Chapter 8
Branch and Poppy caught the bus home as they sat together not saying anything and once it arrived at their stop they got off and headed to Branch's place as they walked in and saw the place was quiet.
''No grandma?'' Asked Poppy.
''I guess she out doing something.'' Branch shrugged.
They went into the living room and Branch made a big makeshift nest for the eggs and they placed the eggs there and Poppy wrapped them in a blanket as they pulled out their homework and started working.
It was quiet between them.
''Let's turn on some music.'' Poppy replied.
Branch pulled out his phone and gave it to Poppy.
''Go ahead and pick a song or playlist.'' He answered.
She took his phone. ''Trusting me with your phone huh?''
''Yeah, I mean I have nothing to hide though tell me before you take it.'' Branch responded.
Poppy opened the phone and saw the lock screen had nothing on it but when she unlocked the phone, she saw a picture of Branch and his brothers.
''You need a picture for your lockscreen.'' She pointed out.
''Well, I didn't have anything to put there.'' He replied looking up.
She then wrapped her arm around him. ''Selfie time.''
Branch wrapped his arm around Poppy as their theirs were together and they smiled as she snapped a picture of them and kisses his cheek taking another one.
Branch laughs and Poppy sent them to her phone and then places the one of them kissing on his lock screen while the other one went to his phones background, and she did the same to hers.
''There we are the same.''
Branch smiles and took her hand and kisses it as he smiles and leans in and kisses her on the lips as they were making out and they pulled away.
''We need to work on this it's due in a couple days.'' Branch answered.
Poppy nodded and they worked on their schoolwork, shortly the door opened, and they heard it shut, and they heard footsteps coming in.
''Ahh there you two are.'' Rosiepuff answered.
Poppy and Branch look up. ''Hey grandma.
''So, what are you two working on?'' She asked coming over.
''History.'' Poppy replied.
''Math.'' Branch answered.
''I see.'' She then stopped when she saw the eggs.
''Um what is this?" She asked as they saw her staring at them with a firm look.
''Oh yeah, you're gonna be a great grandma.'' Branch replied looking at her with a smirk.
She glares at him. ''You ended up getting Poppy pregnant?!'' She shouts.
They stood up. ''No, technically it's mine and Mia's.'' Branch replied.
Rosiepuff looked confused and stunned.
''And the other one is mine and Creek's.'' Poppy answered.
''What the HELL IS GOING ON HERE!'' She didn't lose her temper.
Branch and Poppy started laughing. ''Take a closer look grandma.''
Rosiepuff looked at the egg and sighed in relief. ''Oh, is it that egg project? Whew you had me going.'' She answered hugging both of them.
Why aren't you two together?'' She asked.
''Teacher didn't want us together.'' Poppy answered.
''That was dumb, she put you guys together to be married but not together with a kid?'' She shook her head.
''Are you staying for supper Poppy?'' Asked Rosiepuff.
''No, I need to get home. I came over here because me and Branch are partners in Chem, and we needed to work on the project.'' She answered.
''Alright then let's go.'' Rosiepuff replied.
''I can walk.'' Poppy responded.
''It's dark out here I'll give you a ride are you coming Branch?'' Asked his grandma.
''No, I have 2 more papers of math to do. I'll pick you up tomorrow.'' Branch said standing up.
He went over to Poppy as they shared a kiss, and she picked up her egg and left with Rosiepuff.
They got into the car as she drove Poppy.
''So, how's dating life?'' Asked Rosiepuff.
''Not bad, it's actually pretty easy.'' Poppy replied.
''You know I'm happy Branch found you and you two are together.'' The older troll replied.
''Same, he's the best, but I'm curious do you have any baby pictures of him as a baby?'' Asked Poppy looking at the older troll.
Rosiepuff turned to look at Poppy pretending to be shocked.
''Pictures? Of Branch as a baby? No, I didn't get any of him only of the others.'' She teased.
Poppy laughs along.
''Yes, I got tons of them, some taken by me and some by his brother John Dory.'' She answered.
''Next time I'm over can I see them?'' Asked Poppy.
''Of course, darling, come over on Saturday and I'll show you all the pictures you want I got about 2 small decorative boxes full of pictures from Branch as a baby.'' She replied.
''Will do. Also, if you and my dad want to go out, I don't mind.'' Poppy replied.
Rosiepuff stopped the car and looked at her.
''What makes you me and your dad have that feeling for each other?'' She asked gently.
''I've seen the way you two are, your comfy with each other. The same me and Branch were... Plus it's been a while since he's been with anyone.'' Poppy replied.
''True, but won't that look bad for you and Branch? I mean your siblings are already dating, how would that look if it was me and your dad?'' She asked.
''I mean you guys aren't related so if you got together, it wouldn't do anything for me or Branch or Cliva.'' Poppy answered.
''Yes, the name of Viva and Clay mixed together all the teens do it.'' Poppy answered.
''I admit I do like your dad, but I doubt he sees me that way. Besides I like where me and him are at. We are there for each other, we talk and spend time together. It's nice and I don't want to ruin that. I will admit back in the day I had quiet the crush on your dad, but we met our partners and now are just friends... But I'm glad I got your permission if that ever happens.'' She smiles and hugs Poppy as she hugged back, and Poppy got out and went inside as Rosiepuff left.
Here we go next Peppy and Poppy talk, and we see a fight break out between 2 trolls.
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