first adventure
Hey so the pic is of little phoenix and little nessa i think you can tell which ones which, oh and vanessa changed wattpad accounts nessa1912 is her new one go follow her she is my official editor for this book and shes amazing so yeh enjoy.
Day dream
I wiped the tears away as I sat on the dirty street all I had was my stuffed bunny, I was left with no food no money and no parents. "Why are you crying?" A sweet gentle voice said I slowly looked up and saw a girl, she looked a little younger then me with orange tangerine hair tied into pigtails the hair ties securing the pigtails were lined with yellow flowers. Her eyes were bright green I could see a fire in them she was wearing an orange and white button up shirt with a hoodie and over that she wore overalls with shorts I looked to her feet and she was wearing such cool sneakers. She just stared at me and said. "Are you hungry?" She asked with a smile, her smile was welcoming she was the first person to talk and smile at me in a long time. Then she held up her pointer finger as if to say wait a minute. She looked around and then began to speak "Come on" she whispered I followed her out to where the stalls were lined up selling food to people willing to pay. She led me to a stall selling bread, she dissappeared under the cloth and hid underneath the table. I followed her under. She held a finger to her lips suddenly "shhhh" she went to move and banged her back on the top of the table making some people gasp, she stuck her head out from under the table to make sure the man selling the bread wasn't looking. The next thing I know is she's grabbing my hand and pulling me out from under the table. With a loaf of bread in one of her arms she says frantically. "COME ON WE HAVE TO GO!" While running hand in hand down the street we faintly hear in the distance the shopkeeper yell "COME BACK HERE YOU BRATS!" The girl started laughing as she was running she looked behind her to me and smiled I smiled back at her finally feeling like I made a friend. when we got back to where we first met, she turned to me and handed me the bread. "What's your name?" She questioned "V-Vanessa" I replied nervously. "I'm Phoenix, but you can call me fi fi can I call you... Um... nessa?" She asked, I felt a warm feeling throughout my whole body, my eyes begin to water. I've been waiting for this day for a while, the day where I finally feel normal again." I-okay" I said holding back my tears. She didn't seem to realise that I was on the verge of tears and I wanted to keep it that way, it's embarrassing for people to see you cry. "I better go, I'll come back toomorow with a sandwich for you" she smiled again and started walking off I didn't want her to leave but I guess I'll just have to wait until tomorrow to see her again, Excitement began to fill my body, I was just so excited for tomorrow I couldn't wait. All of a sudden she stops walking "hey nessa" she said turning around "yes?" I asked "I like your bunny, and I hope you can consider me a friend" she smiled before running off. I looked at my bunny then hugged it.
End of day dream
Vanessa's POV
"Nessa" phoenix repeated waving a hand infront of my face "hm?" I hummed in question "Natsu asked if you want to go on a request with them?" She said annoyed "oh... Yeah sure" as soon as I said this her face lit up "alright then lets go" Natsu chirped.
"Ughhhhhh lucy can I have a go in your clock thing?" Phoenix whined. "No, he's mine" she says in a childish voice. We hear her voice coming from the clock.
"WE'RE HERE!" Natsu exclaimed frailing his arms "finally and why couldn't I have just ran here, nessa?" Phoenix asked with a sarcastic tone "because you would be here way before anyone else and you would have to wait for us alone." I stated as she rolled her eyes "so how are we gonna find these wizards?" Lucy asked stepping out of the clock "we will split up, Natsu and me, Gray and lucy and Phoenix with Vanessa." ezra stated taking control "why do you always forget about me!"Happy whined "cause your coming with me like always" Natsu smiled and happy nodded in agreement "lets go" gray said, fi fi and I turned around and started running.
"I'm starting to think we won't get to fight today" fi fi said "dont get your hopes up" a unfamiliar voice echoed fi fi and I both snapped our heads around trying to find the source of the voice "over here girls" the voice teased, out of the corner of my eye I saw a figure seep out of the darkness. "Hello" the man said. He had raven black hair and ocean blue eyes, he was smirking and I hated the look he gave us it sent a shiver up my spine, I look to see Phoenix frozen "I see your from fairytale" he said, Phoenix brought her hand up to her emblem and traced it. "Are you one of the wizards from the dark guild?" I asked him, he laughed "why dont I show you" he chuckled it was sickening. He connected his fists together looked us both in the face and smirked then flung his hands in phoenix's direction a dark wave heading her way, her eyes widened in disbelief. She held her hand out palm facing this strange man and closed her eyes, I could tell she was concentrating by the look of angry in her face. Flames
Shot out of her fingers until they collided
With the the mans dark wave. Her eyes opened and she smirked, The wave that was heading her way slowly evaporated. "Smart girls" he said as he tried the same trick on me. Except the wave was faster , I held my hands out freezing the wave . Then punching it, making it shatter. I don't know why but this was getting kind of fun and it really made my adrenaline run wild. "Water lock" he mumbled holding two fingers out towards phoenix a water ball swallowing her, Her eyes widened and so did mine as I watched her struggle trying to break out. Her eyes fluttered open and close rapidly. Until she closed them one last time, she floated weakly in the water I looked back towards the man but it was too late. There was a string of water flying towards me it hit me with such a force it sent me flying towards one if the bulidings I tried to fight the darkness tempting to consume me but I couldn't I was too weak and then everything went black.
phoenix's pov
I started coughing as my eyes blinked open the man was flinging Vanessa over his shoulder. "p-please spare h-her. *cough "take me i-instead" I coughed "I don't need you" he spat harshly "your a coward" I did through my grinding teeth trying to get up but It just seemed impossible at the moment I was too weak. "oh and why is that?" He asked spinning around facing me, I looked up at him "kicking us when we're down HA pathetic" I mumbled he walked over to me "your the pathetic one" he said as he kicked my stomach making me turn over I grunted in pain. He walked off as my vision turned blurry and everything faded away for the second time.
Natsu's pov
"Phoenix.... Vanessa!" I called. Gray, Ezra, Lucy and Happy repeated after me I turned a corner to find phoenix curled up in a ball on the ground a puddle of water below her, her chest slowly rose and fell I could see that she was having trouble breathing. "Phoenix" I sighed in relief walking over to her I kneeled down scooping up her cold body and holding it above the ground. I noticed that her hair had turned to a brown colour and her skin was pale very pale. "Water magic it- it drains a fire user of its power" Happy spoke up among the silence "He t-took Vanessa" she coughed My eyes widened and I looked up at Gray, he cletched his fists in anger. I looked back at phoenix, tears were visible in her eyes "I v-vowed I would protect her even though I'm younger then her." I could hear the sob cough my in her throat "and that man ripped her away FROM ME!" she yelled rage in her voice she tried to stand up but immediately fell again.
I really hope Vanessa is okay.
Authors notes
Hello everyone 😊
Vanessa here and I just finished editing this chapter I'm so happy that Grace has let me be her editor. 😄 I don't know about you but I for one am loving this book so far!!!
Feel free to leave a comment and suggestions if you would like to follow me my user name is
I really hope you enjoy this book. Grace and I are having so much fun writing for you guys and we would appreciate some feedback so we can know how to improve the story.
And as always
Normal people scare me and
Peace out rainbow trout
Love you guys xx
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