hut and got out my chemicals and started working my magic. About three to four hours later I was finally finished, but I needed to test it out. I walked outside and gave the bottle to my wolf friend.
"Here drink this" I told him.
"Are you sure this is safe?" He asked.
"Nope" I answered popping the p. He cautiously drank the liquid and within the first few seconds, he started shrinking and became less furry. It had worked.
"Yes I'm back to normal" he said and came to hug me. After he hugged me he hugged his brother. All of the sudden I felt something hit the back of my head making me fall forward. I hit my head to hard and I blacked out.
Hey guys, ninja_of_steel here and I just wanted to say that this is the second to last chapter. I'm so sad this story is coming to an end. Oh the way I have a surprise in the next chapter. Well I'm gonna go so I'll see all of you beautiful ninja in the next chapter.
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