Freddy Fazbear's POV
I looked at myself in the mirror of my dressing room. "Damn it Freddy. Its fine. All you need to do is pack up your stuff and go." I stood up, fixed my tophat, grabbed my bags and walked out. "Well... See ya tomorrow, Freddy's." I said walking through the almost empty pizzeria. "Its fine, Freddy! Remember we are just moving so it won't make a difference!" My wife Toy Chica said to me in an enthusiastic tone. I smiled at her and looked around "HOPE! SMITHIE! WOOFY! TIME TO GO!! SAY YOUR GOODBYES!!" I called out to my kids. My oldest daughter hope walked out followed by her younger sister, Smithie, and the youngest. Woofy.
We all walked out of our pizzeria and into the car park where the rest of the band was. Bonnie and Chica with their kids, Foxy and Mangle with theirs, Goldie and Toy Bonnie helping their daughter up into their car, Springtrap and his daughter violet hauling their luggage. Everyone was hugging each other and crying. I don't know what the fuss was, we were only moving, because we have families and we can't fit everyone in there. We'll still be going back to work there every day. Plus a bonus, we're all living in the same street! I walked over to my car and opened the boot (in Australia instead of trunk its boot XD) I hauled all of our stuff in and got in the car. The rest of the Fazbear band followed. I smiled as we all started our cars and drove off to the neighborhood we were going to live in.
Bonnie the Bunny's POV
"Daaaaaaad!!! Are we there yet???" I heard from the back of the car. "Nearly!" I said as I looked at my son Ben through the rear view mirror. I have Five kids but most of them already left home. I only have the youngest left, Ben (15) and Dusty (12). Chica turned in her seat to see Dusty sticking her head out of the window. She laughed at that and tapped her on the shoulder. "Be careful Dusty, remember we just had that beak repaired!" She said to the small blue chicken. I smiled and stopped the car. "AYEEEEE IS THIS IT!?" Ben yelled. "Yup!" I said getting out of the car. I opened the boot and grabbed everyone's stuff out. We walked up the small steps to the house and looked around the street. "Sweet!" I said smiling. I saw the Foxes unpacking their stuff in the house next to us. At least I'm neighbours with my best friend. On the other did of my house was Freddy's. He waved at me as he pulled up. I wrapped my arm around my wife. "This is our home!" I said to her. She kissed me on the cheek and I kissed back. "EWWW DAAAAAD!!!" Dusty screamed pretending to vomit. I laughed and opened the front door.
Foxy The Pirate's POV
I walked into me new home. The family stared. "IT HAS UPSTAIRS SONNNN!!!" Me oldest, Clive yelled as he ran up the steps. I laughed and grabbed me bags. Me second oldest, Vivian walked into the basement and yelled "I BET THIS PLACE IS HAUNTED!!" She ran up again. Maxy was next to explore, she grabbed her bags and threw them up the stairs screaming "I WANT A ROOM THAT HAS A CLOSET THAT LOOKS LIKE THE ONE FROM E.T!!" Her younger brother, James threw his bags at her screaming "DIBS THE E.T ROOM!" Mangle looked at me with a surprised face. "Heh, then why don't we pick out our room before they take the biggest one?" She said. I was already halfway up the stairs yelling "YOUR MOTHER AND I DIBS THE BIGGEST ONE!" "DAAAAAAAD!" They all yelled at the same time.
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