Chapter 07
My eyes opened and I saw stone all around me. I was in a cave. I looked around. I was leaning up against something. I tried turning to see what it was, but was stopped by something on my wrist. A chain. I looked at my other wrist and saw another chain. I sat in my former position and sighed. My thoughts were running around in my head. But it stopped at one important question.
"Jake, where's Jake?" I said quietly not expecting an answer.
"I'm behind you" oh so he is what I'm leaning against. I turned my head kinda trying to face him.
"How long have I been out" I asked.
"I don't know, like four hours" he answered dully. I nodded my head. I leaned against his back and let out another sigh. My head resting on his. He seemed to have done the same.
"How long do you think they are going to keep us here?" I asked again.
"I don't know, forever maybe" I closed my eyes and sighed, then felt something on my hand. I looked to my right hand and saw Jake's hand connected with mine.
"Don't worry we'll find a way out of here" he said trying to reassure me, but it wasn't working.
"You don't get it do you?" I questioned.
"What do you mean?" He answered my question with another question. I sighed for like the millionth time.
"Anyone who is taken by the wolves never come back out alive. And even if they do they don't come out human. If they think you are worthy enough then they'll add you to their never ending army" I said with a bit of anger in my voice.
"Then let's be the first" I sighed, again.
"Listen Jake I love your idea, but you need a full proof plan. One that won't let you end in failure. Do you have a full proof plan" he stayed silent. So silent it was almost unbearable.
"That's what I thought" I said. It was quiet for about five minutes before he spoke again.
"I was just trying to lighten up the mood" he mumbled. I sighed feeling guilty for ruining his plan to make the situation better.
"Sorry" I said slightly turning my head.
"I'm sorry for getting angry" I looked down. I felt a light squeeze on my hand.
"It's ok" he said. I shook my head.
"No it's not. You were trying to think positive in a negative situation and I tore it down. So I'm sorry" I could feel him smiling at my apology.
"You're forgiven" he said. I leaned my head on his again and smiled.
"Thank you" I whispered. We stayed quiet for a few minutes, then I heard a noise. It sounded like humming. I looked out of the bars and saw a large wolf on two legs. He had almost black fur and his eyes were a menacing grayish white color. He didn't look dangerous. I decided to talk to him.
"Hey I'm a little thirsty could I have some water?" I asked just to get his attention. He immediately turned to me and walked up to the bars. He had a look in his eyes that I could not read. Mainly because the torches on the walls didn't give off much light and because he had dark fur so it was hard to tell. He just stared at me for like three minutes then left. 'Uh rude' I thought. I heard laughter coming from behind me.
"What's so funny?" I asked.
"You called him rude" Jake answered.
"Oh I said that out loud" I asked again. I felt Jake nod his head, probably to busy laughing to answer with words. I loved his laugh. It definitely brightened up the mood a little. I smiled at the beautiful sound. He calmed down and started talking normally again.
"So you wanna hear my plan" he questioned. I sighed.
"Jake I already told you..."
"I know I know, but still do you wanna hear it"he asked eagerly. I nodded.
"Sure" I said. He told me his plan and to be honest it actually wasn't bad.
"And that's when we exit the door" he finally finished after about thirty minutes. I nodded agreeing to his plan.
"It's not bad actually, but you might need to change some things" I said, then I felt him nod. Then I heard a noise. It sounded like metal hitting metal. You know like keys hitting each other. And that's is exactly what it was. Both mine and Jake's head turned to face the noise as a big wolf came into view. He seemed a bit bigger than the one I had seen before. He unlocked the prison door and walked inside. He closed the door then bent down on one knee in front of me and unlocked my hands. He walked around me as I stretched my hands. He unlocked Jake's hands as well, then walked back out of our prison and relocked the door. I turned around and looked at Jake. He looked at me and I could see a look of relief in his grayish blue eyes. Before I could process what was happening my arms went around his neck. I hugged him as tight as I possibly could without hurting him. He accepted the hug and pulled me closer. I've never hugged him before. It wasn't awkward at all. I felt at peace. 'Maybe we could get out alive. Maybe someone was secretly helping us. Will they do it again? Hopefully' I thought. It felt like hours before I pulled away. He looked at me, then all of the sudden I yawned. He laughed slightly and stood up. I looked at him with confusion evident in my eyes. He bent down and picked me up the way he did when he was carrying me to the infirmary. My hands immediately went around his neck as he walked over to one of the rounded corners and sat back down with me in his lap. I was about to get up when he tightened his grip around my waist. I looked at him confused once again, but he just smiled.
"Go to sleep, I'll be right here when you wake up" he said, then I smiled and leaned my head onto his shoulder. My eyes slowly closed and just before I fell asleep I felt his lips on my forehead.
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