"Finally, this is over, and I can get on with my life now," Sathvik said as he stepped out of the court, with Harsh beside him.
"Did you inform anyone at home?" Harsh asked.
"No, let me do it now.," Sathvik said and dialled Devangana's number.
"Sathvik ji?" Devangana answered the call on the second ring.
"Deva, it's over," Sathvik said.
"In our favour, right?" Devangana asked anxiously.
"Of course. Where is Muskaan?" Sathvik asked.
"Here, with me," Devangana said.
"Give her a loud kiss from me," Sathvik said, and Devangana chuckled.
"Will do. Are you coming home now?" Devangana asked.
"Yes. There are certain formalities left. Some papers to be signed. I will be home after that," Sathvik said.
"Was Kalki there?" Devangana asked.
"I didn't see her, Deva. She knew she wouldn't be winning the case, so she bailed out," Sathvik said with relief. He honestly did not want to see that woman's face again.
"Okay then. Come home soon. We are waiting for you," Devangana said as she caressed little Muskaan's head.
"Soon. Tell Mom and Dad also," Sathvik said and hung up the call.
"Finally, you are ours forever," Devangana said, cuddling little Muskaan to her bosom.
"Mussy out," Muskaan demanded, pointing at the rose garden from the bedroom window.
"Muskaan wants to go out. Then we will go out," Devangana said and made Muskaan wear her little hat and took her out.
On the way out, Devangana informed Charan and Nilima about what Sathvik had told them, and they took turns cuddling and kissing Muskaan.
"Nilu, nooo," Muskaan wiggled in her grandmother's arms and let out a loud wail, eager to get out of their hold and go out.
"It's her playtime, I guess. Not in the mood to be pampered, it seems," Nilima said, letting Muskaan down on the floor.
As soon as she was put down, Muskaan toddled over, on her chubby little feet, to the French doors that lead to the garden.
Kalki was driving at reckless speed towards the Acharya mansion.
There had to be some way to make Sathvik pay her that money, Kalki fumed frantically.
She had been so sure that he would buy her off! That was the whole reason she had threatened to lay claim to Muskaan. The last thing she wanted was a dependent child.
The new watchman, not knowing the evil she was, let her in. Kalki stopped the car as she saw Sathvik's wife with Muskaan in the garden.
"Give me my grandchild," Kalki demanded the moment she reached them, stationing herself strategically in front of Devangana and reaching swiftly down, lifting Muskaan up before Devangana could stop her.
Being handled by a stranger whose touch lacked the loving tenderness she was used to, Muskaan immediately started to cry, her distress adding to Devangana's anxiety.
"You're frightening her," she cautioned Kalki protectively.
"She isn't used to being held like that. Look, let me show you what she likes..." Devangana tried to stall the woman from whatever she was planning, hoping that somebody would come out and see them.
"I don't give a damn what she does or doesn't like," Kalki retorted unpleasantly, breaking off to give a small angry scream and quickly holding Muskaan at arm's length as the baby reacted to her roughness by sicking up some of her food.
"Don't you dare be sick on me, you little brat," Kalki told her furiously, shaking her so hard that Devangana immediately tried to remonstrate with her.
"You don't like what I am doing? Tough!" Kalki told Devangana contemptuously. "She's my grandchild, and she's coming with me."
Devangana couldn't believe what she was hearing.
Kalki couldn't possibly just walk off with Muskaan like that.
Kalki was now turning round, still holding Muskaan, without any concern for the baby's comfort, and heading for the car, opening the driver's door. For the first time, Devangana realised that the engine was still running.
Panic filled her. You only read about such things— children being abducted in custody wars— but she had never for one second imagined that it might happen to Muskaan.
"You can't take her! Please..." she protested, her throat dry and raw with fear. She wanted to scream for help, but fear held her voice captive.
"She's just a baby! She doesn't know you. Soon she will be hungry, and she'll need a feed and..." Devangana tried to reason with the woman.
Frowning, Kalki hesitated.
What Devangana was saying was true! She thought quickly, her eyes narrowing with concentration.
"Well, if you're so concerned about her, you'd better get in the car as well. Who knows? Perhaps Sathvik will be prepared to pay double to get the pair of you back!" Kalki said evilly.
Devangana stared at her. Kalki was kidnapping Muskaan in order to make Sathvik pay to get her back?
Frantically, she searched the other woman's face. Everything she could see there confirmed all that Devangana felt about her, and her fears for Muskaan grew.
Kalki was carelessly bundling Muskaan into the back of her car.
"Wait!" Devangana demanded as Kalki started to get into the car, ignoring Muskaan's wails of protest. "I am coming with you. But we need to take the stroller... It turns into a car seat and—"
"No way! Either get in now, or I'll leave," Kalki told her grimly.
What real options did she have? Devangana asked herself.
None! Shakily, she got into the back of the car and tried to comfort Muskaan as Kalki proceeded to drive off at such a high speed. Thank heavens she had Muskaan wrapped protectively in her arms.
By the time Charan and Nilima came out, hearing the loud cries of the child, all they could see was a car speeding out of their driveway.
Charan hurried towards the security guard.
"Who was that?" Charan asked frantically.
"That was Devangana Madam, and the baby," the security guard said.
"Who was driving the car?" Nilima asked.
"The woman who came here last week. The one wearing flashy saree and ornaments and all," the security guard said.
"Damn it. How could you let her in?" Charan asked furiously.
The security guard stared at them in fear. He wasn't aware that the woman shouldn't be allowed in.
"We didn't tell them not to, Charan. We never expected the woman to stoop this low to kidnap the child. Inform the police and Sathvik. Hurry up," Nilima said.
Sathvik was driving home when he got a call from his father. All blood leached from his face when he heard what his father had to say.
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