"Okay girls!" Mavis yelled. "Today is the last free day before the taking, so we're going to have our last lesson of training!"
I guess I didn't explain this very well...
Well, ever since the hunters were 5, they were training to hunt. We've also been training, but not to hunt, but to hide.
The hunters use strength and speed to their advantage, but we've been trained to be agile, quiet, and to have good stamina.
Firstly, we have to run around the edge of our territory once, (it's a huge distance, believe me) then we have to hide up in the high trees. We all then jump down, cover ourselves in the mud and lie in it. And we don't move.
By the time we'd done all that 3 times we collapsed on the floor, panting. Well, except for Mira and Erza. They were arguing over who was the best.
"I definitely beat you in the race." Erza smirked.
"I'm faster at climbing the trees though!" Mira retorted.
"Jeez, I'm all worn out." I sighed.
"Juvia is too." Juvia added.
"Let's go to the river and get a drink." Levy said, standing up. Me and Juvia stood up too, and the three of us ambled down to the river.
We were walking along the path when we heard voices come from the river, along with laughs and splashing.
"Shhhh!" Levy whisper/yelled. We all his behind the trees and saw none other than the three hunters: Natsu, Gray and Gajeel. They were messing around in the river. Female territory.
"Jeez," I sighed, walking away from my hiding spot over to the river.
"Oi!" I yelled. The three boys jumped at the sound of my voice and all aimed their weapons at me.
"WOAH!" I yelled. "Watch it!"
"Oh, sorry Luce." Natsu laughed awkwardly, and they all put their weapons back down. Levy and Juvia also came out from behind the rocks.
"I never thought I'd see you three again until the day of the taking." Gray smiled. "Nice to see you again ladies."
"Likewise." Levy nodded her head.
"So," Juvia sighed. "What are you doing in female territory?"
"Well," Gajeel began...
"We were looking for you." Natsu finished his sentence.
"For us?" I asked.
"Yeah, we saw you doing some training while we were out hunting, so we decided to camp out here and wait for you." Natsu explained. The three boys then got out the river onto the side we were on.
"We could hear you from a mile off, and I caught you off guard wide in the open," I sighed. "If you're caught, you could be sent to prison for life."
"But you wouldn't snitch on us, right?" Natsu smirked, sliding his hand around my waist.
"D-don't do that, p-please." I stuttered, trying to pull his hand off me.
"Do what?" He teased, a smirk on his face. "This?" He then pulled me closer, holding me in a tight embrace.
"Natsu!" Levy yelled. "She said get off!"
"And what are you gonna do about it shrimpy?" Gajeel walked up to Levy and stared down at her. He was pretty scary.
"G-Gray..." Juvia stuttered. "P-please tell them to stop."
"Awh, come on Juvie," Gray smirked. "We won't hurt you or anything."
"Maybe we can come back from the taking early." Natsu grinned, looking down at me.
"What's going on here!?" I turned round and saw Erza, Mira Yukino and Lisanna.
"Crap." Gray cursed.
"Well done shitheads!" I looked over in the male territory and saw four hunters yelling and laughing at the three hunters.
One had blue hair and a red scar on his eye, another was really big, and had blonde hair, with a yellow scar on his face. There was another at the back who I couldn't see very well, but he had his tongue sticking out, and finally, the one who yelled out had blonde hair and a scar on the right side of his forehead.
"T-they're all hunters!?" Lisanna cried.
"Run for it!" Natsu yelled, and the three hunters jumped over the bamboo fence into their own territory.
"Lucy, Levy, Juvia, are you okay!?" Erza yelled, running over. She was holding her stick that she'd carved into a spear, and Mira followed with a handful of stones. (To throw)
"Yeah, we're fine." Levy sighed.
"We have to tell Mavis about thi-" I interrupted Erza.
"No, don't." I said. They all looked at me like I was stupid.
"Lucy, they just infiltrated our territory and harassed you." Mira said. "We have to tell Mavis."
"No, Juvia doesn't think that snitching is a good idea." Juvia muttered.
"I agree." Levy added.
"Are you all mad!?" Erza yelled. "Why wouldn't we say anything!?"
"I have a bone to pick with that Natsu." I cursed.
"You know them?" Lisanna asked me.
"We all do." Levy interrupted.
"Fine, we won't tell." Yukino sighed. She was looking up in the male territory where the hunters were messing around.
"Let's go then." Mira sighed, and we all set off back to our huts.
"By the way," Yukino came up to me. "Since you know those three hunters, do you know the ones that were in the trees?"
"No, sorry." I sighed. "Why?"
"I dunno," She smiled and looked at the ground. "I guess one of them looked pretty fit."
"Oooooo." I smirked. "Which one?"
"The blonde one." She blushed. "Not the big one, the one that yelled out."
"Oh yeah, I remember him." I smiled at her. "I'd be careful though, he might go for you tomorrow."
"To be honest, I kinda want him to."
"Huh?" I asked in disbelief.
"I don't want to be caught!" She laughed. "But if I had a choice, I'd want him to."
"I see." I said.
"I think Natsu likes you." She blurted out.
"What do you mean by that?" I asked her.
"You know how some women think the men are fit, well, I think it's the same for the men." She explained.
"You think that they actually like us.. Like that?" I questioned.
"Yeah." She smiled, looking down. "I know it sounds stupid, bu-"
"It doesn't sound that stupid to me." I said. "If they're human, like us, then it makes sense."
"Lucy! Yukino! Keep up!" Erza yelled.
"Coming!" We yelled.
Word Count: 1059
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