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Ellys POV
I walked out of my bedroom and down the hall. I reached the living room In a matter of seconds. I looked around to see Asher on the couch, laying down asleep and Hailand and Scott was no where to be seen. I smiled at the sight In front of me and walked over to him. I squatted down beside him and pecked his cheek.
"I love you." I whispered.
I ran my fingers through his soft hair and smiled to myself. I don't know what I was thinking earlier. How could I give my and I quote Asher, 'Sexy Beast' up? I love him way too much for that. He Is my sunshine to my dark, and rainy days. I can't go a day without seeing my baby. I stood up and shook Ashers shoulder.
"Asher." I whispered.
When I said his name his eyes shot open and he was awake.
"Yeah?" Asher asked.
"Come on." I said tugging on his hand.
Asher stood up and followed me to my bedroom. Asher closed the door and we sat down on my bed. Asher looked fully awake and I spoke;
"Asher, I'm not gonna beat around the bush. I'm just gonna come straight forward with It." I said.
Asher nodded and motioned his hand for my to continue.
"I want you. I want you all day. I want you to cuddle me and whisper sweet little nothings In my ear. I want you to hold me and never let go. I want you to kiss my neck and hug me. I want you all to myself. Call me selfish but I dont ca--"
I was cut off by Ashers lips on mine. Asher pulled away barely, and spoke....
"Shut up and let me love you."
Those seven words made my stomach do a flip.
I love him. I love him so damn much.
Asher pulled me Into his lap and I snuggled Into him further. Asher layed back, with me laying on top of him. I gasped when Asher grabbed my butt.
"I love you, Elly." Asher whispered In my ear.
"I love you too." I whispered.
Asher sat up, bringing me up with him, so I was straddling his lap.
Asher planted his lips on mine and his hands found their way on my thighs. I let out a small yelp when Asher squeezed my thigh. Thats my ticklish spot. Asher pulled back and smiled.
Before I could do anything, Asher was on top of me and I was under him.
"What are you?! A ninja!? You have super fast reflexes." I said.
"Are you Impressed?" Asher asked.
"Well, kinda." I said.
Asher smiled down at me and started to tickle the life out of me.
"St- stop Asher!" I said through my laughter.
Asher pulled away and stared down at me.
"Why should I?" Asher asked.
"Because, that tickles." I said.
"Hun, I said to give me a reason to why I should stop tickling you, not a reason for me to keep tickling you." Asher said.
"You're such a jerk." I whined.
"I know you are, but what am I?" Asher said childishly.
"Oh wow, I've never heard that comeback before." I said; sarcasm dripping from my mouth.
Asher rolled his eyes and pecked my cheek.
"I love you." Asher said.
"Awe, I hate you too." I said.
Asher let out a chuckle and got up.
I stood up and walked over to Asher. I stood In front of him and pulled him Into a hug.
God, thank you for him.
"You know, If you ever wanna talk, I'm a good listener." Asher said.
I nodded my head and avoided eye contact.
"Okay, I gotta go. See you at school. I love you." Asher said.
"Okay, I love you too." I said pecking Ashers lips.
I danced along to, 'Just Like Fire by P!nk.'
I smiled to myself when my favorite part came on.
"Ooh whatch gonna do? Heyyy, whatcha goona do?"
I sang Into the end of my hair brush and slung my hair back and fourth as If I was a true rocker. I wiggled my hips a little and kicked my leg up. Good thing I'm a dancer because my moves look great!
I threw the hairbrush on my bed and picked my phone up.
I checked the caller ID to see my baby calling me.
"Hello?" I sang.
"Hey baby." Asher said.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Just wanted to give you a heads up, your dance moves look good, and I love the underwear." Asher said.
I looked down at my vibrant blue and white ombre boy shorts.
My face heated up and I heard Asher sigh.
"I love your body." Asher said.
I decided to Ignore the phone call and end It and walked over to my window which I now noticed my curtains were pulled back. I pulled my middle finger at Asher and closed the curtains.
Little pervert.
Well, I did have my window curtains pulled back... So It wasn't all Ashers fault.
Mom and dad were not coming home tonight, so I Invited Hailand over. So here we are braiding each others hair talking about Asher.
"He doesn't push me to talk about the summer. Thats one thing I love about him." I said.
"You are gonna tell him what happend, right?" Hailand asked.
"I already have." I said.
"When?" Hailand asked.
"The other day." I said casually.
"What'd you say?" Hailand questioned further.
"I yelled at him to stop shaking my assualters hand." I said.
"Elly..." Hailand said.
"I know I know. I just don't wanna be rushed." I said.
Hailand sighed and I pulled away from her.
"I'm tired. Can you tickle my back?" I asked.
I laid down and took my shirt off, leaving me In my sweatpants and my sports bra. Hailand tickled my back and I felt myself slowly dozing off.
Hey guys!
How are you??
Was this chapter good?
I know It was just a bit boring, but I tried to make It not so boring.
This will probably be the only chapter I'm posting today, but you never know.
Piece and chicken grease!
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