Chapter 7: Friend or Rival?
*While the three was walking, Sasuke was seen in the distance walking in their direction*
Sasuke: (bumps into Ryuki) Get out the way.
Ryuki: (Stumbles back from the sudden impact) Hey! Watch where your going! (looks at sasuke with anger)
Rin: Yeah, watch it pal!
Ino: You guys calm down okay? Let's just go before things get intense. (Tries to pull ryuki gently away from sasuke)
Sasuke: What are you gonna do about it loser? (glances at Ryuki)
Ryuki: Hey, I wasn't looking for trouble. You bumped into me, an apology would be nice.
Sasuke: (Turns back around and begins to walk away) An apology is not what your getting.
Ryuki: Is it some sort of fight your looking for huh? (pulls away from Ino) well what is it? Cause I don't give two flying shits' about who you are or what you went through? I'll kick your ass either way.
Sasuke: I'd stop talking if I were you. It's gonna get you hurt. (Stops walking)
Ryuki: Why you little (walks towards sasuke) and who's gonna hurt me? You?
Ino: Ryuki please stop it now! (but by time she gets ready to get ryuki they both exchange punches to the face)
Rin: That's it now I'm pissed off! (runs towards both of them but gets grabbed by ino)
Ino: Please don't join that fight rin! I don't want anyone else getting involved! It's bad enough I can't control Ryuki.
Ryuki: Bring it!
Sasuke: (dashes towards ryuki and does a leg sweep)
Ryuki: Crap (gets caught and falls backwards)
Sasuke: Hmm pathetic (Brings his other leg down to slam ryuki to the floor but it's dodged) What?
Ryuki: Just because I'm new here doesn't mean I'm weak. Actually let me give you a taste of my power. (does a hand sign as his right hand is surrounded by electricity) Hope your ready (smirks) Lighting strike!
Sasuke: Where's this power coming from? (activates sharingan and dodges it then looks at ryuki)
Ryuki: (Thinks to himself: His eyes..? it's...different from before) Take this (Misses his attack but Slightly catches sasuke's wrist) Only a few spots away pal (Smirks) Ha! I won't miss this one though. (runs towards sasuke)
Sasuke: I'm not your "pal" (runs at ryuki)
*Before they both clash, Kakashi appears between them and holds both of them by the waist)
Kakashi: I see you two are getting along well huh?
Ryuki: K-kakashi-sensei? How'd you get there so fast? Wait a sec, let go! I'm not finished with him yet!
Sasuke: (growls and leaves from kakashi's grip) Like I said before I got no time for you. (walks away)
Ryuki: Hey get back here and finish fighting m-(Gets cut off by Ino and rin hitting him in the head then hugging him)
Rin: Don't you ever get into a fight like that without me you big dummy!!
Ino: You worried me ryuki! Sasuke's a very strong person, don't go picking fights like that with him!(both rin and Ino hugs ryuki tighter)
Ryuki: (ignores the pain and hugs back) I'm sorry girls. I'm sorry, I won't start no fights like that. At least I'll try not to.
Kakashi: I guess my job here is done. So later (takes out a book and walks away)
*All three walking towards the school they meet up with Naruto and Sakura*
Naruto: Hey guys!
Sakura: Hi Ryuki and Rin! (Pauses) and Ino(scoffs)
Ino: I never wanted you to greet me anyways forehead queen.
Rin: (giggles lightly) Forehead queen(covers mouth)
Ryuki: Hey Naruto and Sakura(bows)
Ino: Ohh Sakura. (Holds onto ryuki's arm) teehee. I finally got something you'll never have (Sticks her tongue out at her)
Sakura: What's that's supposed t- (slightly widen her eyes) Don't tell me you.
Ryuki: (Rubs the back off his head with his other hand and chuckles) Yeah meet my girlfriend Ino
Naruto: Wait a sec. You two are a thing? (Thinks to himself: You've gotta be kidding me, I can't get sakura no matter how hard I try and he gets Ino in a matter of weeks?!)
Rin: I couldn't believe it myself. These two, never would've thought that.
Ino: Sakura umm where's your boyfriend huh? (sticks her tongue out at sakura then kisses ryuki on the cheek)
Sakura: Well, (Inner self: Cha! AHH Ino-pig shut your trap Sasuke will be mine!! Cha-cha!!!)
Ryuki: Actually now that I think about it we technically don't have ninja school anymore ya know. We passed.
Naruto & Rin: Oh yeah!!
Ino: So let's go somewhere else dear cause seeing sakura alone makes me kinda sad for her (fake pouts)
Sakura: (a dark aura appears around her) Ino.......
Rin: (Looks at Naruto) let's get going naruto (grabs his sleeve and runs off)
Ryuki: Um, sakura you can com-
Sakura: Thanks ryuki but I got something else to do, maybe another time though when I'm free okay?(smiles)
Ryuki: Yeah sure thing sakura (smiles back) Okay Ino let's get going.
Ino: Okay!
*Walking around the village Ino and ryuki take a trip pass the training field*
Ryuki: Ain't that the lee kid you were talking about(sees a kid with bushy eye brows and a green jumpsuit)
Ino: Yep (sounds sad in hoping that it was only gonna be just them two alone) that's him alright.
Lee: (doing pushups) 895
Ryuki: (thinks to himself: Jesus, is this guy on steroids or something)
Ino: (tucks gently on ryuki shirt) Let's go before h-
Lee: Done!! (Jumps up and spots the couple) Hey aren't you the new kid!!
Ryuki: Yes n-nice to meet ya
Lee: Nice to meet you too! Hey I heard you got into a fight with sasuke earlier! Wanna take a youthful round with me!
Ryuki: I'm not sure how you know about that fight but Sure thing, I'll be more than happy to accept your- (Looks at Ino as she had the "you'd better not" look on her face) Actually I'm a little busy at the moment so um...maybe another time okay?
Lee: Sure thing I'll be waiting friend! (runs back)
Ino: let's get going okay? And thanks not doing that again.
Ryuki: Yeah and no problem, just trying to make you happy especially after that look you gave me. (smiles)
*Continues walking as they both walk into the beautiful sun-shined woods*
Ryuki: Wow this place is pretty. Sorta reminds me of someone (looks at Ino)
Ino: Oh cut it out with the crappy love puns (laughs)
Ryuki: You can't say it was bad though (chuckles)
Ino: Ryuki, Your really cute and all but I didn't like you because of that ya know.
Ryuki: Whaddya ya mean?
Ino: Well It's hard to explain but it's like when I saw you, I felt like you were the one for me. You see I liked sasuke before you came to our school....
Ryuki: You liked him? The guy with the emotion problems?
Ino: Yes, but don't worry about that though. As time kept going on my feeling for him diminished and my feelings for you increased. It's hard to explain what those feelings were, but you were the only person on my mind and I wanted to be with you ever since that day and I wanna stay with you.
Ryuki: You really feel that way. I felt the same way after a while. You were like the dream girl that I wanted to be with.(Looks into Ino eyes)
Ino: (blushes and looks back slightly leaning towards ryuki face as he does the same)
Ryuki: (Gently touches Ino face and kisses her as she kisses back)
Ino: You should dye your hair blond like me. (Laughs)
Ryuki: Ha! Yeah right.
*While the two couple was at the east forest with each other Rin and Naruto were at the ramen spot)
Rin & Naruto: More please!!
Rin: Wow this stuff is amazing!! I can see why you come here a lot! (eats her next bowl)
Naruto: Yep best spot in the village I tell ya!!( Eats his next bowl)
Rin & Naruto: More please!! (They both yell as they finish there bowls in less than a minute)
Rin: Oh by the way Whiskers, Sasuke fought Ryuki. (Says while eating her second bowl)
Naruto: (Chocks on his ramen) W-what!?
Okay that is all guys and gals! hope you enjoyed it and stayed tuned cause there's more where that came from! so comment, and vote!! later!!
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