Chapter 1
One day a blue troll named Branch was at his locker getting a few books out he was ready for the day to be over he had one more class to go to and then he could go home to his bunker while he was in thought, someone came up behind him covering his eyes.
''Hey Branch!'' Shouted the happiest troll of all Princess Poppy she maybe a princess but she didn't always show it.
''Hi Poppy.'' He said use to her antics.
''I thought we could walk to our last class together.'' She said smiling.
''Why not.'' He said.
Poppy then linked her arm with his causing him to blush, they weren't dating but it was no secret they had crushes on each other. They made it to their classroom and Branch walked her to her desk and then went to his desk a couple rows back from her.
''Hello Class.'' There teacher a yellow troll with light purple hair named Meadow Spriggs.
''Today we are are gonna be going over Life Choices.'' She wrote on the board. ''Now can anyone tell me what kind of life choices there are?''
Guy Diamond raised his hand.
Meadow looks. ''Go ahead Guy.''
''There is buying or renting a pod, what kind of job you can get, meeting the right troll.'' Guy said.
''Very good anything else anyone?'' She asked.
Branch raised his hand, she nodded at him.
''There is the big choices like getting married, raising kids, planning out your future.'' He said.
''Yes very good points, thank you for bringing that up Branch, now I have an assignment for you guys some of you will be paired and some will be by themselves I think you should all go though some of the big choices in life so I have written out things you will need to do to get a taste. ''Now here are the assignments for you I want you to treat it like you really are doing these things.''
Poppy took the paper and looked to see she was picked for setting up her wedding and planning a honeymoon. She looked up she loved a challenge and saw that she would have a partner and she was shocked and excited who her partner would. Meadow handed out the rest of the papers.
''Ok class now if you received a paper that has a name at the top next to your that is your partner other wise you are on your own and you will have two weeks to complete this and this will count as your top grade at the end of the semester.'' She said. ''Now I want you to find your partner and work with them any questions?'' She asked.
DJ raised her hand. ''Um so if we have a partner does the grade affect both us or are we on our own?''
''Good question you and your partner will receive the same grade.'' Their teacher said.
Branch looked at his and his heart did a leap he looked up and saw Poppy coming over. ''So looks like you and me are gonna get married and go on a steamy romantic honeymoon.'' Poppy said sitting on his desk grinning at him.
''Yeah so we are gee I don't remember ever proposing.'' He said smiling and blushing.
''Well I said yes so after school lets go back to my place and start working on this.'' She said placing a hand on top of his.
The bell rang and all the students left. Branch and Poppy were at his locker. ''I think Disney Land would be the best place to go.'' Poppy said.
''Poppy you can't just jump ahead like that we have budget and we need to plan for the wedding first then the honeymoon.'' Branch said grabbing his backpack.
Guy was coming over with DJ Suki, they were holding hands and giggling coming over to them. ''So, what did you guys get?'' Asked DJ.
''Well, me and Branch have to plan a wedding and pick a spot for our honeymoon. What are you guys?'' Poppy asked.
''Well me and Guy are gonna have a baby!'' DJ said giggling.
''Wow! How exciting!'' Poppy shouted as they hugged each other.
Branch looked at Guy. ''So what how does it feel going to be a dad?''
''Oh I think I can handle it but I also got a job as a wedding planner so if you and Poppy want I can help you plan your wedding.'' Guy offered.
''That's nice but no.'' The blue troll said shaking his
''Yes.'' Said Poppy.
Branch and she looked at each other. ''No Poppy a wedding planner cost money besides you and me are planning the wedding not Guy this will be you and me.'' Branch replied.
''I say we let Guy do it and we can plan the honeymoon.'' Poppy argued.
''Um ok well me and Guy are gonna go.'' DJ pulled Guy with her.
''Well, well look at this not even married and already having problems.'' Replied Creek coming over glaring at them. ''If you were with me Poppy I would let you make all the decisions.''
Branch glares annoyed at this. ''Sorry Creek but me and Poppy are a team and will do it together after all it takes two to make a relationship work.'' He growls pulling Poppy close to him.
''Still if he troubles you love just let me know.'' Creek said winking.
''So, what did you get Creek?'' Poppy asked shaking her head and ignoring that comment.
It was no secret that Creek and Branch hated each other, and Poppy had a feeling she was part of it.
''Oh, I get to be a realtor.'' He said.
''Great.'' Branch muttered.
Later Branch and Poppy got back to the her pod and went into see her dad working on some paperwork.
''Hey dad!'' She called.
''Hi Poppy hey Branch.'' He said.
They started going upstairs. ''Poppy..'' her dad called.
''Yes daddy?'' She asked as her and Branch came down.
''What have I told you about boys upstairs in your room?'' He asked sternly.
''Um you said that was only for Viva.'' Poppy answered.
Peppy frowns at her with his arms crossed. ''That was when she was living at home and had a boy mostly Branch's brother Clay over, and now that you are that age the same goes for you so what have I told you and your sister?''
''They aren't allowed but daddy me and Branch need some privacy for planning our wedding and honeymoon.'' She explained innocently.
''Say what?! BRANCH! what did you do to my daughter!'' He asked standing up angrily as Branch jumped back and gulped.
''Dad calm down it's not real in class today we are working on life choices and me and Branch got assigned to planning our wedding and honeymoon.'' She said defending her crush and standing in front of him.
''Oh well then congrats... Ok fine you can go but I want that door opened and Branch nothing physical or else I'll pull you out by your hair like I did to your brother'' Peppy warned trying to shake the image of Clay and Viva and the position he caught them in not wanting to relive that.
''Don't worry sir.'' Branch said nervously.
So, they were in her room sitting on a couple of beanbag chair, Branch had a notebook in his hand.
''I can't believe he is comparing us to Clay and Viva. We have more self-control they did.'' Poppy replied.
''Yeah, but now, I know what Clay meant when he said you know when you're in love.'' Branch opened the notebook wishing he could tell her.
Poppy looks at him and blushes trying not to read into it.
''So how many trolls are gonna be at the wedding?'' Branch asked changing the subject.
''Well everyone.'' Poppy said.
Branch looked up with a really look. ''Poppy come on we need to think logically here and how many trolls are gonna be there?'' He asked,
''Well how about 100 at the most.'' She said.
''Ok 100.'' He wrote it down.
''What kind of cake should we get Branch?'' She asked.
''Well, I'm wanting strawberry or lemon.'' He said.
''Ok let's go with lemon.'' She said watching as he wrote these down and stood up taking his notebook sitting sideways on his lap.
''What food should we have?'' He asked trying not blush but enjoyed feeling her on his lap.
''Hmm lets see Steak or Chicken, Fruit, Rolls, Champagne'' Poppy lists off.
''Um not that I'm not enjoying this but why are you on my lap?'' He asked holding her waist.
''Well, we are engaged and besides we are supposed to be a lovey Dovey couple, and I want to.'' She said running her hands though his hair.
Branch placed her down and took a deep breath as he got on one knee. ''Poppy Bell, will you marry me?''
Poppy blushes and felt her heartbeat and she nodded. ''Yes!''
They shared a hug, and he pulls her back to his lap as they went over more stuff for their wedding.
''Alright and we have to pick out wedding outfits so you write down the dress you and the bridesmaid will wear, and I will put down me and my guys. And with that I need to get home we will continue this tomorrow.'' He said standing up.
''Oh, Branchie do you have to?'' She whined.
''Yes, I do but I will see you tomorrow and we will finish this and plan the honeymoon.'' He responded.
She stood up and grabbed his vest pulling him into a kiss and he is shocked and wrapped his arms around her and kisses back it was like fireworks going off for them. Her lips were soft, and she felt good under his fingers they pull away both flushed.
''I'll stop by and pick you up tomorrow we can go to school together.'' He said still holding her and let go as their hands slid away and she followed him down the stairs.
Once at the door Poppy hugs Branch and kisses his cheek getting a grunt from her dad in the kitchen working on supper.
Alright here is the first part of the story. These are gonna be short stories of the high school life of Broppy along with some Cliva but not much anyway enjoy until next time.
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