(A/N): Before I start, I'd like to thank _grace01_ for helping me with this chapter. We both put together ideas of how things should work out, and I think she deserves some credit! Also, go follow her! She's writing a NaLu story that's really inventive. I love it.
Also, this chapter is going to have a lot of different people's POV and will be very long. Just thought I'd mention that (^_^)
Anyway, enjoy the chappie.
(Gray's POV)
"I pick Luce." Natsu smirked.
"Alright then." Mavis smiled. "Let The Taking BEGIN!" And all the girls ran off.
Except for Juvia. Was she frozen in shock?? Too scared to move??
The hunters stood in silence, waiting for the 10 seconds to be up. Until...
"I can't wait any longer!" Gajeel blurted out, and started running after Levy. "I'm coming for ya Shrimpy!"
"I told you!" Levy began. "My name is Levy!"
"That's what I said! Shrimp!" Gajeel retorted. At this point, the two of them were running around in circles. I swear, Gajeel's almost as idiotic as Natsu.
"Your 10 seconds is up!" Makarov yelled. "Go hunt!" And everyone ran off.
Except I just ambled up to Juvia, and she didn't move.
She looked..... happy???
"Juvia?" I asked. "Are you okay?"
"Juvia is perfectly fine Gray-sama." She smiled.
Where'd that come from!?
Now that I've taken a closer look, Juvia has hearts in her eyes. Wait...
"Are you not going to run?" I asked her. She shook her head.
"I would never run away from my Gray-Sama!" Juvia exclaimed. I just sweat dropped.
"O-okay then." I stuttered. "F-follow me." So I lead her to the cages we were meant to put our girls in when we caught them.
I know it sounds a little cruel, but these cages were different. They had luxurious items in them, and from there on the girl would be treated like a princess.
HAHA! I beat Natsu!!
(Wendy's POV)
"Your 10 seconds is up!" I heard Makarov yell. "Go hunt!" And at that moment.....
I slipped face first into the mud. Great.
"Hey! Are you okay?" Asked the boy who was chasing me. I think his name is Romeo. Oh no. He'd caught up to me.
"I-I-I...." I stuttered, staring up at him. He didn't look 15, but then again, neither did I. He held out his hand and smiled at me.
"Don't worry Wendy." He smiled. "I won't hurt you." I hesitated for a second, but then took his hand and he helped me up.
"We need to get you cleaned up." He laughed. I laughed too, looking at the state of my clothes.
"Yeah." I giggled, and off we went.
(Lisanna POV)
When we were told to I ran away as fast as I could.
Think of the farthest place away from here...... The river! So that's where I ran too.
When I got to the edge of the river I looked around.
"There's no one here." I smiled. "That's goo-"
Almost as if I'd jinxed it, there I saw Kagura, and her hunter Rogue.
"Crap. I need to lea-AAAAH!"
Curse my bad luck. I'd fallen in the river.
I quickly got back out before I was swept away by the current, and I headed for the woods. I ran and ran, not daring to look back just in case he was there. Bixllow. He was really scary, his tongue sticking out all the time, and he wore some kind of skull over his head like a helmet.
Out of the 15 years I've lived here, I've never been in this part of the forest before. Whoopee! So now I'm wet from falling in the river and lost. My day couldn't get any worse.
Suddenly, I heard a noise, so I stopped and looked round. There wasn't anyone there. Then I felt something warm on my shoulder. I looked over and saw..
"SPIT!!?" I yelled. Then it dawned on me.
"Surprise!" Shouted none other than Bixllow himself, as he jumped down from the trees and picked me up in one swoop. Correction. Things just got a whole lot worse.
"Let go of me!" I yelled, flailing my arms and legs, but to no avail. He carried me back to where we started.
"Put me down!" I cried out.
"Haha, sure. I'll let go." Bixllow smirked, pushing me into a cage.
It's game over for me.
(Erza's POV)
I'd planned it all out in my head. I definitely wasn't going to lose. That Jellal person looks like the type who plays fair, just like me.
I ran into the woods, making sure he was following me, and I ran towards my favourite fighting spot. Me and Mira fought here all the time with sticks that acted as swords. When I got there I stopped and picked up the two sticks. Jellal also stopped and we stared each other down for a minute. This was it. I was not going to lose.
"Here." I chucked him a stick, and kept tight hold of the other. "If you beat me, I'll accept defeat willingly." I stated. "However, if I win, you must go back in defeat."
"Sounds fair enough," He smirked. We both got into our battle stances.
He attacked first, swinging his stick towards my right. I blocked and then swung my stick round to the left, but he dodged before I could hit him. This carried on for around 5 minutes, he was good. Suddenly, he went to strike down on me, but had left his body completely open. This is my chance! I swung my stick towards the right, but suddenly, he dodged behind me, holding his stick at my neck.
"Looks like I win, Erza." He smirked. His hot breath sent cold shivers down my spine.
I can't believe it.
I lost.
Mavis was right.
I couldn't do it.
I never stood a chance.
"Are you going to keep your word?" He asked me. I nodded, and he lead me back and locked me in a cage.
(Mira's POV)
I stood there as Mavis and Makarov were talking about us like we were animals or something. I hate this! Hold on..... I know exactly what to do!
"Alright then." Mavis smiled. "Let The Taking BEGIN!" And all the girls ran off.
That is, except for me. And Juvia? Okay then. I looked over and saw Laxus walk over to me. He had a frown on his face, so I think he was expecting me to run.
"Aww, are you upset that you didn't get to have any fun?" I teased. His expression stayed the same.
"Are you going to run?" He asked.
"No." I replied.
Suddenly, he smirked.
"You do know what'll happen if I catch you and take you back, right?" He smirked. I sweat dropped, but stood strong. He then leant in my ear, and whispered some things that should never of been said. Dirty things.
I gasped and took a step back, but his grin only got wider.
"So, Mira," Laxus grinned at me. "I'll give you 5 seconds."
And I was off like a bullet.
(Yukino's POV)
I ran off as fast as I could to the back of the main hut. You see, they said we're not allowed to hide in the huts, but they said nothing about hiding in the underground storage. It was hidden away under the main hut, and I bet Sting won't find me in here.
Although, there's that little tiny bit of me that wants to be caught by him.
I snuck in and closed the hatch. It's so dark! I'd stood still for about 5 minutes and I'd started to get bored, so I began to make myself more comfortable. Big mistake. I was feeling around when I knocked something over. Was it a pile of dry wood? Well, whatever it was, I'm screwed. And just as I thought, the hatch opened and revealed a smug looking Sting.
"Aha! There you are!" He grinned. "Come with me then, Yukino."
"No!" I yelled, picking up a stick at throwing it at him. Oops. I didn't mean to hit him in the face.
"AAAHH!!!" He cried out, taking a couple steps back. This is my chance!
And off I ran into the woods.
But as I ran, I heard him say:
"Ohh, she's feisty! This is going to be fun!"
(Kagura's POV)
It seems that me and Lisanna both had the same idea, since we were both heading towards the river. I was a lot faster than Lisanna though, and she seemed to have taken the longer route, so I got there before her.
I looked around to check if it was safe, and then I bent down to get a drink from the river. I can't fully concentrate if I get dehydrated. I took a few sips then stood back up, and there he was. Rogue. I grabbed my stick that I always carried round with me, and stood in a battle stance. He just stared at me blankly.
"You're not going to catch me!" I yelled, staring him down.
But he just shrugged me off.
"Do as you wish." He said bluntly. "I couldn't care less." And he walked off into the woods.
Huh? What's that about?
"H-Hey!" I yelled, chasing after him. "I wasn't finished talking to you!"
But of course I ran into the forest and got lost. I couldn't even see Rogue. Great.
(Lucy's POV)
When we were told to I ran off into the woods. I turned a couple corners, then turned round to see if Natsu was following. Luckily not. Suddenly I bumped into something. No, someone! I'd fallen on the floor, so I looked up and saw the guy with blonde hair. I think his name was Sting.
He stared down at me, as if he was examining me.
"No, you're not her." He sighed, and ran off. What was that about?
I'd decided to climb a tree to stay off the ground. I felt safer in a tree because you can see everyone walking along the ground. I saw a lot of people, except one.
"I wonder where Natsu is...." I sighed, looking round. "I haven't seen him since this game started!"
"That's because I've been behind you the whole time." I felt hot breath on my shoulder. That voice.
I turned round and saw Natsu. IT'S NATSU! SHIT!
"AAAAAHHH!!" I screamed. And I just had to lose my balance, didn't I?
I fell off the tree, but had a softer landing than I expected. When I got up I realized I'd landed on Mira and Yukino, who had run into eachother, along with Laxus and Sting.
"We're surrounded!" Mira yelled. We all stood back to back, facing the hunter that wanted to catch us.
"Don't worry guys!" We heard Kagura shout. She came running in and stood by me. "I'll help you out!"
"Oh there you are!" I looked to my left and saw.. Rogue.. Was it? I guess he's come for Kagura.
"LU-CHAAAAAAN!" I heard a cry that could only be recognized as Levy's, and she came running into the trap, giving me a hug.
"Lu-chan, I'm scared!" Levy was crying, while holding onto my clothing. Now we were surrounded by 5 hunters: Natsu, Gajeel, Sting, Rogue and Laxus.
"You should be scared. Gihi." Gajeel smirked.
"Yeah!" Sting boasted. "The five of us are known as the dragon hunters, because we're so strong!"
I gulped loudly.
Was this the end??
(A/N): Okay, that was one of the longest chapters I've ever written in my life.
Word Count: 1948
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