1. New Norma?!
-flash back-
"Nera! where are you?" a black haired girl giggled while looking for her lil sister.
A small giggle came from the gardrobe.
"hmm I wonder what should I wear today?" she giggled while she opened the door.
"One-sama its not fair!" a little white haired girl pouted.
"come I need to do your hair" she picked her lil sister up and placed her on the bed and grabbed the comb by hand.
"One-sama?" Neramin asked while Alektra was combing her hair.
"yes Nera?" she asked.
"why dont you use your mana?"she asked as Alektra freezed.
"w-well you know Nera Im different.."she shivered as she answered her sister.
"does Okasa know it?" she faced her big sister.
"yes, but Nera when the truth is founded out please just dont get angry and do as they told you so you wont get hurted" she said as she rubbed her sisters head.
-flash back ends-
'One-sama where are you?' she was thinking on the balcony while was singing"...owari no hikari-"
"Lula lalila" a tall woman came on the balcony "you still know this song?"she asked.
"Okasama Im scared what if I cant do it?"she looked in her mothers face.
"You can do it! But as the family new princess you have a gift in your room as a gift from me and your father it was your sisters but shes gone.." she softly sniffed and hugged Neramin.
~A day passed and they were walking in the city when something happened~
"Its a Norma!" one of the villager yelled when a girl broke the mana.
"please she cant use the mana to good but shes not a norma!" a woman yelled.
"Im sorry ma'am but she is a Norma so she gonna have to go to karanten" Neramin stepped there and told the woman the facts.
"Neramin-sama?!" the peoples yelled.
"One-sama I will take good care of her please!!" the woman kept yelling to her.
"No its not normal for you to raise a Norma, you gonna leave her and raise a normal kid" she said with a smile.
The woman got angry and trew a milk bottle on her but her maid Mirai was blocking it.
"Are you hurt Neramin-Sama?!"she asked fastly.
"thanks Mirai" they went back to Neramins parents and kept walking.
~A week passed and Neramin was about to join the royalty~
"A Norma?!"
Neramin looked at the glass and tried to get out.
Her mother opened the door and she grabed Neramin hand and runned trough the hallways till they get infront of the building.
"Neramin-Sama here please" an officer asked out.
Neramin turned.
"You are Norma, the rules says you are gonna be taken away as Norma 1555-9" the officer said.
"dont get angry and do as they told you so you wont get hurted"
-flashback ends-
"alright, just let me please hug my Okasa for the last time" she asked quietly.
"alright" he let Neramin do it for the last time.
"I love you Okasama!" she got in the car as she went to the Arzenal.
~At Arzenal~
"So you are Norma 1555-9" a woman said.
"Yes I am, I dont plan to deny anything just please dont take my ring it was my sisters.." she asked quietly.
"Emma Broson-san whats her name, and age" a voice come from the chair.
"Okay. Neramin Airi Von Loewenherz, 16 years old-"she got cutted off by the woman who was sitting on the chair.
"Neramin?!" she got infront of the small girl and tooked her chains off.
"O-One-sama?!"she sniffed and hugged her sister and cried on her shoulder.
"I missed you too Nera" she said calmly.
~Time skip Neramin was learning quick so she was in the first team and a new girl was throwed in the Arzenal~
"ah so thats the girl who the captain told about" Zola said out loud as she leaned down to kiss Nera.
~Time skipped and that girl was showing pretty good results~
"ah look at that kawaii little girl"Zola said as she sucked onto Neras breast.
"Z-Zola-sama p-promise y-you wont l-leave me a-alone"Nera said shyly.
"Of course I wont leave my lil kitten" she said while kept sucking Neras breast.
"Zola-Sama c-can I rest a bit?" she asked softly.
"give up so soon? whatever fine" she stood up and throwed her dress on and walked out.
"please its a request for my bringing back to my kingdom" the blonde girl was begging to Jill.
"so lame" Zola said as she took a sip from her flask.
"the training wasnt enough Zola" Jill said.
"Im sorry ma'am, I want the permission to use the other room!"
Zola said as she grabbed Anges arm and draged her in the room.
Zola started teasing Ange when she slapped her" Ah thats how a Norma acts!" her right eye was rolling on the floor.
Ange freaked out" you lose an arm an eye but thats our work" Ange tried to hit her again"when you hit your body wants more!"she kissed Ange when the alerts started.
"tch I started to enjoy! Come on Ange its real!" she ran off as everyone was in thet para-mails.
"okay little girls this is your first time so you gonna support us from behind"
"Yes Ma'am!" Coco and Miranda said exept Ange.
Everyone got up in the air and fought with dragons till Ange decided to try to go away from the team then Coco decided to go with Ange but she died later on Miranda was eaten by dragons.
"Freeze gun activating!" Zola yelled as everyone activated it, she was about to kill the dragon when ange bumped into her"Damn it what are you doing?!" she was almost falling down when Nera grabbed Zolas para-mail arm but saddly all of them fell.
"ZOLA!! NERA!!" the red haired girl yelled in tears.
~The night turned into morning as the para-mails were laying on the sand~
"ONE-SAMA!!!" Nera grabbed softly Zola with one hand and tightly huged her with her only hand and cried as the Arzenal found them.
Ah here ends part 1 Im gonna update it as soon as its possible. :3
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