Chapter 15: On to The Next Round!
Ryuki: Okay here we are. Wanna take the lead on this one cap?
Shikamaru: Your asking for too much. Ugh what a drag. (stands in front of the door) You have the scrolls right Rin?
Rin: Yep sure do.
*Shikamaru opens the door. As they all walk in the building they see a sign hanging on the wall*
Ino: Guys, come check this out.
Shikamaru: (Looks at the paper and reads all of it) Mhm.
Ryuki: What happened?
Shikamaru: Just open the scrolls.
*Both Rin and Ryuki take both scrolls and then looks at each other as the others surround them*
Ryuki: You ready Sis?
Rin: (Nods) Yes.
Choji: I hope It's some kind of food coupon. (smiles)
Shikamaru: (Facepalms)
Ryuki: One......Two........
Rin: Three!! (Both Ryuki and Rin open the scroll. After a couple of seconds however, nothing happens)
Ino: Um, are we supposed to read it or something?
Ryuki: (Starts shaking it) Maybe it's broke or something.
Rin: How can a scroll be broken stupid!
Ryuki: You want your face to be broken brat!!
Choji: Um, Guys (points at the scroll as it starts to become smoky)
Shikamaru: It's a summoning scroll hurry throw it!
*Ryuki and Rin throws the scrolls across room as it explodes and the smoke makes it hard to see who or what comes out*
Ino: I think I see someone.
Ryuki: It's you!
Asuma: Well, See you guys made it out.
Choji: Sensei! What are you here?
Asuma: (Lights a cigarette) Well I'm here to welcome the students who made it pass this part of the test and to my luck I happen to be here to greet you guys.
Ryuki: (Runs towards Asuma) Sensei!!! You should've saw us out there we were really kicking some serious ass!!! Shikamaru was all like (In a depressed voice) "Go over there and flank'em" And Ino was all like (In a high-pitch voice) "We can do It team!" And choji hand went poof like really big and Rin was all like (In bratty voice) "I'll help out too" and them I was like Stand back and watch the master take control and handled the whole situation.
Rin: I Don't even sound like that! (slaps Ryuki in the back of his head)
Ryuki: I'm already hurt twerp!! (Grabs her hair as they both begin to fight)
Shikamaru: Again you guys. (Scratches the back of his head) What a drag.
Asuma: (chuckles) So you guys ready for the next part of the exams?
Ino: Next part?
Ryuki: But sensei, we just got finished doing like the hardest test ever and now we jump into another test? We haven't even recovered yet?
Asuma: Everything will get explained to you guys Ryuki. Just follow okay team?
Choji: Sure thing sensei.
*Asama's team all enter a room which is really big, almost like a training ground, and they spot all of the other rookies who made it as well including Guy's team, some guys from the sound village and the Village Hidden In The Sand group. Also in the room standing out was the third hokage and his colleagues.
Ryuki: Whoa You guys actually passed (nods his head) I'm very proud of you guys
Naruto: Yeah it was really tough though but ain't nothing gonna keep me down! Believe it!!
Sasuke: You just barely passed Idiot.
Naruto: I totally had that test in the bag. Unlike you sasuke.
Sakura: What'd you say naruto!?
Naruto: (Laughs nervously) Uh, Nothing.
Rin: Whiskers!! (hugs naruto)
Naruto: Glad to see you made it too Rin!
Kiba: Guess the rookies made it out the forest of death huh?
Shikamaru: That's how it looks to me.
Ino: I imagine you had a really hard time passing though sakura. (Flips her hair and laughs)
Sakura: Why you little-
Ryuki: Again. (Sighs) But they are rivals' so I guess it's only natural. (sees sasuke from the corner of his eyes as he's holding his neck in slight pain) Hmm, what's wrong with him?
Shikamaru: Okay guys line up the hokage's about speak.
Choji: Yesssssss sir.
Ryuki: Sure thing Cap.
*As all members of each squad line up the hokage presents himself scouting the number of students who passed the forest of death*
Anko: A lot has passed the second phase of the test this year. That's a shock.
Third Hokage: Your right about that Anko. (Clears his throat and looks at all of the participants) Okay now listen closely I'll be telling you exactly what your going to be doing on the third exam.
*Before he gets a chance to explain himself a Ninja from the leaf village appears in front of him*
Hayate Gekko: Lord hokage, Before you speak please allow me, Hayate Gekko, to speak.
Third hokage: So be It.
Hayate Gekko: (Turns to the participants) There's something I'll like (coughs) for all of you to do before starting the exams. Umm, we have to have a preliminary exam to do before we can move on to the real point of the exam.
Ryuki: What?
Shikamaru: A preliminary exam! What do you mean by that!?
Sakura: Um, why can't we just move on the the next exam?
Hayate: Well, the first and seconds exams were way too easy and the matter of act is we never expected this many people to still be here. According to the exam rule, the preliminary test can be used at any time to quickly get rid of the participants.
Rin: But is that fair? Cause I mean we all worked really hard to get to this point.
Hayate: Like lord hokage said there will be a lot of important guest there so It'd be really bad to make them bored. Were supposed to show the best candidates. So if there is anybody who isn't at there top physical state (coughs).
Ryuki: (Shakes his head) Dude you don't even seem that well yourself.
Hayate: Sorry about that. Like I was saying any of you who don't want to continue now's your chance to buy out. The preliminary exams will be starting immediately.
Kiba: Come on man right now!
Ino: We barely survived the last exam, we don't get a break or something?
Shikamaru: Man, What a drag.
Choji: Hey, when do we eat?
Ryuki: I kicked so much ass I deserve a break damn it.
Rin: Ugh I have so many other things to be doing besides this.
Hayate: The winners will be determined by one-on-one combat sudden death so like I said if you wanna back out raise your hand.
*Kabuto raises his hand grabbing everyone's attention*
Ryuki: Whoa, Kabuto actually chicken'd out? Doesn't seem like him.
Rin: Probably tired or something.
Kabuto: Okay you got me.
Ryuki: Maybe next year I guess right?
Ino: That's if he decides to.
Hayate: Does anyone else wanna do it?
Ryuki: Naw. I'm good (places both his hands behind his head) This is were I can finally show off my moves.
Hayate: Alright then Let's begin the preliminary round. This round will be based on one-on-one combat. The surviving candidates for these matches will advance to the final exam. You'll lose if you quit or If your unable to physically battle. So now it's time to show what fate has been chosen for you.
*The panels behind him opens up and what seems to be a monitor*
Hayate: The names of each opponent will be chosen at random. Before each match a name will be displayed on the monitor behind me. Well, there's nothing more to say so in a moment the names of the first two will battle against one another.
Ryuki: (Heart begins to slowly rise) Boy, is it gonna be me first. Who am I going to fight?
*Monitor stops and the names that appear are Sasuke Uchiha and Yoroi Akado*
Ryuki: AH WHAT!
Ino: Why are you mad?
Ryuki: (Pouts) Cause I wanted to fight first. (pouts)
Rin: Ugh such a baby. At least you get to rest.
Ryuki: (Looks at sasuke) You better not lose. Cause I'm gonna be the one who defeats you.
Sasuke: (Looks back at Ryuki) We'll see about that.
Hayate: Those who names have been called please move forward and the others who haven't go to the top of the stairs in the stand and wait for your match.
Shikamaru: Let's go team. (Walks up the stairs as the rest follows him)
Hayate: Okay. Let the first match begin.
Okay that was the end of that and going forward in the chapter I may skip some of the fighting scenes that may have happened between the fighter so plz excuse that. So um thx for reading and plz vote and leave a comment. If you have any questions just ask me and don't forget to tell your friends about my story.
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