The Fair
I put natsu as the pic just cause hes amazballs.
Natsu's pov
Its been a week since the 'incident' and phoenix has been sleeping the whole time "i really hope phoenix is ok" i said to gray and vanessa "good timing im guessing" a voice said i turned my head to see phoenix stumbling out of the medical room of the guild. She stopped walking and lost her balance leaning on a table squeezing her eyes closed as if in pain. Vanessa ran over to her and grabbed one of her arms "you should rest some more your still not fully recovered" vanessa said to her leading her to the table "really I'm fine" she smiled. She sat down with a stumble "what was with your rampage anyway?" Gray asked "gray you can't just ask t-" I was cut off by phoenix's hand being held to my face "its fine I really dont know its never happened before" phoenix said putting her hand back down. "Did you hear?" Vanessa asked phoenix excitedly phoenix had a confused look on her face "the fairs today you know the o-" vanessa started "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Phoenix squealed "we get to be in the fair" she continued. I chuckled this girl "phoenix, vanessa we need to get you ready for the the fairrrr" Mira jane chirped "WHAT!" phoenix yelled as Mira dragged them off "YOU BETTER NOT PUT ME IN A DRESS!" phoenix yelled again kicking and punching the air. I wonder what she would look like in a dress.
"Presenting the opposite sisters." Mira jane clapped and presented the 2 girls. Vanessa stood in front of us blushing and smiling while phoenix had her arms crossed and a frown etched on her face. I look at her outfit and finally realised, she was wearing a dress. Vanessa's dress was white and an electrifying blue with snowflake patterens all along the sides. The beautiful dress reached the ground and had long delicate sleeves and a a silky black cape reaching the ground. Her makeup was done so elegantly, it's weird I don't usually pay close attention to what people are wearing or what they look like but they both looked amazing. " aha..I like getting dolled up every now and again" Vanessa smiled while flicking her hair back behind her shoulder dramatically. Phoenix on the other hand was frowning. She didn't looked pleased at all, she let out a small groan. I ignored her sour look and studied her dress. It was red and black, just reaching above her knees the lining looked like flames about to engulf her, she had short puffy sleeves on each shoulder and a fierce bright yellow cape that reached the ground gently. Unlike Vanessa you could actually see Phoenixes shoes they were red high heels snaking up her legs almost like Greek goddess shoes. Her makeup was done too but looked more fierce and sharp, while Vanessa's was the complete opposite. And finally her hair was tied in a long ponytail, her fringe out and curled shaping her face like a frame. As I looked back to her face I noticed she was staring directly at me "You know a photo lasts longer." she grunted in a warning tone. I said jokingly "hey.. That's an idea." I felt a shiver up my spine as I saw her face visibly harden.
.time skip ^_^
"NATSU THE DRAGON SLAYER!" the speaker boomed into the microphone as my float approached the crowd, I gave a high grin to the audience before breathing out fire making the crowd roar with excitement. As I reached the end on the road I jumped off my float and ran to join the crowd.
"THE OPPOSITE SISTERS!" the speaker boomed as Phoenix and Vanessa waved at the crowd smiling. Even though Phoenix was smiling I could tell she still hated the dress. It's nice to see her in it though, it's something different. And she actually looks pretty cute. The girls looked at each other whispered something that my ears couldn't pick up over the crowds obsessive screaming and nodded. Phoenix held her hands out and closed her eyes and Vanessa copied. All of a sudden Vanessa's hair turned a glowing white and snow flakes formed from the top of her forhead down to her right cheek. This is strange what are they doing? Then Phoenix's hair started to light on fire and it turned into flames in mere seconds a flame pattern formed from the top of her forhead to her left cheek. Her eyes turned yellow as her hair finished lighting,
Does she have enough power for this?
Phoenix pointed her two fingers in the air as did Vanessa, they are going to steal the show for sure. I gave a little chuckle. Then everything happened at once. Vanessa shot sparking ice in the air in little snow balls as phoenix jumped off the float and punched them in mid air making a beautiful firework like show. It was incredible.
With every hit Phoenix shouted."Best" punch " Day" kick " Ever!!!" Bang. She finished by landing on her feet like a cat.
And made the fairytale symbol in the air with her fire Magic.
That was awesome!!!
And a permanent smile was glued on my face for the rest of the day.
What's up everyone
Stayed turned for the next chapter Kay!!! ^~^
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